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Tyler Durden

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  1. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    It's the drink that does it unfortunately. I went out last weekend with a mate had far too many and my emotions crept up on me. Not such a bad thing as it's really dangerous to keep things bottled up all of the time I know from personal experience. Try not to lose sight of all the people who love you and what a poorer world it would be for them without you in it. Am sure your mum's always happy for you to share or just unload on anytime. Counts for a lot. Stay safe.
  2. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from taffyram in Martyn Waghorn - gone to Coventry City   
    Another player leaving on a free after being signed for a horrendously inflated transfer fee. And people question why we are so much in the turd financially. 
  3. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Papahet in Martyn Waghorn - gone to Coventry City   
    Another player leaving on a free after being signed for a horrendously inflated transfer fee. And people question why we are so much in the turd financially. 
  4. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from GangwayD in Martyn Waghorn - gone to Coventry City   
    Another player leaving on a free after being signed for a horrendously inflated transfer fee. And people question why we are so much in the turd financially. 
  5. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Finch in Martyn Waghorn - gone to Coventry City   
    Another player leaving on a free after being signed for a horrendously inflated transfer fee. And people question why we are so much in the turd financially. 
  6. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Abu Derby in Martyn Waghorn - gone to Coventry City   
    Another player leaving on a free after being signed for a horrendously inflated transfer fee. And people question why we are so much in the turd financially. 
  7. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to i-Ram in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Next time you feel like this buddy, imagine your Mate up in the sky saying “For ducks sake Mostyn, it’s crowded enough up here without you and your fat arse taking up valuable seating space”.  Stay strong Sunshine. Kiss ?for your Mum.
  8. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from i-Ram in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    It's the drink that does it unfortunately. I went out last weekend with a mate had far too many and my emotions crept up on me. Not such a bad thing as it's really dangerous to keep things bottled up all of the time I know from personal experience. Try not to lose sight of all the people who love you and what a poorer world it would be for them without you in it. Am sure your mum's always happy for you to share or just unload on anytime. Counts for a lot. Stay safe.
  9. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    It's the drink that does it unfortunately. I went out last weekend with a mate had far too many and my emotions crept up on me. Not such a bad thing as it's really dangerous to keep things bottled up all of the time I know from personal experience. Try not to lose sight of all the people who love you and what a poorer world it would be for them without you in it. Am sure your mum's always happy for you to share or just unload on anytime. Counts for a lot. Stay safe.
  10. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from CWC1983 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    It's the drink that does it unfortunately. I went out last weekend with a mate had far too many and my emotions crept up on me. Not such a bad thing as it's really dangerous to keep things bottled up all of the time I know from personal experience. Try not to lose sight of all the people who love you and what a poorer world it would be for them without you in it. Am sure your mum's always happy for you to share or just unload on anytime. Counts for a lot. Stay safe.
  11. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from MuespachRam in Things that annoy me but shouldn’t..   
    Ahhh Daley Thompsons Decathalon on the ZX Spectrum knocking poo out of the rubber keyboard happy days.
  12. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    You know that's the one point that I disagree with you one. We only survived relegation through the grace of God this season. Our playing squad is threadbare and inadequate. We have the threat of a transfer embargo and points deduction hanging over our heads. We are a million miles in debt as a club. We don't own the ground we play in.
    Any sensible businessman would be totally put off by that. I wouldn't go anywhere near us. Morris is trying to sell the club at the worst possible time I can only reiterate. I wouldn't go near us with a shitty stick. You can blame that all on Morris but it still doesn't detract from reality. We are a crap proposition to acquire and as other posters have already stated we are in dire straits of becoming another Wigan. I don't need Morris to come and tell me all is rosy in the garden when it would be a tissue of lies. And I don't need to tell him we have mucho problems as I know that. 
  13. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I agree I just don't know what you would want him to say - it seems patently obvious to the most casual of observers that we are in the kaka but do you want him to come out and say that? Especially knowing that this might then put off other would be suitors or encourage another bout of tyre kickers. 
    We're in the the crap I totally agree but I don't need Morris to come and out affirm what I already know. 
  14. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Rampage in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Buy at the bottom, sell at the top.
  15. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to i-Ram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    This Indian strain is a great concern. Why are Indians over here not getting the Punjab? Tragic case down here, where someone not only lost their naan, but caught the virus themselves whilst caring and is now in an induced korma. 
