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  1. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    Another thought on this .
    We should be thankful to anyone trying to buy Derby County after what’s happened to us in recent years and the mess the club found  itself with no help from the EFL 
  2. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Boycie in The Administration Thread   
    Supporters are bound to get twitchy.  We just want it all sorted for once.  
    Typical solicitor types dragging it out for their own benefit, but I’m quite confident that players will have been offered new deals and free agents approached.   
    If CK and everyone on the admin side know it’ll be completed then that’s why they’re getting fed up with us fans keep asking.
    Its the uncertainty, we don’t know what they know, but I’m reading between the lines and thinking that’s what CK is trying to say.
  3. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to duncanjwitham in The Administration Thread   
    It's not just the banks though, there's all sorts of other things that could be closed on bank holidays - the land registry, for example.  What's probably happened is that the US holiday ended up delaying something over there for 24 hours, and the knock-on effects of that delay have caused something over here (that would otherwise have been done on Tuesday/Wednesday) to end up getting pushed into Thursday and then the bank holidays over here start causing havoc.  It doesn't take much to disrupt a complex chain of events with lots of dependencies. The time-zone differences probably don't help either.
  4. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from nogbad van 50 in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  5. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from jono in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  6. Haha
    IslandExile got a reaction from RoyMac5 in DCFC Players' Holiday Watch   
    Have any of them looked happy on these holiday photos?
    Not cool or something?
  7. COYR
    IslandExile got a reaction from Zag zig in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  8. Like
    IslandExile reacted to angieram in Derby County Flags   
  9. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from SaffyRam in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  10. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
    Totally agree.  And the EFL would have issued a statement before now.  The fact that they, and all the journalists, are silent says all is well.
  11. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from Hans Datdo-Dishes in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  12. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  13. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from Carnero in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  14. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from Ram@Lincoln in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  15. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  16. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from Anag Ram in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  17. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to rammieib in The Administration Thread   
    Those who understand business will understand (without knowing the details) the true complexity of this transaction and all the different parties involved.
    Those who don’t understand just think it’s one bit of paper and it can just be signed and done and dusted.
    The guy is quite literally saving us, and all (some) people want to do is abuse him. Probably the same fans who throw seats and throw bottles at opposing fans and so on.
    I hope and believe CK is smart enough to see through the idiots and the majority of fans welcome him into our club. 
  18. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    Ashley has had 9 months to get his act together. He has the resources to have done a deal before Christmas and give us a fighting chance of staying up. He chose not to. Instead, he's been preoccupied adding yet more strands to his retail empire. That will always be his priority, not DCFC. 
    I once thought he was our best hope of salvation, but all he's done is flirt, and not even in person. 
    A day closer to Ashley is a day closer to starting next season on - 15 at best. No thanks. 
  19. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Gritstone Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I read some replies to CK on Twitter and I feel embarrassed for some folk. I’m not sure if know which way round to sit on the toilet, others seem to have a sense of entitlement and believe that CK should have done the deal and bought the club and he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Some still don’t think it’s going to happen. A few are still asking if he’s buying the ground. I really think people need to be patient.
  20. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    There's more parties involved in this transaction than just a Buyer and a Seller, and the purchase of the club is dependent on the purchase of the stadium because of the MSD charge across all club assets. Unless he's also buying the stadium too, Kirchner is only in control of one element. The hiccups could quite feasibly have been caused by one of the other parties and the BHs have made those harder to resolve. 
    I suspect Kirchner is being diplomatic so as not to risk blowing the whole transaction. There's nothing at this stage that fans can do to expedite matters, so all the venting of frustrations on Twitter is doing as adding to the stress and anxiety. 
    I've got a Polypin and I intend to immerse myself in that today. 
  21. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Tamworthram in The Administration Thread   
    I’ve bought 4 different houses in my lifetime. Whilst the last one was something like 15 years ago and my memory isn’t as good as it used to be, I’m fairly confident this is not the case. 
  22. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to S8TY in The Administration Thread   
    CK has already mentioned the 31 was significant in the fact the EFL have there own deadlines etc but I don't hear the EFL being concerned....I 100 per cent think this will get done
    This has always been a  convoluted jigsaw and its still not sorted and this week was not the best or easiest to move money because of the bank holidays etc ...but how is it a major drama ??
    The time to worry if is this still isn't completed in a weeks time but it will go ahead and CK has said to celebrate so chill out and do not worry
  23. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    So it will be him being the 'nob' when the Twatterati take him to task every time we lose a game? LMFAO
    Let's have it right; after the amount of ignorant BS that's come his way on social media since November last year, I'm amazed he's not just told us to f*** off and save our own club. But hey, by all means keep calling him names while he spends the next three years settling Mel's bills and keeping the club afloat. After all, there's nothing remotely knobbish about that stance, is there? ?
  24. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to TuffLuff in The Administration Thread   
    Spot on, fans are making up deadlines that something needed to be done. Like they’ve done throughout. Just an excuse to shout at a computer screen unfortunately. The transaction trail alone made it unlikely anything would be announced yesterday.

    Aslong as the work behind the scenes can still be done then I’m fine with next week, I’d rather have it all properly in place and have a proper announcement than rushing it before the bank holiday this week.
  25. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to NottsRam77 in The Administration Thread   
    Tbh i think a lot of people on twitter come off as nobs. Are they that retarded that they still cant grasp how complicated a transaction this is.
    i find it tiresome reading the endless tweets , when will it be done, why isnt it done, how come it hasnt been done.
    so god knows what its like for him being bombarded by these tweets. 
    i think he handled them quite well but i do agree he needs to get off twitter or come the first home defeat to some crapper the toxic moronic brigade will be out in force hounding him
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