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Leeds Ram

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  1. Haha
    Leeds Ram reacted to RoyMac5 in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I bet there's a mathematical formula that you can enter x, y and z into and it works out the optimum sacking date! 😄
  2. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from europia in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Having thought about it for a few days I think of course it's too early to tell about Warne and this season but the pressure is clearly already mounting. I've been a little concerned about Warne not thinking this job is different to Rotherham in interviews he's given. The job is clearly different, and the level of expectation with the amount of fans is significantly different. I'm not quite sure he has wised up to this! 

    Personally, I don't like his brand of football and think it's too one-dimensional. It's quite easy to defend against and we don't really have the players to execute it properly. He seems stubborn and unwilling to change which is a problem for any manager.  I'm also not impressed by the forward signings and re-signing Waghorn off the back of a testimonial kind of stinks as either terrible preparation and/or execution. 
    I think if after 10-15 games we're not in the top 6 DC needs to have real words with Warne about his performance. We've been on a downward trend for a while now and it's currently showing no sign of abating, if anything we are getting worse, not better. A big concern though must be how costly it'd be to get rid of Warne and the coaching team... are we even in a position where we can afford to buy him out? 
  3. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Pride Before The Fall-Ryan Conway   
    I'm not going to buy this. Don't rate Conway as a journo; still remember his 'interview' with Eric Alonso, which amounted to nothing more than a puff piece with less interrogation than twitter managed to unearth. 
  4. Haha
    Leeds Ram reacted to davenportram in We are a fickle bunch   
    But we won’t have the biggest attendances if we dint go up this year. Welll be down to 12-15000 average if we stay in league 1
  5. Like
    Leeds Ram reacted to sage in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    And none of them ask for him to be sacked. Some strong criticism and discussing his potential demise, but no one there says 'he has to go' or 'he should be sacked' etc
  6. Like
    Leeds Ram reacted to angieram in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    What an utter shambles that first half was tonight. I don't think it was so much lack of effort that did for us, but the system. 
    Someone commented that Blackpool also play three at the back and made it look easy, but actually they had a five man defensive unit across the pitch and a solid midfield in front of them.
    This isn't helped by our painfully slow build up play. It takes us an age to play out from the back because neither Nelson nor Bradley are comfortable on the ball. So the Blackpool defence was set, and coped easily with our balls in to two attackers who don't look match-fit.
    Blackpool in contrast just got the ball forward quickly and because we were only playing three at the back -at best - often two as Nelson and Cashin are being encouraged to play forwards - we were caught flat-footed on numerous occasions and there could have been a few more goals against us than there were. 
    Wilson plays so far forward that he might as well be a winger. Except Mendez-Laing is a much better winger, if we want someone to play that high. (I know he's injured tonight, but just making that general point.) 
    Why was Hourihane on the left wing getting in Elder's way? The whole set-up was bizarre.
    Second half we could have made more subs but Tommo and Fozzy made a big difference. Tommo because he moved about looking for the ball and played it quickly. Bird came to life with him at the side of him. Fozzy because he is far more assured in defence, Cashin immediately relaxed and he too had a better second half. Ward was much better than Wilson, not least because he can defend a bit, too! 
    I could put up with slow centrebacks if they were doing their jobs but they aren't at the moment. And they aren't much of a threat from set pieces either, I don't think we got a head on any of those first half. Fozzy is also pretty slow, but his positioning and reading of the game is just so superior to Bradley's so far that his lack of pace isn't the same issue.
    I would have liked to see Collins and Brown on at half time too, as Wash and Waggy were tiring and not able to take advantage of our increased momentum in the early part of the second half. As it was, we huffed and puffed but didn't create a lot. At least we looked more solid at the back. 
    I didn't enjoy Warne's post match interview on Radio Derby. If he wants to throw players under the bus, then he'll need to take responsibility for finding some better ones. Even if we don't know for certain who they are, the players will and that might be the final push they need to decide to walk away. On his track record so far, I'm not sure what sort of quality we're going to get in to replace them. 
