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  1. COYR
    Andrew3000 reacted to Rammy03 in New signings, who will be first...and next?   
    Contract renewals and signings surely
  2. Like
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Premier ram in LG 1 appropriate transfer suggestions   
    I wouldn't be opposed to Johnno in lg 1. Would beef up the midfield next to more cultured bird (doubt we'll keep him) or mobile Thommo. Decent in the air, defensively would help. The odd goal too.
    As for Huddz. No. Beautiful passer, lumbering passenger.
  3. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to RIMBAUD in New signings, who will be first...and next?   
    Would be a very good signing. Saw enough to think him and Curtis would be good enough for the coming season. 
  4. Clap
  5. Cheers
    Andrew3000 reacted to Howard Canitbé in The Administration Thread   
    Takeover pod is live!
    Thanks @Steve Bloomer's Washing
  6. Haha
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from jono in The Administration Thread   
    Sorry, couldn't resist. 
  7. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    After 2 years of being away from PP through Covid and Family issues, I'm chomping at the bit to buy a Season Ticket, I'll wait patiently until general sale, I hope they have the seat I purchased for the Bristol City game and is still available, North Stand Lower Corner...near the East Stand.
    I'm coming home baby  
  8. Cheers
    Andrew3000 reacted to StaffsRam in The Administration Thread   
  9. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to kevinhectoring in Liam Rosenior   
    An interim appointment is obviously sensible and I don’t think they should be rushing to find a permanent. Rosenoir deserves his chance. He was exemplary when he stepped aside and supported Rooney in his first foray into management. Not a single moment when he didn’t give him his full support it seemed, and many would have harboured resentment. This change in ownership is about a change in culture as much as anything and we could do much worse than have LR at the football helm 
  10. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to uttoxram75 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I'm not sure why people are still testing? Are the symptoms worse than a cold?
  11. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    Isn’t next week going to just brilliant ? Arguing about signings, and contracts, chewing cud on Liams potential, who might stay, the lead up to the opening friendly, Will CKR’s aging grunt be a winner in league one. How big the crowd will be at the first home game.
    Not having to think about points penalties, Gibson, bank transfers. Joyful !  If anyone mentions amortisation, Mr Morris, accountancy or MSD they should be chained up outside the city ground and pelted with pieclets 
  12. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ambitious in The Administration Thread   
    Every single Derby fan, who has the means to buy a season ticket, absolutely should feel a duty to do so this season.
    A fan has bought the club and it will take every single one of us to help it be successful. In League One we can be the difference, the support can make us competitive against our business plan.
    I really hope people put their hand in their pocket like never before, Clowes deserves that!
  13. Like
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Rammy03 in LG 1 appropriate transfer suggestions   
    I wouldn't be opposed to Johnno in lg 1. Would beef up the midfield next to more cultured bird (doubt we'll keep him) or mobile Thommo. Decent in the air, defensively would help. The odd goal too.
    As for Huddz. No. Beautiful passer, lumbering passenger.
  14. Haha
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from GlastoEls in The Administration Thread   
    @Steve Bloomer's Washing

  15. Haha
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Crewton in The Administration Thread   
  16. Like
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in LG 1 appropriate transfer suggestions   
    I wouldn't be opposed to Johnno in lg 1. Would beef up the midfield next to more cultured bird (doubt we'll keep him) or mobile Thommo. Decent in the air, defensively would help. The odd goal too.
    As for Huddz. No. Beautiful passer, lumbering passenger.
  17. Like
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
  18. Like
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Ram@Lincoln in The Administration Thread   
    I'm hoping that @Steve Bloomer's Washingand rams review are recording drunken pods as we speak so I can savour the joy in the morning. Love those guys. X
  19. Haha
  20. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ramfambo in The Administration Thread   
    Ok. I dont post much but have spent more time on this thread than is healthy. Morning, noon, night, at work, at airports, in hospital and so on. The news is fantastic and I will be eternally grateful to DC for saving the club and allowing me and my boy to keep avidly following dcfc home and away. Means so much to us all. Just a massive thankyou to everyone who has endeavoured to keep posting every snippet of information, every relevent tweet, every update and making it easy to find everything in one place. In the main you have posted stuff on here way before it was picked up anywhere else and seconds after it was realeased.  I really  appreciate your efforts in keeping us updated and once again for playing ahuge part in supporting us all with witty comments, beer talk, absolute rubbish at times but I have felt amongst true fans on this forum and am so pleased we can look forward again. There will be better days ahead for us all. 
  21. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to deanoakaram4life in LG 1 appropriate transfer suggestions   
    Dale Stephans would be a quality addition for me. Knows Liam from Brighton as well!  
  22. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to DCFC1388 in LG 1 appropriate transfer suggestions   
    I would be looking at Niasse on a free or maybe see if our 'friends' down the road will loan us Lyle Taylor, I think we almost loaned him in Jan
  23. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from deanoakaram4life in LG 1 appropriate transfer suggestions   
    I wouldn't be opposed to Johnno in lg 1. Would beef up the midfield next to more cultured bird (doubt we'll keep him) or mobile Thommo. Decent in the air, defensively would help. The odd goal too.
    As for Huddz. No. Beautiful passer, lumbering passenger.
  24. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to YouRams in Tom Glick   
    Send some good loans this way cheers Thomas!
  25. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to TuffLuff in The Administration Thread   
    Took a bit of time out to gather myself, have a bath, listen back to Radio Derby and get a glass of my special occasion drink (White Peak Distillery cask rum, summit local). I hope everyone is having whatever it is they want to drink.
    Can’t really add anything that hasn’t already been said. All my thanks for everyone’s efforts last season. From Rooney and Rosenior, the players and staff who kept the club going in the darkest days. You can all hold your head high for what you did.
    The fans who did everything they could, from filling the stadium to organising marches etc etc. Also the supporters groups who tried to get answers.
    The journalists who kept us informed as much as they could, this was a mess from start to finish and was impossible to report accurately on. Many lessons will be learnt but we should appreciate all their efforts from Nixon, Percy, @The Baron,Simon Stone and everyone else I’m forgetting about. Colin Murray, Dan Roan and the national journalists who gave #savederbycounty national coverage. 
    Special mention to Ed Dawes and Radio Derby, who has lived this far longer than any of us realise because Morris was in his ear with his mess 2-3 years ago. He didn’t get it right all the time, I’m sure he can admit that, but he stood up when it mattered and deserves a pat on the back from Derby fans. Also let’s not forget Chris Coles who after so much crap Derby related news deserves his little moment tonight too!
    Team Derby! Forkin, the council and the MPs who helped keep this in the spotlight and did a lot of background work. They have helped create a huge positive day for the city.
    Thanks to @David, @Boycieand all the moderators on the forum for all their work and giving us the platform. Special mention to @Animal is a Ram for giving us ‘up to the second’ updates (and all those who sought to beat him, yes you @RoyMac5). Thanks everyone for the laughs in here, at some of the most frustrating times they were some genuinely funny days in here that made everything a bit easier. 
    Finally, thankyou Mr Clowes. I hope despite inital reluctance this ends up being the best decision you ever make. I hope as fans we respect your privacy, but only after hearing your name being rang out by a sell out crowd on July 30th. 
    I’ve probably forgotten someone, despite going on worst than one of those popmaster contestants who won’t shut up and go away, but I’m tired and wanna finish my drink and read transfer rumours like a normal football fan, so apologies to anyone who is forgetten.
    Have a great night everyone, it’s much deserved 
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