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Tyler Durden

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Posts posted by Tyler Durden

  1. 1 hour ago, ram59 said:

    Northampton were poor tonight or was it that Derby were really good? They haven't lost by more than one goal all season and have played against the 4 teams directly above us, actually beating Peterborough. So they weren't cannon fodder going into tonight's game. Remember, non of the goals were the result of defenders mistakes, all four were crafted by Derby. What percentage of goals have we conceded this season because of individual errors?

    Big shout out to the officials, clamped down one bad tackle in the second minute but then allowed a proper man's game by letting the game flow with a few niggly 'fouls' for either side being ignored. Washington's booking was justified for stopping a potentially dangerous break.

    Aha nice to read a balanced perspective. 

    Stevenage are in a play off position but the away defeat by them was greeted by some with a variety of wailing and gnashing of teeth. 

  2. On 30/10/2023 at 16:44, Jram said:

    I think my point about managerial changes stands though. Other than McLaren, did any ultimately make any difference? 

    I genuinely think as well that it’s unfair to judge Warne outside of this season. Last season we all agreed it was a small, ageing squad which withered late on- arguably understandably given the constraints on the club when building the squad. Warne admitted he should have added one or two more in January and he’s learned from that. I would also have liked him to say he could have trusted the 21s more but you can’t have it all

    I can honestly understand everyone’s frustrations at losing to Stevenage but I do think it’s fallacious to call for his head at the moment and am genuinely surprised there aren’t more people who agree (I know there are some)

    It's worth a like just for using the word fallacious.

    But yes the content of your post has pretty much nailed the situation 

  3. 47 minutes ago, David said:

    It's not though is it, fair enough you don't agree with those actively wanting Warne out, I disagree with most also, but come on... 

    Calling it child-like doesn't really allow for any kind of discussion and it's comments like this which gets others backs up and return fire on you. Then we get the reports roll in, the moderators have to get out of bed, put the Pringles down and start removing posts.

    I mean, technically I could pull these posts under the personal insults/inflammatory rule, which let's be honest, that's exactly what it is, although it would be nice if this post to you will make you think, ok, fair enough I'll stop now because there is no need. Especially on a night where we've won 4-0 and even the most ardent Warne Out fan would be in a good mood right now. Why ruin that?

    Side note, tonight shows why these type of threads are terrible. Lose and everyone gets fired up with their venomous posts, win and the told you so mob come out. 

    But yeah, it's a forum for all opinions, respect others even if you disagree, if we all do that, this forum would be a better place to stay online longer and help me buy that super yacht I have my eye on.


    Wish everyone would just enjoy the win when we do and not get all reactionary and morbid when God forbid we do lose a game. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    You'd know all about that.

    Rather than try and get other posters embroiled in some petty argument to deflect from a very good home win this evening why not just enjoy the moment?

  5. 28 minutes ago, Birdyabroad said:

    I’ve been waiting for someone to come on here and rub the ‘Warne Out’ brigade noses in it.

    I think it may miss the point.

    I actually WANT Derby to win, I would love Paul Warne to be successful, I would want Darth Vader with the emperor as his number 2 to be successful if it meant getting back to the Premier League.

    But WANTING someone to be successful and BELIEVING they will are two different things.

    If I go to the dentist with a toothache, I WANT them to tell me it’s okay and I can go home and eat a family size packet of peanut M&M’s, but I BELIEVE they’ll most probably tell me I need a filling.

    So, am I happy Derby won tonight, absolutely, am I happy Warne won, completely, do I think we’ve turned a corner, we’ll have to wait and see, but I pray we have.

    So, whether you’re in the In, Out or Shake-it-all-about camp, I feel we all want the same thing, and that’s a successful Derby County that plays the kind of football we saw tonight.

    If this is the launchpad for something better than we’ve been served this season, then I’ll be the first to start the ‘Warne In In’ thread 😎

    When you read comments on here prior to the game saying that things will turn toxic if we lose the game tonight then that kind of sums things up.

    Unhelpful and unnessary comment I can imagine only to artificially stoke some imaginary fire under Warne.

    So please leave off the comments about rubbing people noses in it as there are enough people on here whom do have a sense of proportion after either a good win or a poor defeat. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Old Spalding Ram said:

    Can’t remember who posted it but the most telling statistic from Saturday was that we had 23 crosses and won 8.5%, we won two crosses, I’ll just repeat that…..we won two crosses!

    If we’re keeping to the same game plan…….might as well play Bradley at centre forward!

    Can believe that. The crossing against Exeter was just really poor I mean head down lump into the box. 

    It's not even playing the percentages if you're only winning nearly 9% of the balls you sling into the penality area. 

  7. 3 hours ago, SSD said:

    Paul Warne gaining his wins in the 3rd division where as others around him played 1st or 2nd division teams. If he was managing the team in the league above I would understand it. But when you're not beat Stevenage and Cheltenham then it does throw these kind of stats into question.

    What weighting factor would you apply to these stats to then factor in your point?

    Whatever way you cut it that's the amount of games each manager has won during their tenures.

    If you don't accept the findings then thats not a problem with the results themselves but yourself. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Chester40 said:

    Tues is a must win. Going to be toxic if we lose.

    Even a win just buys him time til the next game.

    I've never been 'Warne out' but 1 or 2 performances more anywhere near so shocking as yesterday then I'd have to say I was.

    I can't say I'd be heartbroken if he left because yesterday we looked totally clueless and I couldn't see what the plan was....even hoofball would have been an improvement, we just looked totally amateurish.

    Hourihane, Cashin, Forsyth Washington, Sibley all below par and we had players like Smith and Fornah out because they were poor last time.

