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Betty Swollocks

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  1. Like
    Betty Swollocks got a reaction from Ken Tram in The Administration Thread   
    I`m pretty sure it would be 1 league down from the conference, so probably Conference North.
    I read somewhere that whilst other Phoenix Clubs have started much lower down the pyramid, none of them are close to the size and fanbase of Derby and any clubs lower than this would simply not be able to cope with the amount of away fans that we would take.
  2. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    It's worth remembering that Boro applied to Arbitration to force the EFL to appeal against the DC's ruling that the Stadium sale was all OK, in October 2020. It was one of the two cases that Boro brought which delayed the appeal hearing by the LAP. I don't know if Couhig is claiming against Boro for contributing to the delay that meant it was impossible for DCFC to have a PD applied last season (well, I do of course) but if he's looking for justice, that also means that all parties that could be held culpable for the delay that caused Wycombe's "losses" should be in the dock together?
  3. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
    I’ve just listened to this.  Despite the EFL statement saying they don’t know what the claim is about in this Parry says what the claim is about.  I’m not on Twitter or anything but can someone a bit more tech savvy (and younger ?) than me send this to Team Derby as they’re meeting the EFL today and MPs?
  4. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to WestLondonRam in The Administration Thread   
    At least Black and White together, try to give us decent updates.. 
    Ramstrust just give us the same news and try and spin it like there working for the club… 
  5. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to On the Ram Page in The Administration Thread   
    We have constantly been advised by the EFL that any member of the EFL Board who has a personal interest in the Derby/Middlesborough/Wycombe saga is not allowed to sit in a meeting where discussions/decisions are held/made.
    Surely if the EFL Board, as a whole, have made an agreement with Middlesborough FC to take action against Derby, to avoid the EFL being sued by Middlesborough - then all of the Board (who made that agreement with Middlesborough) has a “conflict of interest” and should not decide whether Middlesborough’s current claim is a “Football Debt”.
    This decision should be taken by an independent body.
  6. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to QuitYourJibbaJivin in The Administration Thread   
    My thoughts exactly, I always assumed the golden rule Of being in admin, is everybody is for sale! Losing Shinnie was still a blow, but we do have the best midfielder in the champ about to step back into the fold.
  7. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Gaspode in The Administration Thread   
    That's my hope - when all these folk are demanding a statement or an update from the Admins they almost seem to think that they're just sitting around twiddling their thumbs - I'm much happier to wait for substantial news rather than a meaningless press release....
  8. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to AGR in Rob Couhig on Sports Scene at 6   
    The interview with the chap from Radio Teeside was what angered me so much last night. Their whole attitude of 'it's not our problem' absolutely stinks. Boro are now up there with Forest and Leeds for me. This should never be forgotten. The Wycombe case is laughable and they have got no chance of anything other than a minor out of court agreement
  9. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Ewetube in The Administration Thread   
    This whole situation is, if not wholly of the EFL's making, is certainly compounded by it to the point of it being inexorable.
    They have stymied our trading with constant embargoes, throttled us financially by preventing benefit from the covid loan.
    They have encouraged the parasites to save their own hides:
    don't sue us, sue them;
    dual fixture lists;
    leaks to the press.
    Yet they have no vendetta against us, oh do cluck off EFL, you're fooling no one.
  10. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The Administration Thread   
    Appreciate the sentiment, but anyone advocating clogging up Quantuma's inboxes at this time is an idiot.
  11. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in The Administration Thread   
    Can we email this guy directly? Putting the points to him he didn't answer? A few hundred should do it.
  12. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    I don't think that is what it said?
    "Middlesbrough FC commenced its claims against the Club over 12 months ago in arbitration proceedings, the framework for which is set out in EFL Regulations. The EFL is not a party to those proceedings and nor does it have a role in determining the outcome of them. As the arbitration proceedings are private and confidential, we are unable to provide any further detail. "
    Commenced them. That was when they were thrown out by the LAP. Doesn't say they are continuing.
