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Leeds Ram

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Posts posted by Leeds Ram

  1. 6 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    I haven't heard his Radio Derby interview. But even with his The Rams TV interviews, where as you would expect the questions are a lot softer, his answers worry me. Happy with the performance but not with the result? He seems completely disconnected from the fans.. almost all of whom are not happy either with performances or results. 

    At times it's like he's watching a completely different game and he's rarely able to justify his answers with any quantitative or strong qualitative analysis. It always reminds me of someone who's been caught out not doing their background research and saying something on the fly. 

  2. 1 hour ago, On the Ram Page said:

    Rubbish! Name me another Manager who agrees who doesn’t get “prickly” if they get challenged about the way they do things? He behaves just like you!

    In my professional environment I behave very differently from what I do on this forum as you might expect. This after all, is an ultimately anonymous social setting where we can be combative. We are not acting in a professional capacity representing the club or arguably fighting for our job. If the manager can't give an adequate explanation as to why he's not playing one of our best attacking players that is a cause for concern. If he can't field a simple tactical question without his back getting up that also makes me wonder is he like this if his players disagree? If so, how does that make them feel? I would say when Warne gets questions asking about tactics and selections he gets more prickly than a lot of other managers we've had tbh in their post-match pressers from what I remember. 

  3. 1 hour ago, The Key Club King said:

    I'd wager that Connor Washington has had a better career than Louis Sibley will have. The game is littered with skilled players who don't know how to get the best out of their ability. 

    I mean that's a bit of a different question isn't it. Robbie Savage is a prime example of someone who in skill terms wouldn't have looked that much better than a good semi-pro player on their day but had a great career whereas Adel Tarabt had much more talent but nowhere near as good a career. Sibley i think needs some minutes in his best position, needs some confidence and some love. I'm not saying he'll then go on and have a sparkling career but he's had a difficult time in the past few years which is in part due to lack of time and being played out of position.

  4. Sheffield United could do it, but it might be a false dawn as they looked alright to begin with. They actually weakened their squad coming up apparently as I'm close mates with a Blades fan. Most of the fan base was in uproar over the owners believing they were banking the premier league money and accepting relegation as an inevitability. Heckingbottom isn't a bad manager I don't think but if they keep getting a few injuries there really is absolutely no depth in that squad. Them being on 1 point at this stage you have to wonder if they don't get a win by Christmas then they look like they may just take our record.

  5. 15 hours ago, richinspain said:

    I agree with you about Billy, and on hindsight about Jewell, but didn't Jewell at least arrive with a good reputation?

    I remember his Wigan team as a kid which looked brilliant from memory with Baines at left back, Bullard in midfield and a partnership of Roberts and Ellington up front. Teale in that team also looked really good from memory. 

  6. Just now, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Warne strikes me as the type of character that needs to 'feel the love' as it was. If fans both home and away are giving him grief he might just walk.

    He comes across in interviews and was the same in the pre-season phone in as very prickly if anyone challenges his way of thinking or doing things. I've got no idea if that's what it's like behind the scenes or if he thinks as he's a professional, he's above questioning from fans or reporters. Either way it demonstrates a potentially serious flaw in his man management and character as a coach. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    You don't have to disagree with me, there's medical evidence to support that how you think determines your outlook on life.

    It's called positive thinking. 

    You obviously aren't speaking from a position of authority so best to leave the debate here.

    I know plenty of trained clinical psychologists who'd say that merely relying upon an 'ability' to set patterns of thinking isn't really enough to alter severe clinical depression which requires a complex regiment of continual therapy/counselling and drug programmes to manage significantly debilitating symptoms. It's one of the reasons why CBT as a catch-all programme is hideously inefficient at dealing with complex cases. Maybe I misunderstood your point though. In any case, it's off-topic.


