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  1. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to Sparkle in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    EFL charges tomorrow then come on ! 
  2. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to RoyMac5 in Wayne Rooney   
  3. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    2) If we haven't an HMRC deal then we wouldn't have been about to announce a PB last Friday is my opinion.
  4. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to td_evans in The Administration Thread   
    Front and centre on the Daily Mail Sport page right now with this.
  5. Sad
    SaffyRam reacted to KBB in The Administration Thread   
    Horrible feeling.
    It's a constant anxiety in my life.
    This club is my life. Yes work, family, friends and everything else, but this club is my life.
    I honestly don't think I would be able to bring myself to sit down and watch a game of football again. I dont care about other clubs, they mean nothing to me, it would be going through the motions and when that happens, in any aspect of your life you have to cut ties and walk away.
    Sorry to everyone trying to keep their spirits up. Today has finished any glimmer of hope I had.
  6. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to ollycutts1982 in The Administration Thread   
    Anyone else getting absolutely fed up to the back teeth with this? Sums up why so many people have fell out of love with football. 
  7. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to The_Sheriff in The Administration Thread   
    The games ducked anyway. Whilst there are two different bodies running the pyramid and money being distributed unfairly it’s completely ducked.
    It shouldn’t be you can get away with ffp if you get promoted it should be you get punished regardless.
  8. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    And  the rules say if you owe anything to other clubs you have to pay them or else. We don't owe anything   to any team  except Arsenal and Joz's old team in Poland..  
  9. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Thanks, made me feel better.
    For me (currently) three key points from the statement:
    "The key issues for the interested parties we are talking to are:
    * The uncertainty around the claims from the two football league clubs and what impact that may have on the club going forward in the event these claims are not resolved during the administration.
    * The uncertainty around the possibility of further sanctions from the EFL in the event the chosen bid does not deliver the financial compensation to pass the EFL rules around payment to both football creditors and other creditors."
    "The deadline for evidence of funding is 1st February, at which time the EFL have said that if they do not have firm evidence of funding, they will consider their position in terms of Derby’s ability to fulfil the fixture list. We have provided the EFL with 3 scenarios as to how that funding gap can be bridged and the EFL await further confirmation from us as to which scenario we plan to deliver. This will be dealt with over the next few days. In the interim, the EFL have confirmed that until as such time as they are satisfied with that evidence, they will not allow any new player registrations to take place and this does include player contract extensions."
    "We have maintained a regular dialogue with Wayne Rooney and indeed met with him on Tuesday this week. We are hugely impressed with his commitment and understanding of the position. We are also hugely impressed with the attitude and performance of the players in this very difficult time. We have explained the current position to Wayne Rooney and have committed to keeping him abreast of our progress."
  10. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to Day in The Football Creditor rule is explicit, simple, and solves all of Derby's issues   
    1) The League is similarly concerned by recent claims that suggests a broader resolution to ongoing issues is solely dependent on the claims from Middlesbrough and Wycombe Wanderers being resolved, which are merely one part of a complex puzzle.
    2) At present, the EFL is not in a position to make a determination as to the status of compensation claims by Middlesbrough and Wycombe under the terms of the EFL’s Articles of Association and/or Insolvency policy, as it could lead to additional action from those already interested parties and the wider membership of Clubs. 
    These claims have been in for 12 months now, and yet they are still not in the position to decide if Boro and Wycombe are football creditors. 12 months!
    3) Whilst clarity is also required as to the status of the claims from both Middlesbrough and Wycombe Wanderers, it is also critical that progress on two fronts urgently be made:
    Funding – The Administrator as a matter of urgency needs to clarify how it plans to fund Derby County for the remainder of the season. By the Administrator’s own forecasting, the Club will run out of cash by February, and therefore sourcing funds is of paramount importance to ensure they can compete for the rest of the season. This is not an artificial EFL deadline, but the reality of when we have been informed the money runs out.
    Preferred Bidder – The EFL needs urgent clarification from the Administrator as to who the preferred bidder is. Without this clarification, no tangible progress can be made into solving the challenges associated with the claims.
    This goes back to 1) in this post where I said correct, however: 
    - A preferred bidder cannot be made until the EFL have made a decision on if Boro and Wycombe are football creditors for obvious reasons.
