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  1. Haha
    taffyram reacted to Meowduck in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    I'd prefer Sheikh Nstevens 
  2. Clap
    taffyram reacted to KBB in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    Im not advocating Ashley, or any of the names listed, but all I think is this. The club has a real chance of going bust. Not existing. No Derby county. It is that serious. The club my dad has been a ticket holder for over 45 years and myself 25 plus. I can't comprehend not going with him to watch the club we both love.
    For me, at this moment in time all I care about is this club surviving. I couldn't give a rats about Ashley and his time at Newcastle if I am honest, or evans and his time at Ipswich.
    If you are starving you don't turn down boiled pasta because you would rather have lobster. You could be dead before anyone does.
    The dream ticket will not arrive.
    This will not be fixed in a couple of years. This will take 10 years. I think we have to embrace that.
  3. Like
    taffyram reacted to Andicis in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    You're aware we currently can't pay any of our bills? Mike Ashley leaves Newcastle in a financially stable position. 
  4. Like
    taffyram reacted to samwcave in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    You say this, but I think we would have a comfortable life under Ashley. He has a poor reputation for Newcastle, but in all fairness he established them as a lower premier league side. Would you not take that? I certainly would. 
  5. Haha
    taffyram reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Manager of the month   
    Good. That's them mid table by the end of next month then... ?
  6. Clap
    taffyram reacted to angieram in Manager of the month   
    However, what is the point of all this talk of sustainability when they just shove all the plaudits in the direction of the rich clubs?
    It's hypocrisy of the highest order.
    Don't let them off the hook! 
  7. Haha
    taffyram reacted to Derbados in Manager of the month   
    I’m shocked, didn’t see this one coming 
  8. Like
    taffyram reacted to TigerTedd in Manager of the month   
    That’s just not how it works. They really don’t think about, Judy best record = winner. 
    like when someone scores two goals in a match and they ask the colour commentator, who’s your man if the match.’ ‘Well, with 2 great goals I can’t give it to anyone else, that man’s a machine.’
    im always thinking, have you been watching the match, the guy was rubbish for 88 minutes and put the ball in the back of the net when presented 2 golden opportunities, the least you expect from a striker. 
    same with Scott Parker, unbeaten is pretty much the least you expect in this league with his resources. 
  9. Clap
    taffyram reacted to angieram in Manager of the month   
    So they ignore the poll results and just give it to the guy with all the money and the resources.
    All this talk of levelling the playing field is just that - talk. ?
  10. Like
    taffyram reacted to Comrade 86 in Pathetic Customer Service   
    This is shameful. I'd pop something up on the club's Twitter feed and embarrass them into putting this right by some form of discretionary payment. A long shot perhaps, but I'd not be letting this lie. Best of luck in any case.
  11. Angry
    taffyram reacted to maydrakin in Pathetic Customer Service   
    I am writing this, largely out of frustration, but I feel I need to get it off my chest.
    My dad was a season ticket holder for 50-odd years and he died of cancer in September. (I joined him as a season ticket holder from 1987)
    He had renewed his ticket for the 2020-21 season before the pandemic hit which was carried over into this season.
    In April, when he knew he was too poorly to go again, he wrote to the ticket office advising as such and would therefore prefer a refund to the ticket for 2021-22.
    He received a response saying that the club could not provide a refund as the deadline had since passed.
    As a result, I wrote to the club in July to see if an amicable solution could be found to transfer his ticket to my friend who would pay the difference from a 65+ ticket to a standard adult one, then paying my dad for the rest of the ticket.
    I heard nothing.  I chased again twice and still heard nothing.
    In an attempt to try and sort it out before the season ticket deadline (after my dad had recently died and after Derby had gone into administration), I went to the ticket office and was advised the process would be that my friend would have to buy the ticket in full and my dad could get a refund on his seat, due to his death.
    I therefore paid for my friend’s seat (which was my dad’s seat) in full for my friend and gave details with regards to getting a refund.
    This week, the SLO contacted me to say that it would be possible to upgrade his seat to my friend and to contact the ticket office accordingly, in response to my email sent in July.
    When I explained what I had already been told by the ticket office, I received another email advising that due to the administration events, no refund could be given at all.
    So, Derby County have taken my dad’s money and my friend’s money for the same seat, have given me conflicting information and are now reneging on returning my Dad’s refund (which would have obviously gone to my mother).
