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  1. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from Alty_Ram in Formula 1 2023 and general Motorsport   
    Only just caught up with qualifying - what a whingey little bitch Max is when everything isn’t going perfectly for him - at one point he was moaning that there were too many cars on track 😂
  2. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from Premier ram in Elliot Embleton - signed on a season-long-loan - cancelled   
    Thought the lad did well today - neat and tidy, passed to white shirts, organised well and most importantly was disciplined in staying in the centre of the park - shame about his miserable voice, but you can’t have everything 😉
  3. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from Alph in Formula 1 2023 and general Motorsport   
    Only just caught up with qualifying - what a whingey little bitch Max is when everything isn’t going perfectly for him - at one point he was moaning that there were too many cars on track 😂
  4. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from Dean (hick) Saunders in Elliot Embleton - signed on a season-long-loan - cancelled   
    Thought the lad did well today - neat and tidy, passed to white shirts, organised well and most importantly was disciplined in staying in the centre of the park - shame about his miserable voice, but you can’t have everything 😉
  5. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Live football thread.   
    I can think of other managers who have a similar level of stubbornness regarding formations and how to play the game....
  6. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from Premier ram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    So, did anything interesting come out of the forum? - was hoping this thread might provide a bit of insight, but it just seems to be the usual suspects bitching about the usual things - I live in hope that one day we might be able to move on and look forward....
  7. Like
    Gaspode reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Have you watched it? I would recommend doing so if not. I think how an individual processes the forum still appears to coloured by their own personal opinions, as my take on it was a more positive and optimistic one.
    There was discussion around the academy pathways being open to the first team, with Warne saying he discusses the academy prospects regularly with Buxton. Commentary about how decimated the academy was and that they’re focused on replenishing it (which costs) and will take time to get back to the levels it was at. Discussion about recruitment, the potential to look at lower leagues and abroad for value if restrictions (Brexit changes) allow. Insight into the methodology at the leadership of the club with their being a “football executive” consisting of Pearce, Warne, Recruitment, Medical etc to try and make sure it’s ran less as a dictatorship (my word not theirs) than perhaps went before.
    Warne as always (in my view) talked a good game and made mostly the right noises, but as others will be quick to point out, it’s whether or not he can deliver on what he says that matters.
    In summary I felt optimistic about what was discussed, some of it was honest and open, other aspects were more evasive, and the bit with Waghorn and Hourihane was funny and insightful. 
    EDIT - there’s a mixed message of sorts in there that from a first team perspective Warne wants top 6 or promotion asap but the bigger picture of the club appears to me that it’s a longer term project to rebuild within and externally in terms of relationships and perception.
  8. Cheers
    Gaspode reacted to Gerry Daly in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    One thing that I thought was interesting, and nobody has mentioned, is that Pearce confirmed that we could have paid fees but chose not to and that our budget is not in any way constrained by the EFL. We are working within our own business plan. Which concerned me a little bit in that it means we can't expect any more spending next season if we are still in this division  
  9. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from angieram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    So, did anything interesting come out of the forum? - was hoping this thread might provide a bit of insight, but it just seems to be the usual suspects bitching about the usual things - I live in hope that one day we might be able to move on and look forward....
  10. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from alram in Live football thread.   
    I can think of other managers who have a similar level of stubbornness regarding formations and how to play the game....
  11. Clap
    Gaspode reacted to Comrade 86 in Jonson Clarke-Harris - Joined Rotherham   
    Full marks for consistency. I don't think I've seen a single positive post from you about the club, nor any player for that matter, since you joined the forum. 
  12. Clap
    Gaspode reacted to Loughborough Ram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    You mean, scrutiny by the fans.
    I prefer c) if David Clowes is happy for him to continue, having scrutinised his role in the Mel Morris era, then I'm more than happy.
    Are we so unhappy at this club that we have find problems with everything. Warnes rubbish, the players are rubbish, the recruitment team are rubbish, the CEO is rubbish and on we go, when is this disharmony ever going to stop?
  13. Clap
    Gaspode reacted to S8TY in Jonson Clarke-Harris - Joined Rotherham   
    Get off his back …he hasn’t started well with a couple of costly errors …but I’ve still seen some good things from him so try backing the fella ffs 
  14. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Urinal etiquette/unease ( again)   
    Surely this is the only way to behave.....

  15. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from SaffyRam in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    and yet you can bet ref will be out there in charge of another League One fixture this weekend.....
  16. Clap
    Gaspode reacted to Premier ram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    This  relentless Warne bashing is getting very tiresome
  17. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from angieram in Who wants to live forever?   
    Having spent far too much time in old folks homes visiting elderly relatives, I'd be more than happy popping my clogs before I get to the stage where I need someone to feed me and help me to use the bathroom - if science can cure dementia and slow the aging process then I'd be fine carrying on (though sometimes reading the cobblers posted on here recently, I get to thinking another day may be a day too long....)
  18. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from sage in Who wants to live forever?   
    Having spent far too much time in old folks homes visiting elderly relatives, I'd be more than happy popping my clogs before I get to the stage where I need someone to feed me and help me to use the bathroom - if science can cure dementia and slow the aging process then I'd be fine carrying on (though sometimes reading the cobblers posted on here recently, I get to thinking another day may be a day too long....)
  19. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from Kathcairns in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    and yet you can bet ref will be out there in charge of another League One fixture this weekend.....
  20. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from Day in Be honest. Do you dislike old people?   
    I think Putin has a plan to reduce the world's population.....
  21. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    and yet you can bet ref will be out there in charge of another League One fixture this weekend.....
  22. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from TimRam in Who wants to live forever?   
    Having spent far too much time in old folks homes visiting elderly relatives, I'd be more than happy popping my clogs before I get to the stage where I need someone to feed me and help me to use the bathroom - if science can cure dementia and slow the aging process then I'd be fine carrying on (though sometimes reading the cobblers posted on here recently, I get to thinking another day may be a day too long....)
  23. Clap
    Gaspode reacted to Carnero in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Ridiculous that once again certain people who didn't attend the forum are already criticising aspects of what was "said" before they've even had the chance to watch the forum themselves.
  24. Clap
    Gaspode reacted to angieram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    I disagree.
    He had made his statement at the beginning of the Forum and he must be very cautious about stating anything that would cause legal trouble for the Club.
    There are a certain section of the fanbase that will never move on from using him as the scapegoat and are just looking to criticise him at every opportunity. It says more about them than it does about Pearce to be honest. 
  25. Clap
    Gaspode reacted to angieram in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    Where are you getting this stuff from? He never said that about not using the academy enough last season.
    He said there was no-one who he thought was ready then and he didn't want them to suffer. 
    Made specific reference to the player who got torn one by Man City winger in Papa John's last season, without mentioning names. (It was Oduroh. )
    Says fringe players will be given a chance again in this season's Pizza Cup games (he didn't call it that!) 🙄 
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