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  1. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to ossieram in Club comms   
    Some of us remember how spineless they were when it came to protesting against the 3 crooks, but were always around when the cameras appeared. 
  2. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Steve How Hard? in The end   
    This the end. A big, throbbing ? end. 
  3. Haha
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from CBRammette in The end   
    Is it?
  4. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Carl Sagan in The end   
    What a question! In my youth the traditional figure was the Sun was 4.5 billion years old and would stay roughly main sequence for another 4.5 billion years. I always thought the symmetry was odd, and nowadays the estimates have gone up, so you see between 5 billion and 7.5 billion depending on who you talk to. However, the bad news is that the Sun expanding to beyond Earth's orbit may not prove to be the end of our embargo, as people are busy finding ways to move Earth 15% further out allowing things to continue. One way we can do that is with around a  million targeted comet fly-bys.
    So, would heat death of the Universe finally end the embargo? Maybe not. Roger Penrose who recently won the Nobel Prize for physics has a new theory called conformal cyclic cosmology where the Universe turns out to be neverending, but rather repeats on different scales. This might mean the EFL sanctions against us grow ever bigger as we enter each new aeon of the Universe. 
  5. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Foreveram in That one game   
    I think Lee Morris finest hour was scoring against the red dogs for Yeovil in the playoffs ?
  6. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to ossieram in That one game   
    Mickey Lewis v Liverpool. Bullied Steve Mcmahon all night and they took him off and Molby came on, 30 seconds later he's flat on his back with Lewis laughing at him. 
  7. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Tombo in Club comms   
    RamsTrust are a complete joke. Their words are not my words, and they don't really say anything of value anyway.
    Ego driven posturing with no real purpose.
    For all this talk of fan ownership, has anyone actually even attempted to put together the means? Or do they just write strongly-worded letters like a bunch of pensioners writing in to Channel 4?
  8. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to ossieram in Club comms   
    They have been trying for years.
  9. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Crewton in Stories of being in the ‘Home’ End   
    Back in the 70s, being in the 'away' end (if there even was one), or being a fan who just wanted to follow his/her team, was no guarantee of avoiding trouble. The home team's mob weren't always picky about which opposing supporter they clumped or threw a brick/bottle/dart at. You had to keep your wits about you and planning was a big part of avoiding a kicking. You also had to be able to trust who you went with : no big mouths attracting the wrong kind of attention, but also mates you knew wouldn't leave you stranded if things got a bit threatening. 
  10. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to chezzyram in Stories of being in the ‘Home’ End   
    Not everyone was in the DLF or intentionally looking for trouble! I mentioned Bradford simply because it was a very scary experience being on the receiving end of chunks of concrete raining down with no cover, not glorifying in throwing them back. Football in the 70s and 80s was in a very different place and situations like this on away days were almost unavoidable. If you wanted to follow your team home and away every week you knew what to expect, knew the risks and took your chance. The only safe option was to stay at home and for many of us this was simply not an option, the adrenaline rush was part of the day
  11. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Ram-Alf in Stories of being in the ‘Home’ End   
    Some folk like to go ballroom dancing, Some like to walk in the Country, Some like to go to Church, There's a multitude of things that people did and still do, Not sure how old you are or if you were a around in the 70s-80s, But for some it was a way of life, It wasn't all Council house lads, I knew some posh lads with very wealthy parents, Teachers, Soldiers, The Police(not the band)Females, Professional people who on a Saturday would be just as much up for it than us.
    Over the years while travelling away watching DCFC we'd go into a local boozer and see a group of Derby supporters(shirters and scarfers) being bullied by home fans, To see their smiling faces when we entered was a sight to behold, The home fans would soon back off.
    I understand your "pathetic and sadness" of it all, Many many years ago I watched "World in Action or Panarama" where a Psychologist tried to explain "football violence" this was his opinion.
    The British are an Island race of different peoples, What they have in common is an ability to fight/go to War, Something they have done for 2000 years, Beer was a big reason for this, Water wasn't drunk by the common man centuries ago, It was Beer, As all the c**p that was in the water was boiled away when making beer or mead even Children drank it, Around the time of the 1st world war public houses were ordered to close at certain times of the day.
