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  1. Haha
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from Mimester in End of season celebrations.   
  2. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to downsouth in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Good luck for this afternoon, I hope you get it over the line for a number of reasons, and the odds are in your favour.
    I hope you don't mind an outsider saying this, and I'm sure you all know this, but regardless of any euphoria or disappointment tomorrow, you'll all still be proud supporters - as b4 was, and is. As someone who read on here for a while before I registered/posted and saw lots of his comments when you were in a bad place;  I stand by the fact that whoever we support, we could all do well by being a bit more like him, when it comes to our clubs.
  3. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Ipswich generally have very good bobbys also. Proper old school types who just stand among the fans and have a chat.
  4. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to B4’s Sister in End of season celebrations.   
    Might have already done it…. 🤭
  5. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from Miggins in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Good idea to go back to his old posts. Realised we were silly to think we’d only have one rallying cry. We had two before the Villa game at Wembley.
    “Black and white warriors marching to wrembly”
    Hey lads I can not any prounder of you last night you played with so much passion and fight you mind whole city pround of you. You have wroken up sleeping gaints of mighty Derby county togather as one to supporters to the players to frank we can all the way and have glory once more by winning the play offs.
    Your going to have 36k of Derby fans with sea of black and white in wrembly to flag scarfs balloons and banners all over the stadium.
    Togather we bleed black and white and the city is also black and white.
    So come Derby we believe in you
    Come on you rams
    We believe.
    “Go for glory go for it lads”
    We are so close to that fairy tale ending by winning at wrembly this would pefect way for certain to say there goodbyes and leave as heros and legends and legends in the making but we as fans we really need to make wrembly so loud that whole nation take notice and think wow what support lets make whole of london know that Derby county are hear and we are sending our lads onto promation and back were we belong.
  6. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from ThePrisoner in End of season celebrations.   
    I mean this in the nicest way possible - he would love this surely @B4’s Sister🤣
  7. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from Kathcairns in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Depends if they take the Barnsley approach or the Cambridge approach. Last week were some of the soundest I’ve met.
  8. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from Premier ram in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Depends if they take the Barnsley approach or the Cambridge approach. Last week were some of the soundest I’ve met.
  9. Haha
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to ThePrisoner in End of season celebrations.   
    Sounds like it’ll just be me and @Mucker1884 left in the stands at full time. I’ll give you a wave. 
  10. Haha
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Mucker1884 in End of season celebrations.   
    What a poor response.
    ... some of us have been here all week!  🤣
  11. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to OoooMarkWright in End of season celebrations.   
    Some fun sponges on here today!
    I don’t see the fascination personally with laps of honour, they’re pretty boring. Show your support and appreciation during the 90 minutes. But, on occasions like tomorrow, if promotion is secured then it would be nice. Therefore I’m sure we will have both. A pitch invasion of pure relief and ecstasy, it’s been a rough 2 years. Emotions will be high so you can’t begrudge fans going on the pitch. Then clear off for the lap of honour. It happened v Palace and can happen again. Stop worrying about it and enjoy the day!
  12. Haha
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Elwood P Dowd in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    "Prepare yourself for the worst and hopefully enjoy the best."
    Hardly Churchillian
  13. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to sage in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    I was at Belper Cinema tonight and the lady working there mentioned she used to work at Derbion Cinema.
    I said you must know Daniel then. She smiled for half a second, remembered he had passed, then shed a tear. Within seconds she was smiling again but still with moist eyes.
    She told us how positive, optimistic and lovely he was and how great he was at his job. He was her favourite workmate.
    At this point I may have had some grit in my eye.
    I think Daniel has made us all tearful as we smile at his memory and I dare say many of us will look to the sky at 2.30 tomorrow, with that same bit of grit in our eye.
    I've never been so confident before a match in my life, as the very briefest thought of us not doing this for B4, hasn't once crossed my mind.
  14. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from Carl Sagan in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Good idea to go back to his old posts. Realised we were silly to think we’d only have one rallying cry. We had two before the Villa game at Wembley.
    “Black and white warriors marching to wrembly”
    Hey lads I can not any prounder of you last night you played with so much passion and fight you mind whole city pround of you. You have wroken up sleeping gaints of mighty Derby county togather as one to supporters to the players to frank we can all the way and have glory once more by winning the play offs.
    Your going to have 36k of Derby fans with sea of black and white in wrembly to flag scarfs balloons and banners all over the stadium.
    Togather we bleed black and white and the city is also black and white.
    So come Derby we believe in you
    Come on you rams
    We believe.
