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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 23 hours ago, eddielewis said:

    Captaincy means nothing as long as the team has multiple leaders. It's just an armband. For near on 8 years we had what we all thought was as great example of a captain on and off the pitch in Keogh until he did what he did.


  2. 3 minutes ago, richinspain said:

    I'm not going to argue that any of the albums shouldn't be on the list, but some of the placings seem way out to me:

    Ziggy Stardust 81

    Dark Side of the Moon 70

    Rumours 41

    And finally Led Zep IV at number 7!!!! The reviewer couldn't understand it not being number one, yet it is at 7!

    I am however more surprised at some of the albums that are missing. No "Night at the Opera" or "Day at the Races". However the biggest missing album for me is "Bat Out of Hell". One of the biggest selling albums ever and it doesn't even make the top 100 of the 70s.

    Low at 1.  Dear me no. He was half addled on cocaine at that point.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Agree with all of this except I didn't feel the Burton goals were down to Vickers, which makes it a little hard to switch him out even though his punching and command of the box was poor.

    Wildsmith is a huge asset in terms of game management and normally giving the defence confidence. I wish he hadn't had the two consecutive poor games he had, as I would prefer him between the sticks, but I think Warne will feel that now he's made the call, he can't go back on it immediately as there isn't a compelling reason to. And it may be that Vickers grows into the role.

    He's not overly confident with balls into the box.  I think the first one is saved if it doesn't hit Nelsons heel.

  4. 15 minutes ago, trappatoni said:

    Try getting a 10 stone athlete to push you in the back and kick your legs from under you and see if you can keep control of a football.   It was a blatant foul and the weight of Seddon is irrelevant. 

    With the weight I'm carrying nowadays he'd probably break his foot, then some ribs when I fell on him.

  5. Personally, I think we have a few who aren't ever going to be regulars and a bloated squad with pissed off players is a recipe for disaster.  Could we tempt Charlton into a player swap.  Perhaps Bradley would like a year or two in Carlisle.

  6. 1 hour ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Don't beat yersen up about it mate.
    As I sat wondering whether to leave early or not*, I distinctly heard them singing that they actually HATED us, so feckham!



    *I didn't... we scored... yeh me!  🐏


    6 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    They don't. Half that lot were Villa, Man U, Liverpool, Notts Forest who live in Burton. There was even a Coventry fan and Leeds fan i know who were there.

    W anchors to a man.

    This one does, bet the other one does as well.  Hope Mel enjoys being coated with his egg the filthy beast.

    Yet again, so close at Pride Park but at least we have now scored there and those 30 minutes in the second half will live long in the memory where we put the wind up them briefly before the sucker punch at the end. Can't stand their fans and it wouldn't have bothered me if they'd gone under. They helped cause it my egging on Mel Morris with his spending spree and moaned about it when it went wrong. Hypocrites. Be funny if that team went up and tried to stay in the Championship. Would be relegated by March.

    Anyway, onto Saturday. COYB!!


  7. 18 hours ago, rammieib said:

    1 league goal for is from memory? Port Vale away where from 16 yards out he managed to put it through GK legs. Intended or fluke?

    Im far from convinced.

    Sure he got another off the bench and it was a decent strike.  Could be wrong

  8. So it starts.  Oh dear

    Anything that pi55es their deluded fans off is fine in my book. If you drive a coach and horses through the FFP rules, don't be surprised when your house of cards comes crashing down.

    The interesting thing here is that NFFC's case shows a clear intent to gain a sporting advantage.

    1) They delayed a player sale to deter that player transferring to a competitor team.

    2)They gained increased revenue.

    3) They used that increased revenue to purchase more players to provide a competitive advantage.

    I'd like to think that means they'll kop for the maximum points deduction.

    No wonder we thought we were in pole position to sign BJ. Sounds like they knowingly broke the rules in order to block BJs move to us when we probably knew they had little choice but to agree to sell to us in order to avoid sanction.


    Relegate them!! The arrogance shown by this relatively small club since promotion is borderline embarrassing. Cheating b*******

    I’m enjoying not paying my mortgage…because I’m waiting on my £400k accumulator to come in on William Hill, this weekend, guaranteed 

    Karma, do your thing.

    In the majority of cases I would have some sympathy for the fans who cannot effect the mismanagement of their club but just have to deal with the outcome. However in this instance the deluded and self entitled Forrest fans are getting everything they deserve.

    I'm sure we all feel a warm glow of pride in the full knowledge that our club has played its part in Forest landing themselves in the brown stuff today.

    With this and QPR in the mire the year has started well 

    Ensconced on my Laz-e-boy, popcorn to hand. I’m gonna love watching this sh*tshow play out.

    The fist of consequences seldom comes lubed, dear Forest and Everton



  9. 1 minute ago, Rich3478 said:

    I don’t want to do that to reading, hating people picking our players for nothing. I get is a business and someone else would if we don’t, it’s just not how I’d want to do things personally.

    I hated them signing Carroll for another 6 months, getting 4 loans and changing their manager whilst under restriction that they purposefully broke just after we drew with them.  Meanwhile we lost a 40 yr old on 5 k a week and Shinnie who was sold to pay his wages killing off a revival of 10 points in 4 games.  I'll lose no sleep.   

  10. Just now, rammieib said:

    Not convinced on him - feel it’s a loan wasted. Hope I’m proved wrong.

    He's shown he can finish.  I expect his goals are going to come as an impact sub rather than a starter however. He's a bit weak and will do more damage against tiring defenders who aren't chasing him about.  Need more starting firepower bringing in. 

  11. 17 minutes ago, Kernow said:

    I don't think he's done anything particularly wrong, but he doesn't look as confident or as match ready as Wildsmith. I didn't think Wildsmith deserved to be dropped, but I'd happily see him back in as I think he's the better of the two keepers.

    Based on Warnes new contract tripped for some players on appearances, could Wildsmith be one? Do we want him to have it or do we want the wages for another player.

  12. 22 hours ago, ramit said:

    You've got me on a nostalgic trip now.

    In 1984 I was hired for a 4 month voyage on a cargo ship to the Mediterranean and back.  As usual I had little cash but much musical longing with little time to choose what to bring.  Two cassettes and did not regret the purchase.  As a result, Stewart Copeland became my favorite drummer.


    Apparently learnt his unique drumming style in the Middle East as his dad was in the United States intelligence service.

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