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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. 13 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Only Bird, Knight, Sibley, Bielik and Jozwiak are contracted beyond this season (due to embargo restrictions). Using your logic we should sell everyone other than those 5 ?

    There is no one we can currently sign who would be an improvement on Lawrence.

    Unless we already have them - I am an optimist things can change quickly in football 

  2. Maybe it’s a dubious link but I honestly want to see him score a hat trick vs Huddersfield and whoever else and we receive bids worthy of selling him because currently he will be out of contract at the end of the season and any money coming in will be helpful in many ways and he will just walk away for nothing so sell him in this window - I absolutely see the argument that who can we replace him with but if we balance that with the so many games where he has been missing on the pitch we might actually improve ( Jozwiak is better on the left apparently) 

  3. 3 hours ago, glyn1957 said:

    Hi everyone, today i have had to fill in a covid NHS track and trace  today for my friend who comes as my carer and was informed that if it was not filled in entry to the ground would not be allowed as stated in the supporter code of conduct.

    It would be good to know if it is just the disabled being asked or are all fans having to fill this form in.

    Disabled only so the carer can be contacted if needs must they already have your details 

  4. 2 hours ago, Ambitious said:

    Agreed, but if he scored the goals that kept us in the league then perhaps it wouldn't be as expensive. I'd imagine one of the richer clubs, perhaps even Bournemouth, will take him on loan. 

    A player we developed for 10 years, lost for pennies, goes on to become the league's top goalscorer whilst on loan to a parachute payment club in the same season we get relegated with a record low points total in the second division. I think that would be the cherry on top of the cake. 

    All possible but he would probably do a hamstring if we signed him anyway ?

  5. 16 hours ago, Ambitious said:

    Stoke are looking to sign Sam Surridge from Bournemouth for £5.5m which is absolutely insane money for a player who has struggled to establish himself at any level above League Two.

    I'd imagine that Liam Delap is still up for grabs. 

    He is up for grabs but city reportedly want his wages paid and a loan fee totalling £2.5 million to be paid plus he has to play when fit - that is simply way out of our possibility’s 

    the only slight possibility we would have was if we sold of any potential money owed to us and any potential sell on percentages - which would probably be a very expensive loss to us in the future. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Coconut said:

    No other club is being hounded to death and restricted from bringing in players as a result of an 18 month vendetta against them despite not actually breaking any set-in-stone rules.

    Most of our issues are a a direct result of being held guilty for a year of something we were found innocent of, and then found guilty (at the second, long delayed attempt) by decree of opinion (not law, not even based on any written rule) of a second charge, coupled with ill health leading to a reassessment of priorities.

    If we were allowed to operate freely and spend money we would have done, we wouldn't be in this situation if we weren't being treated with the utmost hypocrisy by an organisation which demands everything is explained in detail to them (well, they do now, they weren't bothered 3 years ago) and yet makes up new rules without any justification it explanation at the drop a hat.

    Mistakes have been made of course, but it's football and most things go tits up unless you happen to have a massive dollop of luck along the way.

    It's funny just how many mistakes get covered over and never talked about by virtue of just one thing going right and vice versa

    By all means shout your arse out about how much you hate Mel, I suspect you're more likely to find the people around you telling you to shut the duck up than join in with you, but we'll see.

    Just wait until the EFL actually get their mits into a few other clubs 

  7. 1 minute ago, angieram said:

    As someone said, we have waited seventeen months to see a live competitive Derby County game.

    I am really looking forward to it and I certainly won't be wasting any energy on booing anybody. 

    Time to enjoy being a supporter again.

    I have never booed anyone at a football match - it achieves nothing and wouldn’t give me a sense of enormous well being - get behind the lads as the crowd are worth an extra 8 points a season usually 

  8. 1 hour ago, Ambitious said:

    I'd hope you're right. I think it would be shocking to see an attendance less than 20,000 for an opening day. Huddersfield will likely sell out as their fans will view this game as the easiest three points of the season. I've even seen some of their fans suggesting this is the easiest three points in their club's history. You can imagine that creates a certain buzz and willingness to come an hour or so down the road. 

    If we can get up to 18,000 home fans + Huddersfield's 2000 away. It would be disappointing but I don't think would get called out too much in the press. I think anything lower will certainly garner some attention.  


    I would be very surprised if there is even 15,000 in total with the away support 

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