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Posts posted by ramit

  1. 5 hours ago, Pearl Ram said:


    Great track from an amazing album, with inspired drumming from Ringo.  i started saving my lunch money to buy Beatles albums in my early teens.  First Sgt Pepper, then Magical Mystery Tour which i consider one of their very best, then Revolver, Revolution and then this one.  This song takes me back to my bedroom, holding the album in my hands, pinning the poster on the wall and being mesmerized by the fabulous four.

  2. Iceland wins 2-1.  Romania was awarded a penalty after a long scrutiny of video.  Ragnar Sigurðsson judged to have elbowed a Romanian player.  Our commentator was up in arms about it, complaining that it's no use looking at something again and again, that they waited too long to have a look at it and finally that every player has an elbow and it's part of the game.  In extra time a Romanian player threw himself to the ground in Iceland's penalty area, which further incensed our loyal commentator who shouted that the player became the shame of his nation, how dare he try and get a penalty in the dying seconds of the game and with the score being 2-1.

    Iceland plays Hungary next, who soundly beat Bulgaria tonight

  3. 4 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Excellent news Ramit.....the vikings taking it to the Romans with a few Bulgars to look forward to.......?

    Which reminds me, i need to eat, am so Hungary that i'm almost Bulgaria

    i'll get my coat, because i'm so Chile i'm almost Peru

  4. Iceland is 2-0 up against Romania at halftime, in a game that decides which team plays Bulgaria or Hungary for a place in the main competition.  It's only on radio here (damn you useless RUV) but the naturally biased commentator claims that Iceland is by far the better team so far.  Gylfi with both goals.

  5. In our housing community in Spain, we have the next door neighbor from Helvetia.  She plays music loudly, she has cars parked in front of her house sometimes all day long, which is strictly forbidden, but makes a huge noise if anyone else has a service car for a few minutes parked outside their residence.  People try and assist her with things she needs done and for one day she is peaceful, but the next giving people the finger.  She accuses folks of the most ridiculous things, doesn't have a nice word to say about anyone.  The housing committee will no longer accept any of her complaining calls.  She has some serious issues.  While my friend and i were working on my house, she was a constant pain in the arse, hosed us with water two times for daring to chat while drinking coffee midday on my property.  My wife suggested that a male friend is what she desperately needs to quiet down, but no one is up for it.  We have considered hiring a fella for the job, but realize it would be expensive and honestly we can't bring ourselves to doing that to some hapless guy.

  6. 3 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

    Norfern menu

    Monday - Pea Mix (WTF is that anyway), with boiled whale blubber.

    Tuesday - Deep fried whale blubber, mushy peas and big fat chips. (Cob optional)

    Wednesday - Whale blubber curry, some 'undrinkable ale stuff'. 

    Thursday - Whale blubber stew, peas (obviously), some sort of boiled potato mush crap.

    Friday - Same as Tuesday but wearing a tie whilst consuming.

    Saturday - Same as Monday just served in a pyrex dish for effect. 

    Sunday - Baby seal with all the trimmings.

    Watch them deny it. @ramit will be drooling.

    Mmm, blubber thrice a day


  7. 12 hours ago, Anon said:

    Obviously taste in music is hugely subjective. My opinion isn't worth poo and I don't post this to make anyone feel bad.

    This effort from Disturbed is one of the worst cover songs I've ever heard. I'm talking X-factor version of Hallelujah bad. When I first heard it doing the rounds on the rock stations I genuinely wondered if it was some kind of joke. I understand that you want to bring a different take on a song with a cover version, but the jump from the original version's thoughtful and contemplative tone to this overwrought grandiose effort is too wide a chasm to bridge. It has all the emotion of a Simon Cowell produced song. Draiman does have a good voice, but that's not nearly enough to carry this turd.

    Such a strong original track was bound to be covered by many.  This one is faithful, which to some means unnecessary, while to others complimentary.


  8. We purchased a 2016 Hyundai Tucson Premium Panorama 4wd driven 64k kilometers a half hour ago.  Most expensive car we have had, loaded with extras.  It's on 19 inch rims and low profile summer tires.  Now we just need some good winter or all year tires and we are ready for winter.  A little ole lady owned it until May of this year and the fellow selling it found out his wife is carrying twins, so they need a bigger car.  Perfect.

    Absolutely beaming with joy

    Excited Cheer GIF by reactionseditor

  9. 6 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Speaking as an introvert, I hated it. Don't want to watch others struggling with personal space and modern life. I'm not that empathetic.?

    Yeah, i get that, empathy can be a pain. 

    i enjoy films that take their time, slow scenes with little dialogue but loaded with meaning and this one delivered in that respect IMO. 

    On second thought, strike that reasoning, i just have a thing for Scarlett Johansson.

  10. i like smooth jazz at nighttime, but only the best

    Take Five in 7.24 is a good opener

    When i was a boy, i rummaged through my parent's vinyl collection when they weren't home.  Among the lackluster. there were pearls to be found.  The smoothest tenor sax ever, for instance, Stan Getz.


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