    “Go for glory go for it lads”
    We are so close to that fairy tale ending by winning at wrembly this would pefect way for certain to say there goodbyes and leave as heros and legends and legends in the making but we as fans we really need to make wrembly so loud that whole nation take notice and think wow what support lets make whole of london know that Derby county are hear and we are sending our lads onto promation and back were we belong.
  15. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Paul Warne   
    I think it’s been very good this season. January in particular.
  16. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from AbuDerbyDave in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Good idea to go back to his old posts. Realised we were silly to think we’d only have one rallying cry. We had two before the Villa game at Wembley.
    “Black and white warriors marching to wrembly”
    Hey lads I can not any prounder of you last night you played with so much passion and fight you mind whole city pround of you. You have wroken up sleeping gaints of mighty Derby county togather as one to supporters to the players to frank we can all the way and have glory once more by winning the play offs.
    Your going to have 36k of Derby fans with sea of black and white in wrembly to flag scarfs balloons and banners all over the stadium.
    Togather we bleed black and white and the city is also black and white.
    So come Derby we believe in you
    Come on you rams
    We believe.
    “Go for glory go for it lads”
    We are so close to that fairy tale ending by winning at wrembly this would pefect way for certain to say there goodbyes and leave as heros and legends and legends in the making but we as fans we really need to make wrembly so loud that whole nation take notice and think wow what support lets make whole of london know that Derby county are hear and we are sending our lads onto promation and back were we belong.
  17. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from Adslegend in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Good idea to go back to his old posts. Realised we were silly to think we’d only have one rallying cry. We had two before the Villa game at Wembley.
    “Black and white warriors marching to wrembly”
    Hey lads I can not any prounder of you last night you played with so much passion and fight you mind whole city pround of you. You have wroken up sleeping gaints of mighty Derby county togather as one to supporters to the players to frank we can all the way and have glory once more by winning the play offs.
    Your going to have 36k of Derby fans with sea of black and white in wrembly to flag scarfs balloons and banners all over the stadium.
    Togather we bleed black and white and the city is also black and white.
    So come Derby we believe in you
    Come on you rams
    We believe.
    “Go for glory go for it lads”
    We are so close to that fairy tale ending by winning at wrembly this would pefect way for certain to say there goodbyes and leave as heros and legends and legends in the making but we as fans we really need to make wrembly so loud that whole nation take notice and think wow what support lets make whole of london know that Derby county are hear and we are sending our lads onto promation and back were we belong.
  18. Clap
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from IslandExile in The Legend of Clough   
    Not really sure how I feel about ex players blatantly hamming up stories when he wasn’t well either
  19. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Leeds Ram in End of season celebrations.   
    They may or may not. If they don't they'll have to do the celebrations as tradition is from the directors box in front of the fans. Obviously hopefully no-one will be an idiot but I'm not that worried as this will be a pitch invasion where people are happy rather than one fuelled with anger and frustration. 
  20. COYR
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Old Spalding Ram in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    B4 April 2023, If ever we needed a rallying call, different game but the sentiment remains exactly the same!
    Well calling all derby fans to get really really really behind the lads we need get behind the lads lets have wall of noise and have sea of black and white let's have scafs flags and balloons let's cheer lads on into the play offs. The louder we are the better lads play. Let  burton players shake with fear and let them think what on earth have we got our selfs into here.
    …………..no further comment required! 
  21. Clap
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from Rich3478 in End of season celebrations.   
    Do you nip abroad for RamsTV?
  22. Clap
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Leeds Ram in End of season celebrations.   
    I'm honestly not sure how anyone could begrudge a massing of people on the pitch if we do go up. The club are saying what they need to say the same as any other club does. But it's a moment of ecstasy which almost every other club does if they achieve promotion. It's a fantastic moment (I still remember scampering onto the pitch during Southampton play off semi) and it will always linger in my head. Why would I want to deny a 13 year old their opportunity now?
    Yes, of course, some cannot come onto the pitch. Ideally, the club gives us 10 minutes to bask in the warmth or rain and then is strict in getting us off the hallowed turf so they can come on and do the lap of honour in front of everyone. 
  23. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Rich3478 in End of season celebrations.   
    Genuinely curious if Pompey fans had similar debates about how to celebrate promotion! Or other teams…
    I really don’t care to be honest how we celebrate! Never realised people loved a lap of honour so much! Do feel is somewhat naive to expect fans not to be on the pitch tomorrow though. the place will go crazy after the last fifteen years and especially the last three or four!
    Hope everyone just tries to enjoy themselves and not worry about what others are doing too much!
  24. Haha
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to hintonsboots in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Looks like an aerial view of Phil Thompson.
  25. Haha
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Walkley Ram in End of season celebrations.   
    Nice to see Jewell's defence meeting up again after all this time.
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