    So you see Bionoic it's not our fault...blame the Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Vikings, Normans, And most of all, Blame global warming for the last Ice age some 12000 years ago, As when that melted we were no longer joined to Europe ?
  12. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Foreveram in The end   
    It’s quite simple, just get promoted 
  13. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Mihangel in The end   
    It is.
  14. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to i-Ram in Club comms   
    Pearce is a puppet.

  15. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I have posted the following before, but no matter what you think of Trump/Biden or America as whole they are a deeply flawed politically and things are only getting worse. 
    Trump may have presided over the first 400k deaths but how many of those did these comments cause?
  16. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Eddie in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    If I've told @G STAR RAM once, I've told him a million times, he exaggerates.
  17. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to G STAR RAM in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Well the JCVI concluded that the risks outweigh the benefits of vaccinating children.
    Maybe we just have a different outlook on life. I would take absolutely no risk with my children's lives to potentially prolong mine, guess its just the way I was brought up but my kids lives always come first.
  18. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Eatonram in Two season transfer ban.   
    How come the only club to ever get "named" is Derby. We aren't allowed to know who we owe the money too, is it a mega bucks premium team or fellow struggler, we aren't allowed to know who owes us money, no other club is put out there for criticism and further speculation. Which I find hard not to conclude is part of an EFL strategy to increase pressure and pain on the Club and our owner, because they just will not accept the verdict of the IDC...............Just read there statement after the verdict.
  19. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Day in Club comms   
    I know it doesn't help with any conspiracy theory, but we're not the only club that's closed their ticket office, not saying it justifies the decision, just thought it was worth mentioning thats all. Reminds me of the away kit release, again we wasn't the only club not to release their away kit before the season starts, but you would assume it was just in Derby looking at social media. 
    Anyway, Spurs have closed their ticket office, not open at all, Swansea only open on match days, sure I have seen others online, feel free to look and verify. 
    With everything moving online to e tickets, ticket offices will be a thing of the past in a few years, not just football clubs but cinema, train stations, airports. Might only be a minimum wage job, but it's money saved where computers can takeover.
    The pandemic has probably sped things up a little, businesses exploring cost cutting measures, exploring online only options as well as going cashless now. 
    People will moan but online systems will be improved and be easier to use as feedback is gathered, your mobile phone will carry tickets, driving licences (America just approved), medical passports the lot, not sure it should even be called a phone at this point.
    I have been helping the in laws adapt, they now have iPhones, every time I go round I'll ask them to either show me their covid passport or send me an email. They even order repeat prescriptions now on an app rather than ringing the doctors. All us reading this now are lucky, we're growing up with this technology so will be easier to age without being frustrated about not being able to buy a football ticket.
  20. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to ossieram in Stories of being in the ‘Home’ End   
    Ahhh the good old days ? 
    We never had to argue about being in someone's seat or standing in seated sections then.
  21. Clap
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from Derby blood in Stories of being in the ‘Home’ End   
    Stood behind him on the way out that day (KO) that is and can clearly remember him goading on the whole East End as we came down the steps. Our escapade came to an abrupt end when my best mate took one in the shoulder with a broken bottle and had to rush him to the St John's to be sorted out.
    Happy Days.
  22. Clap
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Stories of being in the ‘Home’ End   
    Stood behind him on the way out that day (KO) that is and can clearly remember him goading on the whole East End as we came down the steps. Our escapade came to an abrupt end when my best mate took one in the shoulder with a broken bottle and had to rush him to the St John's to be sorted out.
    Happy Days.
  23. Clap
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from 1967Ram in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    And blue shorts, Wait for the incoming
  24. Clap
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from Carl Sagan in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    And blue shorts, Wait for the incoming
  25. Like
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from Carl Sagan in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    On Frank, he was a very good footballer, and had the misfortune of the way Clough set Derby up. Also the two in that system were the best at the time. 
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