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  1. Cheers
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in Referees   
    Good point and to add to this the ref's in the prem are pros, work on their fitness, get to saint georges to get fit  and be assessed. L1 refs probably use their local gym and have a proper job so can't spend their day working on fitness/recovery
  2. Cheers
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from angieram in Referees   
    AFAIK only PL and Championship refs are on a professional contract with PGMOL. PL are on a basic of roughly 70k a year. Compared that to PL player who earns this in a day. I am not even sure linos are on that contract.
  3. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Alph in Formula 1 2023 and general Motorsport   
    There's definitely still that immature whiny baby at the center of a great racer. He just needs some pressure piling on him and the illusion that he's "matured" will come crashing down imo. 
  4. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Formula 1 2023 and general Motorsport   
    I see the famous for never squeezing an opponent max verstappen didn't like being overtaken today.
    "The rule is clear, it's ok when I do it, not when anyone does it to me"
  5. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Ram-Alf in Referees   
    And..."they even themselves out over the season" as another poster said...that's going to be some game 😁 
  6. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Yani P in Referees   
    I don't think the ref today was against us he was just a clown. 
    I mean we should have been down to 10 after 2 minutes -that would have been game over. He didn't book Rooney for the pro foul, he didn't book Chaplin for the louganis. 
    His mate the lino called a foul to disallow our goal from 40 yards away. He let the Ipswich time-wasting go for pretty much the entire game when it was 1-0.
    Just a clown show (again).
  7. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to MarsdenRam in Referees   
    Bring that woman back, she was alright.
  8. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from i-Ram in Free agents in the summer   
    Can we do a Forest and sign all of them?
    Then we decide
  9. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Kathcairns in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    There were better than us for sure. Energy all over the pitch, good movement ,quality on the ball, as good a side we've seen at PP this season. Morsy had the freedom of PP. But, 1-1 and it's a different game. What the lino saw, I' ll never know. Commentary on ITV highlights says foul on the keeper and he is standing there on his line with no one around him. Terrible decision.
  10. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Jimbo Ram in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    Exactly. The refs were sort of ok during our 16 game unbeaten run. Total nonsense 👍
  11. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to On the Ram Page in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    Although I rarely contribute to this site, reading some of the post during the last week or so, I was compelled to:
    I would like to think I am as passionate a supporter as anyone on this forum, but hopefully are a little more realistic and balanced in my thoughts.
    Firstly, thank goodness we still have a Club to support! Only a last minute intervention from David Clowes saved us. He deserves our support and backing for evermore.
    From having hardly any players at all, we rapidly accumulated a set of out of contract players, mostly very experienced but ageing on the whole. Well Liam during this time. We started the season with a team which couldn’t have been match fit and started ok but not as we would have hoped, soon falling back on the division leaders points wise with too many draws.
    Our saviour decided to make a change by replacing out Temporary Manager with a serial Division One winner in Paul Warne and his team. Probably surprised us all, but we were not blessed with knowing the inside details of the club.
    This brought about a change in style, some say “long ball”, I don’t agree. Players certainly got fitter, as demanded to play in the new manager’s style. Who can not support that?
    An early Away win followed - rare indeed. Gradually results improved and a tremendous unbeaten run followed where most fans were happy with the style of football, which at times was exhilarating and everyone thinking at least Playoffs were guaranteed.
    A few warning signs were there, injuries to Chesters and Davies, players playing unfamiliar roles, Knight/Smith/Sibley etc. McGoldrick a little injury prone but scoring bucket loads at home. Our squad was basically very small, either very young and inexperienced or ageing with great experienced. We were scoring goals and keeping clean sheets, rising up the league but still not really making headway on the leaders.  We started to play some of the leading teams and were all a little shocked at losing at Barnsley having trounced the in the cup. We’ve been in the doldrums since.
    Defensively - we have been making mistakes and conceding some soft goals, penalties etc
    Midfield - we haven’t got a tackler in there, even Smith, put in there occasionally to add steel, is pretty lightweight. We are getting outfought in there. Despite some silky skills messrs Bird, Hourihan & White are not aggressive or quick enough - circa Ipswich.
    Forwards - apart from Dobbin, this is our most ageing part of the team and shows signs of tiredness. We lack pace up front to frighten defences.
    Our squad size allows little scope for genuine quality changes.
    The January transfer window was disappointing, in not getting at least one more striker (apparently broken promise).
    The Manager has tried to remain upbeat in my opinion despite the players performing so well in part of games but slipping away in the remainder. 
    The future - we still have a very good chance of making the playoffs - our next few games are all winnable, which will increase our currently low confidence. We also need a bit of luck which has currently deserted us (Ref decisions etc etc). 

    Bearing in mind where we started from - potentially no club, 5 players etc - we all ought to count our blessings as to where we are - albeit a little disappointed not to have done better. Are we currently ready to get promoted - probably not. 
    I am not expecting the EFL to move their stance on our financial situation thus allowing payment for transfers etc. Our punishment was for 2 years and don’t forget all those creditors who lost money.
    I am looking forward to seeing what Paul Warne will do during the summer. He will surely add height, aggression, pace all over the pitch to be able to play the way he wishes. He said Ipswich were the blue print for getting out of Division One - despite a few dark arts - they were good - and if we can play like that I wouldn’t moan.
    Summary - regardless of how we finish the season (hopefully well) , let’s all try to be realistic in our views and assessments. Paul Warne deserves the right to produce his own team over a year or so - and even if you can’t support him personally, the support David Clowes decision. He deserves it.