  8. I didn't watch the game or go, so I can't comment on the performance aspect. However, the radio derby interview was bizarre and concerning. He should put his face next to the radio derby logo on the f****** why wall because he shouldn't be doing post-match pressers if he can't sufficiently answer basic questions. More concerning about his lack of reasoning on Sibbo was his revealing why he didn't use the middle of the pitch... because we have quick wingers, and they play 3 at the back. If he played Bird in the middle, Hourihane as a 10, and Waghorn as a CF, the movement and penetration that could have been offered would have disrupted their back 3 making gaps in the middle to take advantage of. If you just keep crossing it in, they can stay in a neat line and defend the space easily. If that's the level the bloke is operating at, I finally know why when teams come to Pride Park with a semblance of a game plan, he can't break them down. Tactically, he sounds clueless and out of his depth managing a professional club. 

    On the fans booing, given the performances this season and off the back of last season, people are losing their patience. We're sitting in 8th place, and for many games, we haven't looked like a dominant force. I was hoping Blackpool was a turning corner, but it doesn't sound like it after this. People have paid a lot of money to go and watch a third-division team play. If they've had enough of whatever Warne has decided to serve up I can't say I blame them. The job seems to be getting to him and he doesn't appear to be enjoying himself. Surely a mutual parting of the ways must be considered if there isn't a drastic improvement by Christmas. 

  9. 47 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    No the whole forum is a cliche now.

    I could safely predict the replies tonight together with the other members who gave likes to those responses.

    From someone whom has suffered with depression all of their lifes mood is what you make of it, if you choose to accentuate the negatives in everything then of course you will be joyless.

    But you have determined this outcome.

    You're no different from the people you criticise. Making the same posts on every thread bemoaning how terrible the forum has become and how negative everyone is... why don't you practice what you preach and actually mix it up a little bit.

    Btw, I couldn't disagree more on the idea that your 'mood is what you make of it'. You can't just will yourself out of feeling miserable. 

  10. I think it depends on how it is utilised. A back 5 in possession doesn't work for us. We don't have the players with the correct skill set to make it functional. In possession, I'm pretty convinced we need to be a 4 tbh. If we're out of possession, then Wilson operating as a wingback and Nyambe coming in to form a 3 makes more sense but the players especially Wilson need to be positionally adept and focused to make it work. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    We've been a great home team for a few years now, even when relegated, but often dire away.

    Warne's methods are clearly working away from home brilliantly, but obviously look poor when teams sit deep against us at home. This was probably hidden a bit last season, especially during that great run around Xmas time, as we often benefited from (usually McGoldrick) scoring a couple early, so we could just sit back and play like more of an away team.

    Let's hope our great away form can give the team some momentum at home and that Warne finds a few tactical improvements there too. Hourihane back on set pieces at home should be a good thing as they sounded dire on Saturday.

    True the inverse seems to be happening now. I think you're right about the space issue at home and the loss of McGoldrick. He gave us something different that oftentimes attracted 2 or even 3 defenders opening up space for others to take advantage of. We have since lost that making it perhaps more difficult. That and the loss of early goals making opponents more stubborn and cautious. 

  12. It's a mixture of derby meaning a lot to people, the forum being an online method of communication, and also people who are perhaps unhappy with life where the result of a match affects their mood more than others. I get testy when we lose as Derby, for me, is, in part, an important outlet of emotion. I often struggle with my mood and at times, have suffered from quite crippling depression, which football has sometimes been a slight release from, if even for only 90 minutes. 

    Of course that can sometimes spill over when I come onto the forum and discuss the game. I imagine I am not the only one in this particular boat. 

  13. I'm all for more scrutiny and accountability. There should have been much more scrutiny on Morris before everything went belly up. That's not just the fault of those prominent in the DCFC supporter community or fan groups, but to an extent, all of us as well. Clowes is obviously a massive fan and he'll be a responsible owner but putting these structures in place will provide security and accountability for the club post Clowes too. I've got no idea why anyone would be against it tbh.