    I have requested that I get his season ticket back but for a different seat, as I can either bring someone else, or sell it on to recover some of the cash, but have had no response so far.
    I can’t express how poorly I have felt Derby have handled this, (effectively costing me over £300) and it shows how much they valued my dad as a “customer”, when their lack of providing the correct information or acting in a timely manner could have seen this resolved.
    Overall, I’m really saddened that this becomes my Dad’s final legacy with the club that he loved.
  12. Haha
    taffyram reacted to admira in Trivia question   
    100 shares in DCFC. You are now in heavy debt. Well done anyway!
  13. Haha
    taffyram reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Trivia question   
  14. Haha
    taffyram reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Stadium naming rights   
    After the embarrassment of the Ipro stadium name I'd rather we not venture down that avenue again, unless it's something really good.
    I'm surprised Mel didn't get the stadium called The Love Honey stadium, a right big Go F$#K yourself to all the fans.
  15. Like
    taffyram reacted to Day in Supporters Charter Group Meeting 4/10/21   
    RamsTrust have also published a write up on tonights meeting.
  16. Clap
    taffyram reacted to Day in Supporters Charter Group Meeting 4/10/21   
    The morning following the previous SCG meeting which took place under an NDA, I resigned from my position on the Supporters Charter Group.
    I first want to apologise to all the fans that were grateful for the opportunity to voice their concerns to the club through dcfcfans.uk.
    Unfortunately there were a number of issues that I was not personally comfortable with so made the difficult decision to resign.
    The NDA, I raised my concerns directly to the club prior to the meeting, warning them what the reaction would be if this became public, which it did. The agreement to release a joint statement following the previous meeting. The delay in getting information from the meetings to you all in a timely manner. The abuse, not just towards myself personally but other supporters groups. It’s great to see that the new Black & White Together Supporters Group have been given permission to post information from the meeting tonight on Twitter shortly after the meeting had concluded, something we were frustratingly restricted from doing so.
    An agreement was made during the second meeting where representatives could not communicate with fans until the meeting minutes were released by the club, which as you know were often delayed.
    Something which I strongly disagreed with and made both the club and SCG my thoughts with my resignation.
    I do want to thank the club for the opportunity, and wish the Supporters Charter Group good luck going forward.
    Tweets from tonights meeting can be found at https://twitter.com/dcfcbwt
  17. Like
    taffyram reacted to TuffLuff in Fozzy   
    I think for a lot of his time at Derby he was dealing with players who were wildly inconsistent. He was getting frustrated by them, because he had a frustrating set of players.  I think that’s in part why originally he allowed Savage back into the fold. A player long past his best but he knew he’d get more consistency game by game out of him than others. It wasn’t until Clough got in the likes of Keogh, Ward and Bryson at first then Fozzy, Eustace and Martin the season afterwards that he had a spine of players he could rely on to get 7/10’s week in week out and raise the game of everyone else around them.
    Then he got sacked, rightly or wrongly.
  18. Haha
    taffyram reacted to Foreveram in Raise your drinks for DCFC   
    A pint of Keogh, you can drink as much as you like and it doesn’t impair your judgment.
  19. Clap
    taffyram reacted to Indy in Raise your drinks for DCFC   
    (seeing as there’s been far too little said to mark the 75th anniversary of our FA Cup win)
  20. Haha
    taffyram reacted to Anag Ram in Raise your drinks for DCFC   
    Keogh's compo 
  21. Clap
    taffyram reacted to Indy in Raise your drinks for DCFC   
    Shandy crush
    Wayne Brew-ney 
    Brewer’s Tup
  22. Haha
    taffyram reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Raise your drinks for DCFC   
    "Liquidation" obviously.
  23. Haha
    taffyram reacted to ilkleyram in Ryan Conway has left the Athletic   
    The first but is the deepest
  24. Like
    taffyram reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Ryan Conway has left the Athletic   
    I'd generally say not being connected is probably better, just from the prespective of being objective and not being too emotionally wrapped in the club you're reporting on. That's not to say they wont or don't care, but it's always different when it's "your" club.
  25. Like
    taffyram reacted to angieram in Ryan Conway has left the Athletic   
    Yes, I liked Ryan's objectivity, but he did put in some hard yards following all the teams and built up his knowledge base very quickly. Always happy to listen to fans, too.
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