    - Funding is a side issue to this, Quantuma have confirmed they have 3 options with regards to providing proof of funds for the remainder of the season. Whilst it's not been decided which way they will go, it does not appear to be a major issue.
    - The EFL did not detail any other pieces in this "complex puzzle", why? There isn't any.
    This is all nothing but a deflection of the main issue at play here, if you don't share that view that's fine, however 2 MP's now have focused in on this point to raise with the Sports Minister so I am very comfortable in leaving this topic on the forum.
  11. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to CBRammette in Message to Quantuma   
    Well said Mr Bourne. The new strategy from the dark side has obviously been to undermine the administrators since last Thursday. Keep the faith and the profile high everyone!!
  12. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to Gaspode in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Astonishing coincidence that they ask the same questions and time their public utterances to be issued at the same time.....?
  13. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to RoyMac5 in Message to Quantuma   
    If it wasn't for the EFL going 'against statute' we'd have a preferred bidder. 
    For me thay can give Gibson and Couhig the run around as much as they like, it is quite obvious that neither of those two are reasonable people!
  14. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Message to Quantuma   
    I'm sure somebody from Quantuma will read this.
    I think the way they've handled what can only be described as 'a situation they'll probably never have to deal with again and made difficult in many ways' very well and they seem to be the only ones who come out of this with any credibility.
    We as supporters are obviously wanting answers everyday but that's not possible. I also believe that the admins was taken down a garden path by the EFL who led them to believe we could name a preferred bidder until the goalpost was changed last minute.
    The EFL would have been laughing at Wayne Rooney after hearing his press conference last Thursday knowing that after the Quantuma's meeting with the EFL, we wouldn't be announcing a preferred bidder.
    It's clear as day that the EFL, Boro and Wycombe are trying to turn DCFC fans against Quantuma - Don't let that happen, Quantuma IMO have been very good in all of this and deserve some huge praise. We heard it from Owen Bradley that these guys are doing everything they can.
    As a supporter base we've been excellent all season but even more so in the past 7 days - Let's keep sticking together and one day very soon, we'll get rewarded and the future will be black and white, without any doubt. 
  15. COYR
    SaffyRam reacted to Day in Derby County Daily Updates - TAKEOVER COMPLETED   
    For fans that are on Twitter.
  16. Cheers
    SaffyRam reacted to hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    No, but he did say the administrators are fully aware of all the points raised on this Forum, as I sent him a list, including the Boro not taking any action against Bournemouth and the fans willingness to crowd fund on a large scale. I agree with @iRam, the silence is tactical at the moment, and Q definitely know what they are doing.
  17. Cheers
    SaffyRam reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    After my previous post, just want to thank you for the update.
  18. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
  19. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to Day in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    Absolutely nothing to apologise for. Nothing at all.
  20. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    Part of today’s Telegraph article
    “It’s difficult not to conclude that we’ve seen gross EFL incompetence throughout this saga. A worthy governance institution should enforce rules in a timely manner and offer clarity. The FFP regulations are specifically supposed to ensure that members cannot get into these situations. On those grounds, the EFL has failed. While Derby supporters know that ultimate blame lies with Mel Morris, Derby South MP Margaret Beckett spoke for many in saying: “If Derby are to be liquidated, none of those involved will be forgiven.
  21. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to TheresOnlyWanChope in Boro (A) Tickets   
    There needs to be lots of fans there and everyone at the front of the stadium before the match protesting. 
  22. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to Day in Derby County Daily Updates - TAKEOVER COMPLETED   
  23. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to Day in Derby County Daily Updates - TAKEOVER COMPLETED   
  24. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to Day in Derby County Daily Updates - TAKEOVER COMPLETED   
  25. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to AndyB in Thank you DCFCF   
    While all this is going on I would like to thank this site for being the best place to stay on top of all the happenings in this admin / EFL / claims case. Like most fans I have been searching online for the latest facts and over the last few days this site has become the most reliable. Fans have been providing links to any news regularly and I particularly like the pinned thread by @David giving the latest updates.
    Well done everyone and thank you. In our time of stress, and at times panic, this site has been hugely valuable.
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