    Warne looked pretty clueless at the end too. No real explanation of what he was thinking with his selection and tactics, or where we would improve next time.

    I've been arguing with the majority that the football hasn't been that bad and it isn't hoofball - but yesterday was worse!! 

    Needs a massive improvement and he is now in last chance saloon for me.

    Rather then put a negative slant on the game already what if we win?

    And there's a lot of credit to be put in the bank if Warne carries on winning.

    You really must stop progressing your own opinions as the status quo for all of the club's supporters. 

    But I do respect your opinion which is exactly as it is, not the consensus of the fanbase. 

    The same as my opinion is just mine and mine alone. 

  9. 1 minute ago, alram said:

    Everybody knows he willingly saved the club, but are we supposed to just sit here and be miserable for its existence even though it was saved


    most are voicing their opinion based on what’s best for DCFC. He saved it but doesn’t mean his decision making has been extremely poor

    I was replying to the OPs opening gambit of why did DC save the club.

    Not going to debate how you should feel etc that's a totally different question. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    He is a hero and always will be but your post implies he could make mistake after mistake in his decision making without any criticism, apologies if I’ve got the wrong end of the stick 😊

    Was just replying to the opening premise of why did DC save the club and unless this was meant as a rhetorical question then the answer is to save it from going out of extinction.

  11. 1 minute ago, TINMANTED said:

    dc stepped up and saved derby county,thanks david,but what for?is it to get us back to better times,which i had hoped for,or is it just to exist in the lower leagues for the foreseeable future.if its the first reason warne needs to go asap,if warne stays its obviously the second reason,and the club and suport will dwindle away.my wish was for dc to get us back to the champ as soon as possible,ie.no later than may,and look for further investment for a push to the prem,but thats looking less likely by the day.if dc has any ambition for the club,he needs to push the button on warne now while we still have a sniff of promotion

    He saved the club from going out of extinction.

    Everything else is irrelevant unless you'd have preferred that to happen.

    Or are you saying it was pointless of him saving the club if all that was going to happen subsequently was us to piddle around in the lower leagues for an indeterminate amount of time?

    That's how your post reads to me but apologies if I've got the wrong end of the stick.

  12. 1 hour ago, Rich3478 said:

    I’m not very convinced by our squad either. Barkhuizen is ok, but nothing like consistent enough to start every week. He doesn’t start every week in possibly our worst ever team. Should tell you a lot.

    forwards are really poor, Collins, Washington and waghorn really don’t inspire much. Waghorn. Had a great start but fading a little now. The fact all three have started a game each in last three again suggests warne has no idea which is the best or good enough. 

    Midfield is over rated too, bird pretty much defines our “soft underbelly” for me. A nice footballer but doesn’t achieve anywhere near enough with the ball to make up for his lack of pace, lack of tackling, lack of runs from midfield.

    Hourihane and Smith seem to be declining as well, again have no pace or energy and very little tackling between them.

    Wingbacks we’ve signed seem average at best, Wilson seems honest and tries. Wars I can’t say. Elder looked awful early on.

    Look a lot further from the championship now than we did last season.

    The issue with Collins is that if we had wingbacks capable of putting pinpoint crosses into the box then he would get his fair share of goals which speaks volumes about our wingbacks rather than Collin's capabilities.

    The number of aimless lumps under the guide of crosses I counted in the game against Exeter was obscene.

    Not sure about Washington as he hasn't had that much game time really. 

    Totally concur about our midfield it is slow and lightweight, am sure it's capable of playing one touch passing if given the time and space or if the opposition allows which being in League 1 is a luxury which hardly ever materialises.

  13. 2 hours ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

    Why sad? I don’t get why it’s sad. 

    He’s dragging our beloved club to its knees and he’s hiding from the facts. 

    He needs to walk away from a club that’s already had a rough 3 years. But instead he will wait to have a good proportion of his remaining 3 years paid off and walk straight into another job. 

    Please don’t feel sad, feel mad instead. 

    Don't be so melodramatic 

  14. 35 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    Thanks Tyler I really appreciate that. In fact I am now going to bed with a warm glow.

    If that was sarcasm was lost on me.

    If it was genuine then appreciate your comments.

    Either way the sentiments still stand.

    Glad I amused two people on here tonight. 

  15. 5 hours ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    I'm genuinely curious to hear any arguments for keeping Warne beyond "Clowes doesn't want to pay the money to sack him".

    I won't argue against any points raised, I just want to hear any sort of defense/reasoning for keeping him.

    The indefatigable argument is that is the only compelling case to keep Warne on. 

    Everything else is therefore unfortunately irrelevant 

  16. 10 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    I understand that when the football isn’t pretty, and the league position is dire, football fans will inevitably lash out. However, I am amazed that there are a good number on here tonight slating our owner. This is a staggering state of affairs even for our club, only some 15 months since he saved us.  Cool it down lads. 

    Does that really amaze you? 

    Not me.

    Agree with your sentiments though.

    Have a like on me.

  17. Just now, DazzaRam said:

    I did find it dumb for many reasons. Why let a interim manager sign players to play a certain way and then replace him with a bloke with a totally view on football...with 3 relegations on his CV. 

    What are these many reasons

  18. 14 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

    Whoever advised Clowes to appoint Warne over Rosenoir should be locked up for football crimes!! If its just Clowes's decision then he should pay up for his horrendous error. Clowes will always be a hero for saving the club but the decision to not appoint Rosenoir will go down in history as one of the worst at Derby. Warne has sucked the life out of Derby fans. Hes in a special club of managers now along with Jewell,Brown and Docherty!!

    It's not that dumb a decision was it. 3 promotions from the League we found ourselves floundering in. 

    Only red flag was only one team on hs CV plus immediate relegations each time. 

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