  14. Watched it on rams tv and we looked so much better than saturday. We upped the tempo of our play, had much more movement from Smith in midfield who scored the first and ran the show and got far more bodies in the box than we did on Saturday. If we offered that kind of threat and play at Pride Park, I don't think anyone would be complaining. For once the biggest threat wasn't from set pieces or Forsyth but from our wingers and attackers. Defensively, Nyambie is an excellent addition who i think would look relatively comfortable in the championship, and Nelson looks a good partner for Cashin in a 2 (not a 3) when his main job is blocking, heading, and tackling. 

    Bird coming back in is going to help us as he shouldn't be in league 1 and with Barks, Sibbo, and Washington to come back we are starting to have some more attacking options. The away form is excellent and it perhaps fits more with Warne's ideal given that we are given more space in the final third. Now Warne needs to find a way to break teams down who sit back in two banks of four when they come to Pride Park. He does that and we should be on track for a good season.

  15. On 01/10/2023 at 23:28, Carl Sagan said:


    Unfortunately, this is indeed the flaw in @Leeds Ram's argument. I can't see Warne taking us up. He seems to be taking the club backwards. Of course I very much hope I'm wrong.

    I can see him taking us up next season even if not this one. I just have no faith in his coaching or tactical ability beyond that.

  16. 4 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Well lots of posters are saying it was a much improved performance and we should have won easily. You thought it was so bad you aren't going again until Warne has gone.

    I don't your reasons that we "should be top 2, simple as that" but feel these expectations might be driving you dissatisfaction somewhat. 

    In fairness were you actually at the match? We looked in control but wouldn't say we deserved to win easily. We basically created nothing at all in the final third. I think a lot of fans are reaching the end of their tether with the crap performances and the showman interview after a lacklustre display. 

  17. 3 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    What’s the reality?

    We’ve had a less than spectacular start to the season? Results have been mixed? Performances have largely been poor? Who has said this is not the case?

    Everyone can see the reality. Some people are missing the fact that it’s a 46 game season. Absolutely nothing has been won or lost and nothing has been decided. Portsmouth are certainly not champions and we are certainly not doomed.

    Everyone wants better results, better performances and better players, but we are where we are and this will take time.

    2 wins from 13 at home. You've yet to even begin to explain that but of course that would ruin you're theory about Warne needing 'time' when he's already had more than a season

  18. 6 hours ago, angieram said:

    No, because he should have laid it off to Barhuizen instead of keep running with it, then it would have been. 

    My left ear is still ringing from my other half yelling at him repeatedly to do exactly that.

    It makes you wonder what goes on in footballers' minds at times! 

    I'm not sure which part of your post contradicts mine here..... 

  19. Just now, VulcanRam said:

    I disagree with this bit. Mendez Laing was clean through on goal after a minute but despite having a run from half way, at some stage managed to run away from goal. That's a clear cut chance. Collins' header in the second half, a clear cut chance. Waghorn's header, a clear cut chance. Barks shot after Mendez's fail, a clear cut chance. Plus we hit the post in the first half (I think, it was down the far end).

    We created more than enough to win the game, aside from the admittedly poor two efforts on target. 

    That came from a breakaway, and by the time he got near the box, Cambridge had got 3 defenders back, and the shot was blocked. Not a clear cut chance. 

    I didn't think Waghorn's was a clear-cut chance, but he should have got it on target and the same with Collins from what I could see. We hit the post from a corner in the first half yeah. 

    I thought Cambridge looked completely comfortable as we played in front of them offering only crosses into their area. They won almost every single one and we had no other ideas. Again, this is not a one-off but an increasing pattern at home where we struggle to look remotely dangerous or win games. If we want to play with crosses we need to be much quicker on the ball and far less static to make the space available for good chance to happen. Otherwise, like today, we'll keep not scoring.

  20. 7 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Of course we can. If we can afford to pay him we can afford to sack him, we just have to move some of the budget around.

    If we do, it wouldn't surprise me if it cripples us for a season. I think Warne could get us promoted next season or even this season if we scrape into the playoffs but he's clearly not fit to manage in the division above. 

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