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Tyler Durden

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  1. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to CBRammette in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Charlotte Ram, I am not hostile to Mel, let alone a member of very hostile subset, and so should be very grateful if you would please not quote my post saying to give the guy a break as if I havent.  I just thought your comment was a unfair in this case. Many thanks
  2. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Rev in Yankee Doodle Derby   
  3. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to Rev in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Our accounts, and the methods to arrive at the figures for FFP reasons, obviously.
    Also, you have absolutely no idea whether the leaked accounts you've read on the internet are factual or not.
    I also read the 'leaked' so called memorandum of sale, and it was far below the professional standard of written English you'd expect such a document would be composed of, for a document supposedly drawn up by professional lawyers looking to assist a sale.
    I'll quote you now, from an earlier post.
    "My post was in support of Mel Morris who according to many document leaks on the internet had very serious health issues over the past 12 months including in one document which was headed as an "offer for sale memorandum" which contained the statement that he was suffering from cancer earlier last year and undergoing treatment, I therefore get angry and take exception to assertions that he has gone missing has lost interest and is lacking in communication with a very hostile subset of supporters, all of whom appear to pile on without quoting anything other than their opinions which invariably are suppositions about conjecture."
    You seem to me as guilty as anyone else here of the bolded part of your post, basing your opinion on a 'leaked' internet article.
    You then double down on that with the following quote.
     "would think that the decision not to give a running commentary on every minutiae of the club is an easy one to make as an owner, if for instance you are going through chemo and/or some other debilitating treatment and catching covid at the same time."
    Who's making suppositions now? 
    It's a long way from having a few nasty bumps removed to having cancer and chemo, and I find it pretty distasteful that you feel you can draw such a parallel based on 'leaked' internet documents. 
    I'll finish off by saying I wish Mel all the best in the future, and I hope his health is much better than certain others on here speculate.
  4. Cheers
    Tyler Durden reacted to CBRammette in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    You mention that "In a UK company the CEO is responsible for the day to day running of all aspects of that company including communication and strategy". As I am sure you aware from your business orientated posts on the forum, the role is not set in stone and varies greatly between different entities depending on the ownership structure, other officers in place and involvement of owners. Although Tyler can on occasion like all of us be a bit Mr Grumpy-Pants (sorry Tyler) I really dont think there was bile and vitriol in his post. There are many factors which have led to our current position financially and with the EFL which have been much discussed (ie to death and back) on here
  5. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from GenBr in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Very strange response, I thought my post was pretty insipid to be honest but must have horribly misjudged that one I guess.
    I guess you think I have voodoo dolls of a caricature of Mel Morris that I stick pins in to amuse myself or something of that ilk but alas I lead such a quiet existence am afraid.
    Anyhows I'll DM you next time I'm going to post something to run it by your internal censor to avoid further offending you. 
  6. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to ariotofmyown in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    There was less bile in there than when I tried to drink 3 pints of beer in 5 minutes and chucked it all back up almost unchanged.
  7. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to i-Ram in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    I suspect I might not be the only one to see little by the way of bile and vitriol within Tyler’s post. He was expressing his opinion in a civil way, and I agree with his thought pattern.  
  8. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Yes agree with that but think it's very simplistic just to say that all the woes we are currently being subjected to are solely down this.
    As other posters have already pointed out Mel has for whatever reason chosen to alienate himself from the current stewardship of the EFL which probably has worked against him to some unquantifiable amount but still needs to recognised and factored in to the position we are currently in.
  9. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    I've been going for 30 years and this will be the first season I do not have a season ticket.
    It has been coming for me though. Bar the Lampard season I wasn't enjoying it. The football has been awful. 
    The only reason I've renewed the last few seasons have been fear of missing out. Like what if the next season I don't renew and it's the season we do it.
    Well after missing last season it's safe to assume that I won't be missing out on anything. 9 goals from open play was it last season? I would have left early on many occasions last season to save my own sanity and to stop myself from having to pay for anger management.
    No players, an inexperienced manager who hasn't got a clue, a weaker squad following on from a season where we stayed up by a miracle. I can't justify £500 for me and my son to go and watch this.
    Also I feel that the club has treated the fans with utter contempt these last 18 months and I have rapidly fell out of love with the club.
