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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. 8 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    They obviously get government handouts for their shareholders without having to provide a service to satisfy their customers.


    Utch, as I pointed-out in my earlier post, when Covid struck, the government guaranteed the TOC's (Train Operating Companies) income, by paying them a set amount, with ALL the money from ticket sales now going directly to the government instead of the TOC.

    So the TOC's don't give a feck whether the train has one passenger or is packed, they get the same either way, thus have absolutely ZERO incentive to put on extra carriages.

    Privatise the profits and nationalise the losses. Covid has made a few Tory donors extremely wealthy via varoius routes.

    Another bugbear of mine is the term 'customer', it's just marketing bullcarp, we're passengers FFS. 😡

  2. 17 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    Even home Sat @3pm - due to all strikes etc. 

    Strikes are not the reason that the 'normal' rail service is rubbish though.

    Since Covid, the government just paid the train operating companies a fixed amount to run the trains, so their income is now guaranteed whether the train is full or empty (the government now gets 100% of ticket sales revenue). Hence they don't really give a stuff about what service they provide. Avanti has been totally crap since they took over Virgin, but they still got a new contract.

    It also makes me 'smile' when people suggest train drivers are out of order going on strike because (to paraphrase) 'they all on £65,000/year and are just greedy barstards'. What has salary got to do with the right to strike or not? MP's are on £86,500/year and I would trust the majority of those to tie their own shoelaces.

  3. 7 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Indeed so. The gap between the "haves" and "have nots" appears to be widening. No sign of the British voting in a strongman tho.......

    Let's be honest, the "haves" have been able to convince at least 45% of their serfs to vote for them since Adam was a lad, (we've almost reverted back to the feudal system).

  4. 4 minutes ago, Rich3478 said:

    That was awful, the subs made me hate football. Really not sure how that worked! Hope we find another plan soon

    don’t think anyone played badly but the plan was bizarre at best

    You can only beat the team in front of you.

    I've been one of Warne's fiercest critics, but we never looked like being beat today, it was just a big scrap and we won it with a last round knockout.


  5. 19 minutes ago, Johnnyoj said:

    Now the North stand is not the family stand it would be great to get the atmosphere going at both ends of the ground, a bit like the i

    Ossie end, Pop side used to be I did here the North stand fire up last week and it was great to hear

    The North stand 'firing-up' last week was due to all their medication alarms going off simultaneously.

  6. 8 hours ago, Stockport Ram said:

    We haven’t even got a knocker between us.

    If you’ve not been here, I’d better explain. Some areas of Stockport should really be twinned with Beirut....

    I lived on the egde of Adswood in the 80's, I'd say more Gaza City than Beirut.

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