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  1. Haha
    IslandExile reacted to BobdeBilder in The Administration Thread   
    Must be same guy that knows all about buying a football club.

  2. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Barney1991 in The Administration Thread   
    If it wasn’t for his updates we’d be going in too the bank holiday weekend not knowing anything. What the delay is why it’s been delayed. Give the guy some slack he’s saving the bloody club for gods sake I don’t see anyone else stepping in who have had 9 months to close a deal and backed out. When we brought our house going from 1 solicitor to another was horrendous and got delayed a day never mind 25 plus and north of 50 million including the stadium and the efl gave the deadline this week. Unlike the fake sheikh we know this guy is and he’s been patient for 2 months closing this and it’s his money he could easily walk and we go under but he isn’t l!! 
  3. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to AndyinLiverpool in The Administration Thread   
    Anyone who has ever transferred money through solicitors knows there are often delays, including because of non-work days.
    Ignore the conspiracy wackos.
  4. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    Nixon has confirmed that the players have been paid. The only party that could have put in the funds to do that at this stage is Kirchner. Unless he's the sort of person who likes burning the best part of £1M, I'd say he's still very much committed to completion. 
    I was once involved in a far less complicated transaction, with all the funding in place, but which also involved 5 sets of lawyers. The completion date got moved 5 times over the space of two weeks due to late interventions by one or other of the lawyers, on one occasion at 10.30pm with all of us poised to sign, and some parties wouldn't agree to complete unless their lawyers were 100% happy. This sh*t happens, and it would be foolish of Kirchner to say too much about what is the issue and who is causing it. 
    I'm still very confident it will go through.
  5. Haha
    IslandExile got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in The Administration Thread   
    Mmmm Jaffa Cakes.
  6. Like
    IslandExile reacted to Phoenix in The Administration Thread   
    I love those lime flavoured imitations that M&S sell.
  7. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    The wages got paid and no one apart from Derby fans seems worried (EFL, Q, cK, no rumbling from other parties to the deal).
    It'll be fine.
    And if it's not fine, we'll no doubt be able to find out about it from our fearless investigative sports journalists exactly when the EFL want us to.
  8. Like
    IslandExile reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    I love Jaffa cakes 
  9. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in The Administration Thread   
    He’s trying to be open and honest. 
    If there was no news he’d be getting blasted for being too quiet. 
    Which one do we want him to be? It’s not like he can communicate through the club channels at the moment so this is his only way and when he’s got the club in his name, he will more than likely go through the club channels. 
    The guy can’t win at the moment unfortunately. 
  10. Like
    IslandExile reacted to Leicester Ram in Graeme Shinnie   
    Do think people are proper daft when they write off bringing back former players, particularly when a lot of them are of a decent Championship standard and (if you hadn’t noticed) we’re in League 1.
    Don’t see us as a club in a position to turn our nose up at any signing but I do think we’re fairly stacked in midfield as of right now though.
  11. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from nogbad van 50 in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  12. Haha
    IslandExile got a reaction from Phuket Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Mmmm Jaffa Cakes.
  13. Haha
    IslandExile got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    Mmmm Jaffa Cakes.
  14. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to sage in The Administration Thread   
    A) LIfe is complicated 
    B) Business is more complicated 
    C) Football Business is even more complicated 
    D) Derby is an enigma wrapped in a riddle. 
    E) Sometimes, and by sometimes I mean all the time, poo happens which isn't anyone's fault
    F) Hindsight is a wonderful thing but it's not as good as Jaffa Cakes
    G) Wait till Monday 
    H) In the meantime, drink beer, eat crap and enjoy 4 days off work
  15. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from nogbad van 50 in The Administration Thread   
    Most of the players appear to be on their second or third holidays so they'll only be going to Dubai or the Canary Islands.
    They will be well briefed on the contract situation. If they're going to go, they're going to go, they're entitled to go. A few more days before a formal announcement won't make much difference.
  16. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Let's look at just a handful of the required actions before ownership can be formally confirmed and consider that all required completion in the handful of days since Ck signed contracts:
    1) Transfer of funds - business to business transfers are not instant. Larger transactions are subject to anti money laundering checks undertaken by both issuing and receiving banks and banks move at their own pace, not those of interested parties.
