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Tyler Durden

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Everything posted by Tyler Durden

  1. He's gone. Ten Haag next after the weekend?
  2. So basically the deterrent of a points deduction for cheating has had no material impact on either Everton or Forest, both of whom will avoid relegation.
  3. This does have shades of last summer when there an amongst of angst with certain forum members when we failed to pay any significant transfer fee for a player despite the club giving a similarly open to interpretation statement regards players signings. I had hoped that the club had learnt from that going forward....
  4. Has anyone connected with Derby actually come out and even alluded to what our transfer budget will be this summer, whether we will have to sell first to outlay on transfer fees etc etc?
  5. Thanks to the players, David Clowes and Paul Warne 😀
  6. Respect to Paul Warne I'll leave that there
  7. We really don't want to know what you get upto in your spare time
  8. People texting on mobiles when they should be concentrating on driving 😛
  9. You could find yourself sat next to Uncle Monty
  10. At home watching a bland flavour of ice cream stream on my Firestick
  11. It wouldn't make up for it one jot but would I would feel slightly better if a few of the posters on here agreed never to come on this forum again to spout their usual drivel as compensation.
  12. I find some of the comments on this thread entertaining in themselves
  13. See I take that as a snide comment against Warne as if you follow the logic of your post to the other extreme then Warne only managed to get us in this position as he has better players at his disposal than the other managers in League 1, not for any other reason.
  14. You miserable get would it kill you to show an ounce of humility
  15. I'm just skim reading the topics in the Jim Smith Room in prep for the potential outcome of us not winning this afternoon.......
  16. I get the vibes that for the very reason this thread has popped up is that there is minimal faith in our team winning the last two games. Otherwise the result tonight is an absolute irrelevance. But there seems to be a certain amount of hand wringing already about the inevitably of Bolton winning against Shrewsbury.
  17. Careful you don't get a punt up the backside when the stewards find out
  18. Not really sure what relevance how Paul Warne identifies has to do with the match yesterday but it only goes to further undermine whatever points you were attempting to put across in your esteemed post match analysis. It's a pretty crass item to include in any match report, unfortunate at the best and borderline offensive at the worst.
  19. Hope they enjoyed sampling the interior of the QMC last night if they were going round town in a Derby kit
  20. Great servant to the club, didn't he cost us 70 grand or something ridiculous like that
  21. You wouldn't have thought it by some of the reactions on here last night
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