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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. 40 minutes ago, Betty Swollocks said:

    Mine too. He flatly refuses to buy anything online as he thinks he will get scammed and when he goes in shops/pubs etc he wants to pay in cash

    Well based on the amount of older people that tend to be targeted for telephone, text, email etc scams he is absolutely correct to hold that view - wherever the money is thieves will attempt to get at it and with a staggeringly high success rate.

  2. 1 hour ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    Visa waiver renewal is not suspended but using it to travel from the UK to the USA is, also telling homeland security when they look at your passport that you have spent 14 days in another country to gain access from the UK will get you a nice immediate flight back to the UK and a denied entry stamp in your passport.

    The part about 14 days in another country is a reality and plenty of people have and continue to need to do it 

  3. 5 hours ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    Visa waiver program currently suspended, B1 visa almost impossible to get, the facts you quote are pre-covid

    Visa waiver is not currently suspended (Esta) I renewed the other month - can’t go unless I want to holiday for two weeks first somewhere allowed.

  4. 6 hours ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    Sorry it is still BS, business travel not allowed unless authorised by USA embassy.



    You can actually go to the USA but you must first sit for 14 days anywhere but the uk and Ireland the EU area China, Iran, India and Brazil - personally 2 weeks in Cancun then over to Florida would be the shortest route (All of which is Barmy by the USA) 

  5. 1 minute ago, Wignall12 said:

    Get over yourselves people,  hoik your panties out of that big wad. We are where we are and until the EFL release that grip on our throat and let us back down to the ground there is sweet F.A. we can do about it. This transfer window is about getting in who we can to try and steady the ship. We can only try to do what we are "allowed " to do by the Dictatorship. They have us by the short and curlies and are mightily peed off they cant do more. So we can't sign Messi or whoever.......nowt we can do about only plan for if things relax. I suspect that will not come before a takeover. Why all the bile and venting of spleens ? Do you not think those in charge feel as hamstrung as us ? 

    We can sign Messi 

    I would even make him captain ! 

  6. 50 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Be more inclined to think it was 'interesting' if it wasn't for the fact Huddlestone still hasn't signed to play for anyone.

    Could probably do with him now though !

  7. 3 minutes ago, VulcanRam said:

    Yes I know we're desperate, and you're spot on about the EFL, thought not the self-entitled bit - that is something I most certainly am not, believe me. I just don't like this policy of looking for players in trouble who we might hope might come good. Ibe didn't work. There's little sign that Duncan will. It's not a great strategy imo.

    Morrison has failed wherever he has been after leaving Man U with far too many references to his attitude from coaches. I'd rather spend what limited funds we have elsewhere ta than on someone who history suggests will be off in January anyway. CKR, who some have referred to, did work for us for a while. This guy just looks like trouble to me, that's all; I can a deal being of benefit to him, but not to us.  


    No more than a monthly contract I would say if at all 

  8. On 10/07/2021 at 00:07, kevinhectoring said:

    V excited if Menghi returns   For someone so young he’s strong, very fast and great on the ball. His positional sense was erratic on occasion but not helped by him playing in at least 3 positions. He’ll be a more mature footballer this season. But if he is the only loanee Rooney can spring from ManU, that’s disappointing 

    I get very very excited when I see a goalscorer being signed as a centre forward !

    I think the last one was Dean Saunders although Dean Sturridge was a lot better than some gave him credit for even though he came through the ranks 

  9. 32 minutes ago, 24Charlie said:

    A bit of advice please.

    I'm toying with the idea of taking my grandson, who will be 5 next week, to the Man Utd friendly but I'm not sure if he's too young.

    I thinking of using it a test event and if he likes it I'll get him a season ticket.

    Does anyone on here take a child of this age?

    Just tell him that it’s his team (Derby county) and he has to support them through thick and thin and he has to make sure his Grandad gets to every Derby county fixture in the future and it will be his responsibility until he passes it on to his Grandson 

  10. 9 hours ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

    Can’t hurt to give a trial surely.

    Would need to think very carefully about handing out a contract (expect he will want more than CKR initial popcorn pay).

    That’s what he has actually been good at - getting a trial - not performing on a football pitch for a first team

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