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  1. Like
    48 hours reacted to Curtains in Max Bird   
    The lad has been brilliant for us .
    Love the guy and hope he’s back soon. 
    He optimises the best of Derby County  
  2. Clap
    48 hours reacted to jimtastic56 in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    I don’t think David Clowes would put his family business at risk “Chasing the dream” even without the restrictions.But he could make us a sound investment for a Billionaire in years to come . But for now I am not missing a £5 mill striker like Waghorn.
  3. Like
    48 hours reacted to MadAmster in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Flights, hotels et al make more than half a dozen games a season unaffordable. 2 home games thus far. Barnsley away is booked for 4 of us. Just hope now we can get tickets. It's an expensive trip too. Booked the flights with Flybe who have gone belly up so had to book with KLM now. 300 for the flight each. Put a claim in to get the Flybe money back from the credit card company... no guarantee though. Doing FGR away too. Flights and hotel booked. Again 4 of us. I know someone in the heirarchy there so we are already in. Other games this season? Possibly Wendy away and maybe Fleetwood at home. My finances will be happy to see the closed season arrive. ;)
  4. Like
    48 hours reacted to Ambitious in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Yeah, Collins getting hammered by the fans is extremely sad to see. We're a team who can't spend a single penny on any type of fees and have to adhere to an extremely strict budget - yet the striker we signed (for absolutely nothing) within said budget who has already contributed 8 goals this season is getting s*** on by the fans. It's not like we have a ton of better options or that he's not giving his all for the club. 
    I think it's safe to say with this mentality it won't be long before we're booing the players off the pitch again and hammering Clowes for not spending multiple millions in the transfer market when the restrictions are lifted. 
    It feels inevitable, unfortunately. 
  5. Like
    48 hours reacted to Srg in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Definitely don't think that's the case. I've been a season ticket holder for nearly 20 years and chose not to go for 2 main reasons really.
    1) Cost. Yeah, tickets weren't that expensive in the scheme of things for football, but it's January, literally everything is expensive right now. There's other things that could be useful for when it's on TV.
    2) Pointless game. We aren't really competing for the FA cup in our current state. Tuesday was more important, this Saturday is more important. If this game didn't exist, I'd have been fine with it. It was the same reason I wouldn't go to a friendly game. This was a distraction and it cost us with Bird's injury - Warne was right when he said he'd have rather have lost 8-0 than lose Bird.
  6. Like
    48 hours reacted to Crewton in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Barkhuizen had a good opportunity to go for goal early on before they scored but opted to pass instead. NML looked like he didn't fancy his chances down their left side either. I think those are pretty good examples of how we didn't quite have the confidence to really have a go at them. I'm sure the ludicrous early booking of Smith, and the referee's "PL-friendly" approach generally, helped WHam to settle too. Playing on a good surface like ours is again now is always likely to suit PL opposition and WHam used it to their advantage. In the end, the lads kept plugging away, with Dobbin keeping them on their toes in a good cameo appearance, but the opposition just had a little too much quality for us on the night. 
    It was an odd atmosphere - it didn't feel normal to me and I can't help feeling that we're likely to have a bigger crowd and a better atmosphere on Saturday. Fair play to the WHam fans though for travelling in such large numbers on a Monday night for a TV game. I wish them well for the rest of the season, particularly if they manage to push Forest a bit lower down the table. 
    Fingers crossed that Max isn't out for long, but shifting Smith to the middle and bringing Rooney in at RB shouldn't weaken us too much. 
  7. Like
    48 hours reacted to hintonsboots in Tony Springett - signed from Norwich, loan to end of season   
    Doesn’t even rhyme mate ?
  8. Sad
    48 hours reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Max Bird   
    Out for anything between 2 and 8 weeks, big big loss. 
  9. Like
    48 hours reacted to StantonRam in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Hugely proud of last night's display.  McGoldrick would have made it a bit more of a contest, but IMO everyone can hold their heads up.  No disgrace in losing to an almost full strength PL team that probably cost 100x or more than ours.  Full credit to PW for coming out and playing football rather than playing an 11-0-0 formation, and credit also for giving the younger guys some playing time once it was obvious that the tie was lost.  And I do still believe that we can get maximum points from the 6 games in Feb and be right up there competing.  Time to "focus on the League".
  10. Like
    48 hours reacted to ramboy63 in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Perfect quote on how i saw the game also,never looked like creating anything which is a big disappointment,before the game this looked like it could be a close game but we were very poor last night,yes the goals came at bad times but dont they all
    Having seen the draw before kick off i was not that bothered to be honest about last night as its a game we could do without given our small squad,now it looks like Bird as got a bad one walking straight down the tunnel is worrying  
    Hopefully we can now get back to winning way Saturday
  11. Sad
    48 hours reacted to Caerphilly Ram in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    “Bird has damaged his groin which is a big blow for us” Paul Warne on ITV just now ? 
  12. Like
    48 hours reacted to vonwright in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Flip side: Knight and Cashin (and Roberts and Dobbin) didn't look at all out of place among their tens-of-millions players 
  13. Like
    48 hours reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    The first game in 2023 that we haven't won and the end of a 19 game unbeaten run in all competitions. Meh.
    Let's focus on getting the hell out of League One.
  14. Haha
    48 hours reacted to BuckoBeast in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    That’s it I’ve had enough. No intensity all season. Players look like there not trying. So boring yet again. No where near where we should be. It’s a shambles. Struggling in the league we’ll do well not to go down. Don’t know why I bother. Get Warne the clown out and get Frank back in 
  15. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to Pottig in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    An app called Nodorios that you can get on your phone. You download it as an apk and install it.
  16. Like
    48 hours reacted to kevinhectoring in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Don’t mind that. Good to see cashin, Roberts and Rooney looking comfortable against such oppo and Tommo will take some confidence. Barkhuizen was bright and Knight was just showing off that he’s superhuman. Clever selection by Warne IMO. Hope Bird’s ok 
  17. Like
    48 hours reacted to i-Ram in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Nothing to complain about. The better team, with the better quality won. I thought we passed it around nicely, and worked hard. Fair play to all the youngsters on at the end. Great stuff.  Unfortunately Davies looked like a very old man, and Collins looked completely out of touch. 
  18. Clap
    48 hours reacted to REDCAR in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    WHU squad value £472m
    Lets just have a reality check.
    Well done Rams tonight, gave them a game.
  19. Like
    48 hours reacted to Steve How Hard? in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Are you taking the pee? ?
  20. Like
    48 hours reacted to Ramarena in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Dobbin the magic man creates another great chance
  21. Like
    48 hours reacted to Wolfie20 in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Old Trafford's a rubbish ground to go to anyway
  22. COYR
    48 hours reacted to RoyMac5 in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
  23. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to RoyMac5 in January Window   
  24. Clap
    48 hours reacted to Reggie Greenwood in January Window   
    Still 2 days left for possibly more signings B4. Don’t give up hope 
  25. Like
    48 hours reacted to BucksRam in January Window   
    This one
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