    That coupled with my son playing football on a Saturday late morning now has just meant that the time has come for me to call it a day.
    I might get tickets for odd games, go to the odd away game here and there.
    I know people who have been going a lot longer than me that have had enough.
  10. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Miggins in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Am sure your boss will be understanding, stuff happens that's why you have insurance. As long as yourself or no one else were hurt that's the primary matter. 
    I wouldn't think it's any of your colleagues business anyway, you've done the correct thing in reporting it to your line manager.
    Hope your minds in a better place tomorrow and try to remember we're all human.
  11. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to Foreveram in Could we defy the odds next season.   
    It’s always nice to go there and look at the stands that we paid for?
  12. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Alph in Could we defy the odds next season.   
    It's all downhill from there ?
  13. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to Foreveram in Could we defy the odds next season.   
    Just going to the big preseason game then,glory hunter
  14. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Enjoy the good times.   
    And we accuse Forest fans of living in the past.....
  15. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Enjoy the good times.   
    Your opening statement was full of crass and gross generalisations then you demand a reply from me on the basis of that. 
    Post something less jaundiced then I might be inclined to engage with you and have a coherent conversation.
  16. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from mike93rh in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Given this is a football forum and not accountingweb.co.uk does that in any way surprise you
  17. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to BaaLocks in Enjoy the good times.   
    Indeed, though I got the quote from Christopher Eccleston, who says it while playing the character of a tramp under a bridge in the (just utterly brilliant) film 24 Hour Party People - so that makes me a bit down with the peeps, doesn't it?
  18. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Grimbeard in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Given this is a football forum and not accountingweb.co.uk does that in any way surprise you
  19. COYR
    Tyler Durden reacted to Ramslad1992 in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    It’s very much David vs Goliath I feel... unfortunately for the EFL they are that useless, rubbish, incompetent, awful... (@Tyler DurdenAny other words from that thesaurus of yours? ?)
    they are David and this time Goliath will come out on top I think. For all the Mel bashing he’s done everything he can as a fan to get us into a position to compete (ironic I know) but in his position we all would have done the same. 
    they 100% have something against Mel at the very least if not us as a whole club...
    we are Derby County... the EFL wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for us ? duck the EFL and come on you rams. 
  20. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from GenBr in Enjoy the good times.   
    Blow me you're wasting your time quoting passages from philosophers on here, you get ridiculed for posting words containing more than 4 letters at the moment.....
  21. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Given this is a football forum and not accountingweb.co.uk does that in any way surprise you
  22. Cheers
    Tyler Durden reacted to Pearl Ram in Enjoy the good times.   
    Only joking Tyler, no offence intended. ?
    (I resisted the almost overwhelming temptation to use deleteriousness)
  23. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Pearl Ram in Enjoy the good times.   
    Touche. Though I left the acute off just to avoid frying some posters minds. 
  24. COYR
    Tyler Durden reacted to EraniosSocks in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Just wanted a place to post etc as I don't really have many people to rant to.
    I started a new job (with the same company) on Thursday, today, I crashed a van. Not wrote it off just hit a bollard in a tight entry. I can't explain how much my anxiety has took over regarding this and the thoughts I have running through my head at this point in time. I've reported it, but couldn't admit to my collegues that I had done it, but I have to my manager. Seriously think I need to get to the Drs tomorrow for something to calm my nerves/thoughts running away with them selves. Seriously The stuff I'm considering (that means I don't have to face anyone on Tuesday)should not be running through anyone's head.
    As I said I don't have many friends anymore due to deleting all social media years ago and this rant just helps me let go a bit. 
  25. COYR
    Tyler Durden reacted to Ramslad1992 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    The wife is currently on fluoxetine due to being incredibly anxious whilst pregnant with our son due to our daughter being so poorly (see new parents thread).
    It has helped her massively, the only side effect being drowsiness so she takes it just before bed. 
    she also has weekly face to face sessions where somebody comes to our house to talk her through her anxiety and that helps her massively too. 
    luckily our son was born 3 weeks ago and he is absolutely fine so that’s helping her a bit too. 
    I hope it’s working for you and if not don’t be scared to tell them it’s not, there’s no right answer and it’s trial and error until you find the ideal solution... all the best ??
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