  16. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to europia in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Fair points. As your post suggests, there isn't really a lot that Mr Morris can say. Anyone hoping that he will make a statement saying "don't worry Rams fans, things aren't great, but all will be OK" are, at best rather hopeful, at worst deluded. 
  17. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from jono in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I agree I just don't know what you would want him to say - it seems patently obvious to the most casual of observers that we are in the kaka but do you want him to come out and say that? Especially knowing that this might then put off other would be suitors or encourage another bout of tyre kickers. 
    We're in the the crap I totally agree but I don't need Morris to come and out affirm what I already know. 
  18. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Abu Derby in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    You know that's the one point that I disagree with you one. We only survived relegation through the grace of God this season. Our playing squad is threadbare and inadequate. We have the threat of a transfer embargo and points deduction hanging over our heads. We are a million miles in debt as a club. We don't own the ground we play in.
    Any sensible businessman would be totally put off by that. I wouldn't go anywhere near us. Morris is trying to sell the club at the worst possible time I can only reiterate. I wouldn't go near us with a shitty stick. You can blame that all on Morris but it still doesn't detract from reality. We are a crap proposition to acquire and as other posters have already stated we are in dire straits of becoming another Wigan. I don't need Morris to come and tell me all is rosy in the garden when it would be a tissue of lies. And I don't need to tell him we have mucho problems as I know that. 
  19. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Archied in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    You know that's the one point that I disagree with you one. We only survived relegation through the grace of God this season. Our playing squad is threadbare and inadequate. We have the threat of a transfer embargo and points deduction hanging over our heads. We are a million miles in debt as a club. We don't own the ground we play in.
    Any sensible businessman would be totally put off by that. I wouldn't go anywhere near us. Morris is trying to sell the club at the worst possible time I can only reiterate. I wouldn't go near us with a shitty stick. You can blame that all on Morris but it still doesn't detract from reality. We are a crap proposition to acquire and as other posters have already stated we are in dire straits of becoming another Wigan. I don't need Morris to come and tell me all is rosy in the garden when it would be a tissue of lies. And I don't need to tell him we have mucho problems as I know that. 
  20. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Archied in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I agree I just don't know what you would want him to say - it seems patently obvious to the most casual of observers that we are in the kaka but do you want him to come out and say that? Especially knowing that this might then put off other would be suitors or encourage another bout of tyre kickers. 
    We're in the the crap I totally agree but I don't need Morris to come and out affirm what I already know. 
  21. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from IslandExile in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I agree I just don't know what you would want him to say - it seems patently obvious to the most casual of observers that we are in the kaka but do you want him to come out and say that? Especially knowing that this might then put off other would be suitors or encourage another bout of tyre kickers. 
    We're in the the crap I totally agree but I don't need Morris to come and out affirm what I already know. 
  22. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from IslandExile in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Hey I'm totally with you regards the peripheral debts being added due to mismanagement for avoidance of doubt, I just think that's tangential to the matter in hand but makes the sale of the club even more harder especially if the new owner is going to be picking up that tab.
    I genuinely don't know what the answer is, as a going concern we are are an appalling proposition at the moment. Not sure what getting Morris to come out and make a statement would solve as it's blindingly obvious what dire straits we are without this so not sure what you would even expect him to say? Like yer everything is going to be fine? Think most people on here know or situation is parlous so would be just hollow words. 
  23. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Archied in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Hey I'm totally with you regards the peripheral debts being added due to mismanagement for avoidance of doubt, I just think that's tangential to the matter in hand but makes the sale of the club even more harder especially if the new owner is going to be picking up that tab.
    I genuinely don't know what the answer is, as a going concern we are are an appalling proposition at the moment. Not sure what getting Morris to come out and make a statement would solve as it's blindingly obvious what dire straits we are without this so not sure what you would even expect him to say? Like yer everything is going to be fine? Think most people on here know or situation is parlous so would be just hollow words. 
  24. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from MrPlinkett in Things that annoy me but shouldn’t..   
    Ahhh Daley Thompsons Decathalon on the ZX Spectrum knocking poo out of the rubber keyboard happy days.
  25. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Things that annoy me but shouldn’t..   
    Ahhh Daley Thompsons Decathalon on the ZX Spectrum knocking poo out of the rubber keyboard happy days.
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