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Posts posted by Millenniumram

  1. 12 minutes ago, Srg said:

    Fornah must train like s****. Impressed when he plays but struggles to stay in the team anyway, now off the bench entirely. 

    To be fair, whilst I was impressed with him early doors, Fornah has been w*** whenever he’s come off the bench recently. He even makes Sibley look effective sometimes.

  2. Still Cashin for me - my Player of the Year last season, and he remains the best defender (arguably the best player altogether) in the league imo. Just a consistently outstanding performer - wins virtually every header that comes his way (impressive given his height), distributes the ball well, reads the game superbly, always willing to put his body on the line, and has rescued us from dangerous situations countless times with his often under appreciated recovery tackles. Everything you’d want in a defender, and the key component in the leagues best defence at the half way stage.

    Honourable mentions to Cashin’s CB partner in Nelson, who you could also attribute most of the above to - together they’ve formed a consistent, formidable partnership. Going forward, after a slow start, Mendez-Laing has been electric - terrorising defenders and becoming easily our most productive player, who we (probably too often) rely on for a bit of magic. He runs Cashin close imo.

  3. Honestly… I think we need to win all three. 

    To get top two in this league you have to be relentless. It’s such a poor league that any dropped points end up costing you as everyone around you wins. We had a woeful start to the season so we have to recover that now to get back to the magic 2 point a game mark. The recent run has gone some way to achieving that, but we’re still a little way off.

    It won’t be easy, but getting wins against some of your main promotion rivals would go a long way to making up for those early season mistakes. They’re not called 6 pointers for nothing. Playing tough opponents during a busy schedule isn’t ideal - but we have as much (if not more) quality, and should be fresher than the opposition given we played yesterday rather than Saturday. 

    There’s no reason at all why we shouldn’t be able to beat any team in this league. We should go into these games with that mentality and aim to win all of them.

  4. 2 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    I've not read the thread at all but I did watch the match. That result was nothing to do with shape or tactics. It was sheer incompetence from the players. Virtually all were guilty of under hit or over hit passes the whole game and as for game management what a laugh..... Why the hoof up field for the ball to come straight back when white shirts were available? Incompetence by the players, total incompetence. 

    Agreed. Everyone knows I’m not a Warne fan but that performance, particularly first half, was on the players. They were the ones who should’ve been booed off at half time. Total lack of effort and concentration on so many occasions. 

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