  12. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to CBRammette in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    Thats not quite what he said - he said 5 years to become "established" championship side not to be promoted.
    the real fans would manage just fine
  13. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from MarsdenRam in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    I don't buy this ref conspiracy engineered by the EFL against us. I just think the ref's aren't great at this level. In the same way that players quality go down, from the PL down So do the refs, so does the level of ref's. Simple as that. The best one this,season was the lady ref, but she's off to the Women's world cup in OZ.
  14. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Hector was the best in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    There were better than us for sure. Energy all over the pitch, good movement ,quality on the ball, as good a side we've seen at PP this season. Morsy had the freedom of PP. But, 1-1 and it's a different game. What the lino saw, I' ll never know. Commentary on ITV highlights says foul on the keeper and he is standing there on his line with no one around him. Terrible decision.
  15. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Abu Derby in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    There were better than us for sure. Energy all over the pitch, good movement ,quality on the ball, as good a side we've seen at PP this season. Morsy had the freedom of PP. But, 1-1 and it's a different game. What the lino saw, I' ll never know. Commentary on ITV highlights says foul on the keeper and he is standing there on his line with no one around him. Terrible decision.
  16. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Chat GPT   
    I got access yesterday. Very quick to compute answers. It won't be long before  someone combines answers from several models.
  17. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Ramarena in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    There were better than us for sure. Energy all over the pitch, good movement ,quality on the ball, as good a side we've seen at PP this season. Morsy had the freedom of PP. But, 1-1 and it's a different game. What the lino saw, I' ll never know. Commentary on ITV highlights says foul on the keeper and he is standing there on his line with no one around him. Terrible decision.
  18. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Crewton in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    There were better than us for sure. Energy all over the pitch, good movement ,quality on the ball, as good a side we've seen at PP this season. Morsy had the freedom of PP. But, 1-1 and it's a different game. What the lino saw, I' ll never know. Commentary on ITV highlights says foul on the keeper and he is standing there on his line with no one around him. Terrible decision.
  19. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    I don't buy this ref conspiracy engineered by the EFL against us. I just think the ref's aren't great at this level. In the same way that players quality go down, from the PL down So do the refs, so does the level of ref's. Simple as that. The best one this,season was the lady ref, but she's off to the Women's world cup in OZ.
  20. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from JJs dms in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    There were better than us for sure. Energy all over the pitch, good movement ,quality on the ball, as good a side we've seen at PP this season. Morsy had the freedom of PP. But, 1-1 and it's a different game. What the lino saw, I' ll never know. Commentary on ITV highlights says foul on the keeper and he is standing there on his line with no one around him. Terrible decision.
  21. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    I don't buy this ref conspiracy engineered by the EFL against us. I just think the ref's aren't great at this level. In the same way that players quality go down, from the PL down So do the refs, so does the level of ref's. Simple as that. The best one this,season was the lady ref, but she's off to the Women's world cup in OZ.
  22. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    There were better than us for sure. Energy all over the pitch, good movement ,quality on the ball, as good a side we've seen at PP this season. Morsy had the freedom of PP. But, 1-1 and it's a different game. What the lino saw, I' ll never know. Commentary on ITV highlights says foul on the keeper and he is standing there on his line with no one around him. Terrible decision.
  23. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from CBRammette in Derby vs Ipswich (H) Match Thread   
    There were better than us for sure. Energy all over the pitch, good movement ,quality on the ball, as good a side we've seen at PP this season. Morsy had the freedom of PP. But, 1-1 and it's a different game. What the lino saw, I' ll never know. Commentary on ITV highlights says foul on the keeper and he is standing there on his line with no one around him. Terrible decision.
  24. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Carl Sagan in Chat GPT   
    I've been looking at a project with Salman Khan, that's recently become public. For those who don't know, the Khan Academy has an incredible mission to provide free high-quality education to any child in the world, as a great leveller and one of the best ways we can ensure social mobility, globally. It's mainly funded by Elon, as one of his myriad schemes to make the world a better place.
    Sal does this through the Khan Academy, with over a 100 million registered users. He's been working behind the scenes with OpenAI over the last few months to incorporate GPT4 into the tutoring, with a view to every child having a personal AI coach and tutor who gets to know them, and helps with their weaknesses and strengths. At the same time, every teacher has an army of AI teaching assistants to help prepare lesson plans and grade work.
    My take is that this could be an early killer app that really could transform the future. Here he is talking about it:
  25. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Carl Sagan in Chat GPT   
    For those who don't know, Bard is Google incorporating one of these "large language models" into its search technology. I'd say Bard is the tamest version of a large language model, which fits with Google being the dominant, trusted earch engine online. It has to navigate a fine line between incorporating sufficient technology to look as if it's keeping up without producing too much output that's wrong or speculative. The end result is servicable, but somewhat bland. But it is amazing how normal it seems to be having these interactions with a chatbit. Here's a Bard example I did to show what I mean:

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