  13. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Derbados in The Administration Thread   
    This is a 12 round fight and we’ve just won round 1. 
    The fact they’ve come out and gave a statement at 10pm as others have suggested is because they are rattled. 
    We’ve only really turned the pressure up since Friday and look what’s happened already. The rallying and support is fantastic to see and we now have a duty to keep the pressure on, don’t let up under any costs until this club is safe. 
    I know it looks bleak, but don’t give up. Keep hounding the ********

    They will break eventually
  14. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    She only buried her husband a couple of weeks ago too.
  15. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Isn't the EFL - by not dismissing the Boro and Wycombe bogus/chancer claims - preventing the Administrators performing their legal duty to the creditors by securing new owners for the club, owners that will repay the monies that their legitimate claims entitle them to?
  16. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to May Contain Nuts in The Administration Thread   
    The worst reply from Rick Parry was one of the early ones where he said that maybe other people should focus on the matters at hand than seeking ways to cover up their past mistakes and blame other people. (I can't remember the exact phrasing).
    You mean the way your organisation has spent the best part of 2 and a half years doing everything in their power to hinder Derby County, while seeking to bury YOUR mistake of waving through our amortisation policy a few years ago, letting us believe that we were OK to carry on using it and therefore being complicit in at least some of our overspend?
  17. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to nottingram in The Administration Thread   
    Would be funny if Quantuma are found to be vindicated, but Derby get relegated by a point or so (this bit not so funny, bear with me). Derby then sue the EFL for not allowing Jagielka to re-sign and being forced into selling Shinnie and others, these being the difference between relegation and survival.
  18. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Yes I am sure that what he means. Based on his recent blog, was it yesterday, I think he was saying that the EFL want them to go (or are insisting they go) the CVA route rather than the restructuring route, because the former would still protect the claims of Boro and Wycombe to be heard down the track. Whether they want that to support the parasites, or to cover the fact that their rules are not up to speed with current incolvency law I cant tell you, but the EFL appear to be pushing us away from a pathway that exists in statutory law.  
  19. Clap
    Betty Swollocks reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I have to say, I am impressed by this DCFCBAWT group. They seem to be completely on top of what is going on, and in sync with Quantuma strategy. I really dont know much about Ramstrust, certainly not going back 15 years, but obviously more so in the last few months, and therefore to some this might be harsh, but they do seem more likely to take a flask of tea and a few cushions to a meeting rather than any real understanding of what the hell is going on.
  20. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in The Administration Thread   
    If I had to trust Quanatuma or the EFL - I know which side I'd be on.
    The EFL haven't got a clue what they're doing and IMO have started digging themselves into a hole. Time to come down hard on them and no better accomplice than Mike Ashley. 
  21. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Norman in The Administration Thread   
    I don't think they have just discovered it. I think they went into the meeting with it. The EFL threw it out and the administrators thought the EFL were not complying with law, hence the statement on Friday. 
    Since then, I'm guessing they have found out that the EFL rules haven't changed since the law was, and this is why the meeting went so badly on Friday. Challenge the rule, with fan power meaning it has to be done quickly, and it all falls into place. 
  22. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    I believe talks have/had been made, An offer I am not aware of, The authorrity...EFL would appear to be on the side of the claiment who has no valid claim, And yet we are alledgedly being told to settle before we can move forward.
    I always thought innocent before proven guilty was what we have been told for years and years
  23. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    Exactly. And according to Quantuma, EFL may be acting against statute. Either way it's immoral. 
  24. Like
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in The Administration Thread   
    Can he share the phone number
  25. Angry
    Betty Swollocks reacted to Ramos in The Administration Thread   
    When you think about it - how has this day gone so wrong even for Derby County ??. 
    Some of us actually believed we could be naming a preferred bidder today, instead we have ended up under a new embargo and with one of our players leaving immediately. 
    Every-time you think it can’t get any worse it somehow does. Its got to the point where if you don’t laugh about it you’ll cry. 
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