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Posts posted by ramit

  1. 1 hour ago, Angry Ram said:

    @ramit A little bit of home for you. Enjoy 

    Lovely, thanks for that.  i miss being out on sea sometimes.  Have come face to face with a humpback whale when on my father's small fishing boat.  About a 60 ton monster, was feeding on the surface, apparently half asleep heading straight for the boat.  Biggest head i've ever seen and covered in barnacles.  When his face brushed against my fishing line he swung around with such agility and smoothness under the boat and then surfaced on the other side and calmly kept on feeding.  One of those wow moments that i can never forget.  If he had barged into the boat at the speed he was going he would have sunk us for sure.  Amazing beast.

  2. i was helping an old friend move a bunch of trash in bags loaded onto a big rented cart fastened to my car.  On the way to the trash collection site a driver in a car directly behind me began honking his horn wildly, waving an arm and flashing all his lights.  Thinking something was coming loose off the cart i slowed down to a stop and noticed that he did the same, which made me doubly sure something was awry with my load of garbage.  i put the hazard lights on and exited my vehicle to inspect the situation but quickly saw that nothing was wrong with it.  i then looked inquisitively at the burly red bearded twenty something driver behind me who paid me no notice whatsoever, but opened his passenger door to let in some fellow he knew, also interestingly enough a burly fully red bearded guy in his twenties.  They were so completely self obsessed i don't think either of them even saw or cared that i had come to a full stop in near panic in the middle of the road because of them. 

    Next time a red bearded twenty something burly idiot wants attention i am ignoring him.

  3. First off, congratulations.  Breastfeeding, there is no substitute and for as long as circumstances allow.  Drinking from bottle in cot can cause inner ear inflammation.  When baby is taking first steps, do not remove fragile items from baby's reach, use the magic words instead, no, that is forbidden.  Lastly, love, lots and lots of love, kids thrive on it and it pays off when teen years arrive.

  4. 16 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

    Veltins nearly became the lager of choice in a lot of pubs I went to. Used to really like it then had a couple of shocking pints in a row which put me off and it was eventually replaced. I presume like most lagers* it’s not the easiest to keep at its very best and eventually gave up on it. It’s now really been replaced with Birra Moretti. A similar thing happened with Freedom Lager too, although I’ve started seeing that again in a few places.

    *quick clarification, im not sure how true the ‘lagers are difficult to keep’ bit is. A landlord once said to me that Stella needed to be kept at a certain temp for it to be at its best and in fairness that Stella Artois was one of the best I’ve had

    Was not aware of storage issues with lagers, but guess it makes sense as i've noticed Stella not being as good at some times as others.

    Will try Birra Moretti.  Cheers

  5. After many a rusty small bucket, i now drive a Nissan XTrail 2008 model.  Never bought a new car and probably never will, it's the worst investment one can go for.  Didn't take too long to teach it to be more responsive, so am relatively happy with it and for the first time we actually have room for our camping equipment and it's high enough to traverse most dubious rocky tracks leading to good trout lakes.  After driving a Mazda 3 for a few years, the Nissan felt like i was driving a house at first.

  6. On 07/07/2019 at 19:27, ronnieronalde said:

    If you call it that. the locals will call it Casa (ccc(Hen

    How about Casa Blanca ?

    Enjoy it pal. Always love to see people getting themselves a place abroad to unwind and relax in.

    Just got back yesterday from Spain.  What was supposed to be a week long trip turned into three weeks and it's still not completely over, will need to go over again in a few weeks to finish up.  The house had pretty much everything wrong with it that a house can have, one problem after another, major water leak being the biggest problem to deal with and a failing air con unit.  The only original things left in the house are the sinks and toilets, the rest is new.  My shopping list if put all together would probably circle the house three times over.  The weather was scorching the whole time of course, so my arctic complexion has been thoroughly grilled.  The estate agents Inmo Invest tried to swindle me, maintained that all fees had been paid on the house when it was the complete opposite, a 900 Euro water bill, property tax, community fees, electricity all unpaid.  My lawyer did a good job, refusing to sign anything until all records were clear and papers in hand on it.  Inmo lawyer's reaction was oh we must have mixed me up with another client.  Yeah, right, they´re a criminal outfit that no one should consider doing business with.  Good to be home again for a couple of weeks rest.

    Thanks for the good wishes and pleased excuse the very late reply

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