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  1. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to alexxxxx in GB news   
    Go on.. How many? 
    And also why are we being dragged in to talking about events in the United States.
    I know some people like to conflate British political movements to American ones to bash the left/right here but I don't remember there being widespread shootings and looting in the UK. 

  2. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to cstand in GB news   
    The cancel culture was started by left wing activists its their weapon of choice and  battle ground so they cannot complain when opponents engaged with them using the same tactics.
  3. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to GboroRam in GB news   
    Was he before Mike Oxlong or after? 
  4. Haha
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from JoetheRam in GB news   
    No way dude, they are fighting the elites and sticking it to the man. The real enemies are those students who wanted to take down a picture of the queen. That is the real problem with this country!
  5. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Archied in GB news   
    It’s a point that has interested me for years ,  crime sanity etc , I’ve reached the bottom line of no one who does something like that is sane , it’s just splitting hairs on sentencing issue, for me it’s matters not your just too dangerous to ever be released?‍♂️
  6. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Angry Ram in GB news   
    Have to agree. This whole Cancel Culture knows no left or right. It's a negative by-product of social media and it sickens me. 
  7. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to GboroRam in GB news   
    In response to a comment that the cancel culture "is done almost entirely by loony lefties".
    You've got right wingers murdering politicians, you've got the Gillette backlash, you've got booing taking the knee, you've got "Ban the BBC" and you've got the backlash about "Black Lives Matter". You've got people complaining that the likes of Gary Lineker shouldn't be given a platform on Twitter because they're paid for by the license fee. All part of cancel culture, but the side that the "unwoke right" prefer not to see when they talk about cancel culture.
    I'm just reminding you all, that the Cancel Culture isn't just the left. And then I get told to take my post down as it's disrespectful and "not playing nicely". I'm not saying anything personal, just that the issue is across both sides of the argument. 
  8. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to maxjam in FYI Cat Owners   
  9. Sad
    ariotofmyown reacted to Jubbs in GB news   
    Lady Colin Campbell apparently was on there last night, saying the following:
    Jeffrey Epstein wasn't a pedophile.
    Defending Prince Andrew.
    Calling Megan Markle a narcissist.

    Are people seriously liking GB News??!?!?  
  10. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Stive Pesley in GB news   
    I think that is where you get your argument fundamentally wrong. Most on the right don't really want free speech (if they did then they wouldn't cry so much about people being "woke") - they want free speech without challenge
    It would be great if Gbeebies turned out to be a fair balanced media platform that gave time to each side of the argument, but that's not what its supporters want. They want a platform that echoes whatever right-wing thought that they have on all these culture wars issues - immigration, muslims, BLM, the death penalty, trans-genders, covid, the EU etc etc . They want a platform that agrees with them and makes them feel like they have a voice
    Fair enough and I don't blame them - all we ALL really want is to feel heard. But GBN won't be able to prevent other people still challenging those opinions. So it won't actually change anything
  11. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to maxjam in GB news   
    That is why I said we need to give it 6 months - it is very noble saying they will present all sides of the argument but as you say, ultimately will they be more driven by viewer numbers than their initial ideals.  I've said it a few times, but time really will tell...
    I didn't mean to imply it only comes from one side.  It is generally the loony lefties that start cancel culture - most on right are for free speech after all, but once you go down that route it is only natural that all sides will engage in it. 
    Boycott GB News is a classic example, yesterday twitter was full of the loonies demanding companies pull their ads, today its those on the right saying they will boycott companies that have pulled adverts.  It's just a pathway to complete division and lack of any common ground what-so-ever.  
    If we are going to allow twitter activists to potential derail a fairly mainstream regulated news station, where will it end?  If advertisers are to scared to stand up to these woke activists, where does it end?  This discussion is probably venturing to far into the realms of politics but all I see is the middle ground between opposing viewpoints eroding all the time and conflicts becoming more frequent and more angry over increasingly mainstream ideologies. 
  12. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to nottingram in GB news   
    Just had a quick look down their Twitter feed, I don’t really watch the news so this is the next best alternative for me.
    Using the topic of taking the knee, a decent case study as obviously something that is fairly divisive - and to their credit I can see they have perspectives from both sides on this, which is a good start and not something I expected.
    My trouble is then that the interactions to the tweet show exactly where their “base customer” falls on the particular debate. The issue then is that everyone’s (both sides, but if I am being really honest I think there is only one correct side to this) views are so entrenched that this base customer is not going to see Harry Redknapp saying taking the knee is a good thing and agree with him, they’ll switch off, as is their right. That will likely then lead to GB News showing less and less of that side of the debate because it will hurt their pockets and then it simply becomes an echo chamber. If it is going to be truly balanced then they will need to entice balanced viewership, currently they don’t seem to have that. Whether it is intentional or not, who knows, but so far their marketing seems to have largely attracted a certain viewer / consumer. 
