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  1. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to duncanjwitham in Pure WarneBall   
    That's 100% what I'm expecting to see, although I think you're being a bit ambitious with step 5.
  2. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to whiteroseram in Bradley Johnson….U21s Player/coach   
    Don't be coming here with facts and knowledge, you know someone's coaching ability should be judged on whether he was too expensive nearly a decade ago
  3. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to CBRammette in Bradley Johnson….U21s Player/coach   
    Well he has a beard
  4. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to sage in Interest Rates and Inflation   
    I didn't say there were spending. You are arguing with the wrong person there.
    Unfunded by the fact that there were no spending cuts and we are already have a deficit and high debt.  
    Getting ridding of the top rate, cutting basic rate by 1p and corporation tax by 6p is massive.
    Ireland are in the EU. 
    What works for a small country like Ireland may not work for the UK
    Our debt to GDP ratio is more than twice as high as theirs.
    it was a gamble of a budget and the general feeling was odds weren't in our favour.
  5. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Ramarena in Interest Rates and Inflation   
    Gilt market say's no.
    70% of all mortgages in the UK are fixed rate, their rates are determined by the gilt markets that take a broader look at things than just, interest rates, although interest rates are important. The state of the economy, government policy (eg: Truss' budget), PMI's, inflation, jobs reports, etc, can all have an impact.
    Hence when that fool Truss decided to try do so much damage in one budget, gilts s*** the bed and fixed mortgage rates went up and they have been doing again as the economic situation worsens. 
    If you're on a tracker mortgage, then only the BOE rate decisions can really affect your rate. 
    If you look at the current inflation data, the UK has fallen way behind it's peers in the G7, which will feed into the gilt market issues. Canada leads the pack at 2.8%, USA Japan and France are below 4.5% and Italy and Germany in the 6%'s with the UK way back on 8.7%.
    The UK does update its inflation rate on Thursday(???), but even if it drops 1% it's still way behind and has been for too long. 
    As others have mentioned, as much as I dislike the BOE governor, he and his team only really have one blunt instrument to deal with inflation. The government has much more it can do, but current policy is for them to sit on their hands, hope it falls naturally, call that a success, then call an election saying they've fixed the cost of living crisis. 
    Other countries governments in tandem with their National Banks have done much better than the UK. Who've basically done nothing and tried to wish it all away!
  6. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to sage in Interest Rates and Inflation   
    They were massive tax cuts and they were unfunded, at a time of high debt, low growth, high inflation and high interest rates, She refused to engage with the OBR which meant the banks and markets had no trust in it.
  7. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to sage in Interest Rates and Inflation   
    Things did happen, the pound slumped, the Bof E had to step in to buy Govt Bonds, she was planning to borrow to give tax cuts so the cost of that borrowing was soaring.
    She ended up doing a massive U Turn on the tax breaks and she lost all credibility.
    When you driving off Beachy Head you make a projection and apply the brakes. You don't wait until your car turns into hang glider.    
  8. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Wolfie in Interest Rates and Inflation   
    She came in a and proceeded to go ahead with a mini-budget which was anything but mini....massive spending increases and tax cuts with no detail on how it would be paid for. Refusing to let the OBR go over it before the announcement was a huge mistake.
    What markets hate more than anything is uncertainty. Not surprisngly the financial markets went into panic mode that the policy would be a disaster and Truss & Kwarteng were deliberately avoiding scrutiny - even the bank of england had to step in to prevent huge pension funds going bust - taking all of our savings with them.
    "Nothing happened" because they then brought in Jeremy Hunt to undo all of the damage caused.
  9. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to sage in Interest Rates and Inflation   
    Interest rates going up really do highlight another massive issue, the horrific house prices.
    We simply haven't built enough houses because it suits housebuilders not to build enough and no one in govt has the balls to deal with them.
  10. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Leeds Ram in Interest Rates and Inflation   
    There's nothing sinister behind it. We're just seeing the end of a 13-year-old administration out of ideas facing a structural economic crisis around 15 years in the making. Everything is breaking around us (Trains, NHS, Education, Housing, Roads etc. etc.) and the Truss disaster severely limited our ability to fix things. You add in the additional expenditure the government spent over covid and is still footing in plaster measures and we have a high tax high spend ineffective government. 
  11. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Srg in Has Warne gone? (He hasn't, just another Twitter ITK wannabe)   
    The internet should come with stabilisers for people who believe this kind of s****. 
  12. Haha
  13. Haha
  14. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to i-Ram in Liam Thompson   
    Wouldn’t be surprised to see him as our big no. 9.
  15. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Rampant in Sheffield Wednesday £59 tickets   
    The only way that muppet Chansiri will sort that out is if fans simply refused to buy tickets at that price. 
  16. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from i-Ram in Woman manager at Forest   
    Clearly the big Dunc experiment did not work. She's doing alright at the moment, 9th in the league just below Doncaster and above Gillingham
  17. COYR
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Woman manager at Forest   
    Uncanny, the shaved legs gave it away
  18. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Ram-Alf in Woman manager at Forest   
    There's plenty of time yet

  19. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Ewe Ram in Woman manager at Forest   
    The best ref we had all last season was female, despite me not liking female commentators, hope this lady manager does well
  20. Clap
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Woman manager at Forest   
    Clearly the big Dunc experiment did not work. She's doing alright at the moment, 9th in the league just below Doncaster and above Gillingham
  21. COYR
  22. Like
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to therealhantsram in Help support Oxford United’s new stadium for a better away day experience   
    So sorry to hear about this. Outrageous this can be done with such a modern stadium. Built about the same time as Pride Park I think.
    Owners should never be allowed to separate the stadium from the club.
  23. COYR
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to RoyMac5 in David Clowes 👏   
  24. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to Dimmu in David Clowes 👏   
    Kieftenbeld's registration form
    George Thorne's knee
  25. Haha
    EtoileSportiveDeDerby reacted to RoyMac5 in David Clowes 👏   
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