  7. Haha
    Leeds Ram reacted to REDCAR in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    And that just sums up Derby County right now, not even at the right war 😂
  8. Haha
    Leeds Ram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    I think equating people on a forum being unhappy with some football results with those same people being potentially responsible for losing an entire world war is a bit mad to be honest
  9. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Ram-Alf in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    I felt Wigan knew where they needed to be positionally, defended their space well, and had a clear idea about the execution of the game plan. It was extremely clear that we were uncomfortable with these things, especially in the first half. The pressing was inconsistent, and Nelson especially didn't seem to know if he was coming or going. This was also true of the midfielders; sometimes they got into the box, sometimes they didn't and were rotating on the defensive screen inconsistently. You could see in the final third we were rushed and weren't sure what to do except sling it in the box. This was compared to Wigan, who worked their way up the pitch well and had multiple ways of attacking (sometimes utilising a cross, carrying the ball through the midfield, or passing their way into danger) and seemed to know where the other would be. Ultimately, I think that was one of the key reasons why they won the game... because they had executed their game plan much better than we did ours. 
  10. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Ram-Alf in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    Yes a lot more organised
  11. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    The guy has one tactical set up: press the hell out of the opposition, get it out the flanks and whip it in. Except we've got a midfield and a forward line which can't do what he wants. Instead of adapting to the players, he's trying to force them into his 'way' of playing.  He's got all the subtlety of a bulldog and unless he sells off the team as spare parts and rebuilds with a bunch of dynamo cloggers i can't see the experiment working
  12. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from sage in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    The guy has one tactical set up: press the hell out of the opposition, get it out the flanks and whip it in. Except we've got a midfield and a forward line which can't do what he wants. Instead of adapting to the players, he's trying to force them into his 'way' of playing.  He's got all the subtlety of a bulldog and unless he sells off the team as spare parts and rebuilds with a bunch of dynamo cloggers i can't see the experiment working
  13. Like
    Leeds Ram reacted to Eddie in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    Let's analyse the situation here a little.
    We are a cash-strapped club which narrowly avoided extinction last season. We are still under severe financial restrictions imposed by the EFL - we have to adhere to a business plan agreed with them. We have a manager who has been here less than one year of a four year contract. In order to relieve him of his duties, a large percentage of his contract will need to be bought out - using money we don't have. In order to bring in the 'right' manager, it is likely that we would have to pay compensation to another club - the alternative being that we employ someone who is currently out of work. In order to strengthen the team, we need to either bring in loans (and very few players are being loaned out by Championship or Premier League clubs at the moment - it's usually a 'last minute' thing) or free agents who are, by definition, players who have been discarded by others because we are unable to pay a substantial fee. Oh, now I'm depressed.
  14. Haha
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Chris_Martin in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    Or maybe because Warne has not had 2 games but 50 to show what he can do people are sick of the David Brent of Rotherham and can see where this is heading.... 
  15. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Ram1988 in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    Or maybe because Warne has not had 2 games but 50 to show what he can do people are sick of the David Brent of Rotherham and can see where this is heading.... 
  16. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from strawhillram in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    Or maybe because Warne has not had 2 games but 50 to show what he can do people are sick of the David Brent of Rotherham and can see where this is heading.... 
  17. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Ramzabac in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    The guy has one tactical set up: press the hell out of the opposition, get it out the flanks and whip it in. Except we've got a midfield and a forward line which can't do what he wants. Instead of adapting to the players, he's trying to force them into his 'way' of playing.  He's got all the subtlety of a bulldog and unless he sells off the team as spare parts and rebuilds with a bunch of dynamo cloggers i can't see the experiment working
  18. Haha
    Leeds Ram reacted to vonwright in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    We are ahead on the only stat that matters 
  19. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from strawhillram in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    The guy has one tactical set up: press the hell out of the opposition, get it out the flanks and whip it in. Except we've got a midfield and a forward line which can't do what he wants. Instead of adapting to the players, he's trying to force them into his 'way' of playing.  He's got all the subtlety of a bulldog and unless he sells off the team as spare parts and rebuilds with a bunch of dynamo cloggers i can't see the experiment working
  20. Haha
    Leeds Ram reacted to Millenniumram in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    It’s only one guy really, who’s stuck in 1967 to be fair
  21. Haha
    Leeds Ram reacted to Rev in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    It was 60/40 in favour of Warne, second half it's 60/40 against .
  22. Clap
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from strawhillram in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
    Warne is shi* and the team looks shi* 
  23. Angry
    Leeds Ram reacted to RoyMac5 in v Blackpool (H) Match Thread   
  24. Like
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from Archied in Billy Sharp   
    Sharp would have been great 10-15 years ago. Now he's an old poacher, past his best who doesn't like the club or its fans and for many the feeling is mutual. Why on earth would we think about signing him is beyond me.
  25. COYR
    Leeds Ram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in 3 at the back….   
    He looked a bit better from memory but i still wasn't convinced of him there.
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