    Boycotting companies that advertise on GB News is not going to be helpful in getting it to be balanced reporting (or for it continuing to be balanced reporting) but I think it is a little disingenuous to claim this only comes from one side. After all, @maxjam appeared to imply a boycott of Gillette by the “other side” in a previous post, and indeed I have seen a certain MP telling everyone they will boycott the Euros over the taking of the knee, as well as the ongoing issues with the booing of it as well. Not quite cancel culture but certainly not just ignoring it either.
  13. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to sage in GB news   
    It's almost like Tories are winding up working class Britains with culture wars so they don't notice being shafted economically.
    Who's next?
  14. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to AndyinLiverpool in GB news   
    It's the opposite of change really. All the 'culture wars' and anti-woke stuff is really aimed at keeping things as they have always been. The aim is to stop change.
  15. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to alexxxxx in GB news   
    What does this even mean? What voice in what argument?
    The boogeymen of the 'london metropolitan elite' means nothing because it can just mean anyone who's against nationalist populist talking points. 
    Can I read 'the argument' as being the ongoing 'culture wars' stoked in the print press? 
    Really? This is daily mail tv can't see how this is at all attractive to the centre left? It's populist right all over. 
    Tried to watch some of that Wooton show again last night but it was garbage. I think if this kind of show does become popular, BBC and Sky will respond and match the format but with a more grown up approach. 
    Having said that, might watch sunak with Neill later - will be interesting how much of a hard time he gives him. 
  16. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Gaspode in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Just before Christmas my Mother-in-law was rushed into hospital. On admission she was tested and didn't have Covid - a week later she was discharged - with Covid. It may be a wild guess, but I reckon she probably caught it from a healthcare worker....not great for a 91 year-old with dementia, a pacemaker and other health issues. Luckily (probably because she's so stubborn) she seems to have made a full recovery, but the good old NHS could well have killed her. I have absolutely no issue with telling anyone in the health care industry that may come into contact with the general public that they MUST be vacccinated......the only problem is that it's way too late to bring in these sort of rules.
  17. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to i-Ram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I am not demanding people get vaccinated.  I am saying people who want to work in the care sector must have jabs. If they dont want them, thats fine just work doing something else.  Its pretty black and white for me. Like my football.
  18. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to MrPlinkett in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Agree, there is already a requirement of employers to ensure their staff have the Flu jab working in that sector, its no different really.
  19. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Tamworthram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I don’t see it as “forgetting our debt”.
    We can be incredibly grateful for them exposing themselves to a far greater risk than the rest of us more fortunate ones but that shouldn’t exempt anyone from having to take precautions to help protect the vulnerable people they have to come into contact. 
  20. Haha
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from GboroRam in GB news   
    No way dude, they are fighting the elites and sticking it to the man. The real enemies are those students who wanted to take down a picture of the queen. That is the real problem with this country!
  21. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to uttoxram75 in GB news   
    When you say a force for change, do you mean they convince more people that less regulation of financial markets and full privatisation of
    the NHS is a good thing?
    What change are you looking for?
  22. Clap
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Carl Sagan in GB news   
    I used to like Neil, Portillo and Abbot on the BBC.
  23. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to GboroRam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    What I'm saying is, if anything objectionable is posted, the report button is the fastest way to sort it. 
    It's fine to think the politics should be removed. It's fine to report it. 
    It's less fine to complain but not help the mods by reporting content you feel is not in line with the rules. 
  24. Sad
    ariotofmyown reacted to Anon in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Because no one actually wants to censor discussion. I'd bet that the people whinging about this would rather that no topics were out of bounds on this forum. The point is only being raised to highlight the hypocrisy of the situation. I can absolutely guarantee that if the right leaning members started to wander into more political posts your mod inbox would fill up very, very quickly.
  25. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to alexxxxx in GB news   
    Sounds like they're being silenced by the free market. 
    I'm not sure the run of the mill will be that controversial, just as most of LBC isnt/wasn't. But they felt the heat for Farage and Hopkins.
    What I think is a bit disingenuous by gb news though is to go on about their crusades about how they are the only ones covering certain issues.
    For example the cladding crisis is covered all the time on sky and bbc platforms yet I thought I heard them say today that 'no one is talking about it' yet its just not true.
    Im not against gb news' right to exist, we do need some more plurality in our media I just find the whole premise of being 'anti elite and anti woke' as laughable. 
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