    2) The signing of numerous contracts and leases - these days this can be done remotely, even when signatories and witnesses are required, using services such as Docusign. That said, is every party involved moving heaven and earth to get this done? Might it be that some of those parties with no real vested interest in getting this deal over the line might not be sat around waiting into the early evening or night to expedite these processes? Might any individual be on leave or even abroad this week? Might one of the 25 lawyers be on his boat with his mobile off and no intention of accessing emails?
    3) It seems it is not CK who is buying PP - has the 'partner' completed all the required paperwork and have the MSD charges been removed AND reported as such to the satisfaction of the EFL? 
    4) Have the EFL had sufficient time to review all of the documentation and proofs to allow them to formally acknowledge and approve transfer of ownership, thereby formally agreeing CK's ownership and DCFC's membership?
    5) Have the Land Registry and Companies House had sufficient time to update relevant records in accordance with the above steps and are any such amendments reflected in real-time or subject to roll-out delays?
    6) Have the various legal teams acknowledged receipt of funds to concerned parties and did they do so prior to close of play yesterday.
    7) If they have, have they also made the transfer of funds to the ultimate recipients and have their respective banks and those of the multiple recipients performed all required checks and balances including the anti money laundering checks mentioned in point 1?
    Honestly, I could draft pages and pages of likely steps required to get this over the line that could only have been begun once the CK - Quantuma deal was agreed. I've no doubt that most parties are moving heaven and earth to get all the required i's dotted and t's crossed but equally, I think it's highly unlikely that ALL parties are making the same effort. As long as they are getting paid, do such parties really care whether this deal closes this week or next? Even relatively simple transactions such as buying a house can become a nightmarish exercise with any number of delays and hitches, after all. The fact is that the various parties are not working to deadlines per se, they are simply trying to get expedite what is a hideously complex deal with a wild excess of 'moving parts'. Perhaps then folk need to stop assuming that it is CK holding things up, or Quantuma for that matter, stop fretting and chucking shade and show a little patience and understanding for a guy who is trying to save the club we love. More to the point, the pubs open shortly, it's a long weekend, the sun is out and we'll be signing players by this time next week. Let's focus then on the positives, and stop stressing over imaginary issues as in this instance more than most, the devil really is in the detail.
  17. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Twitter is what it is. Ignore the replies and stick with what CK posts. #COYR
  18. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    Another thought on this .
    We should be thankful to anyone trying to buy Derby County after what’s happened to us in recent years and the mess the club found  itself with no help from the EFL 
  19. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to Boycie in The Administration Thread   
    Supporters are bound to get twitchy.  We just want it all sorted for once.  
    Typical solicitor types dragging it out for their own benefit, but I’m quite confident that players will have been offered new deals and free agents approached.   
    If CK and everyone on the admin side know it’ll be completed then that’s why they’re getting fed up with us fans keep asking.
    Its the uncertainty, we don’t know what they know, but I’m reading between the lines and thinking that’s what CK is trying to say.
  20. Clap
    IslandExile reacted to duncanjwitham in The Administration Thread   
    It's not just the banks though, there's all sorts of other things that could be closed on bank holidays - the land registry, for example.  What's probably happened is that the US holiday ended up delaying something over there for 24 hours, and the knock-on effects of that delay have caused something over here (that would otherwise have been done on Tuesday/Wednesday) to end up getting pushed into Thursday and then the bank holidays over here start causing havoc.  It doesn't take much to disrupt a complex chain of events with lots of dependencies. The time-zone differences probably don't help either.
  21. Like
    IslandExile got a reaction from jono in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  22. COYR
    IslandExile got a reaction from Zag zig in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  23. Haha
    IslandExile got a reaction from RoyMac5 in DCFC Players' Holiday Watch   
    Have any of them looked happy on these holiday photos?
    Not cool or something?
  24. Clap
    IslandExile got a reaction from SaffyRam in The Administration Thread   
    If there was any hint that the deal might collapse, don't you think Nixon, Percy, Dorsset or the Daily Fail would gleefully be publishing it?
    Chillax dudes, gonna happen. Be patient.
  25. Like
    IslandExile reacted to angieram in Derby County Flags   
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