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Posts posted by ramit

  1. We've been trying to get a flight to Spain to spend some quality time in our new house, but each time we book a flight, it gets cancelled, Mrs ramit has yet to see her property.  Now we have missed our window of opportunity for some time

    And, i've got the no flight blues


  2. Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

    i am not a Will Ferrell fan, but am considering changing my mind.  Every Icelander has seen this film, oh yes, each and every one, now that my wife, son and i, the last 3 in line have seen it too. 

    It was silly, cheesy, Hollywood formulaic, soppy, emotionally manipulative, got all the Icelandic names wrong and i loved it.  i give it 3 &1/2 stars for entertainment value and 4&1/2 handkerchiefs for sentimental value.

    Pierce Brosnan arrived early and in style, having driven a rental car the scenic route from Reykjavík to Húsavík, situated in the far north of the country.  Cheers Pierce.

  3. 1 minute ago, TimRam said:

    I went from work to the local diy store so had shirt and tie on (no jacket). Someone asked if I knew where a certain item was and I said I did not. She moaned that I should know where everything was. I realised she thought I worked there!

    Serves you right for dressing like a store clerk, hah.  i would have ruined your day.

    In other words, i regret writing that rant.

  4. Going for service somewhere, a store, for instance and voicing a complaint to a nearby employee or suggestion for better service and getting the reply, hey I just work here.  i have kept my cool and calmly explained that i understand that they don't own the company, but i would appreciate it if they would inform their boss of my suggestion or complaint, knowing full well it will not get passed on.  No more.  The next person to give me that line will have his or her day ruined by me.

  5. Boiled oxtail, with potatoes and carrots.  Usually a house favorite, it needs to be boiled for at least 3 hours, but 4 are preferable.  This batch was not fresh, in fact it was close to being rotten.  Have to buy that stuff fresh, or at least freshly frozen and then it's really good food, the juice and the vegetables making it a soup dish kind of meal.  For those on a budget, it's cheap beef, because of the time it takes to prepare.  Going hungry to bed tonight and it will do me good, as i need to lose quite a few kilos.  i finished the rum as compensation though.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Like a Swede looking forward to surströmming or a Malay looking forward to durian.

    One meal per day and nothing in between, you say?  Sounds like torture, but at this point i will give it a go.

    If ever there was a wake up call for me to diet it sounded loud and clear just earlier as i broke the blessed toilet seat

  7. 11 hours ago, Eddie said:

    If I can get to 13 stone, then I will treat myself by making a pork pie. That is the one luxury I really miss - a crusty, hand-raised pork pie with plenty of jelly, lubricated liberally with English mustard.

    You literally got aroused as you wrote that, didn't you?

    Hell, i did and i don't even know what that stuff is.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Not sure why mine didn't embed. I guess that my computer literacy is soluble in alcohol.

    That song is one of those in the running for country music radio's 'song of the year', and (I think) it's their second No 1 (the other was "The Girl With The Rattlesnake Heart") in that genre. The bassist is none other than Kev Moore, a huge Derby fan who released the "Commons People" CD a few years ago and sang in the centre circle at Pride Park - he's also the front man in Witch Cross, an awesome Danish heavy metal band. OK, Steve and Kev are both mates, but they are proper musicians (as is the keyboard player Chris 'The Bishop' Lydon), and have been under the radar for far too long, so I will plug their music whenever I can.

    i like the song, it's quite catchy with pleasant country instrumentals, but it's a bit too catchy, for i've been quietly humming the chorus part again and again.  You see, i suffer from what i call a rhythmic condition, i am overly susceptible to earworms and it can be excruciating.  As an example, i had Michael Jackson's song Bad stuck in my brain for 5 days running, Eddie.

    Here this explains the affliction


    I´ve got an earworm pulsating in my brain
    It's more an annoyance than actual pain
    Unsettling how it enters again and again
    What an odd melodic way of going insane

    Here slithers in another dadoodoodada
    My consciousness stuck in the land of la la
    Last night three dogs a howling Shambala
    This morn some godawful song with Saga

    Is there medicine for a rhythmic condition?
    I mean is it even a recognized affliction?
    I would pay real money for a prescription
    Give me Frieden from Nicole's Ein Bisschen


  9. Some Nordic island music

    i heard a song on the radio yesterday by Stanley Samuelsen, a folk musician from Fuglafjørður (Bird Fjord) in Faroe Islands, a lovely town i once had the pleasure to visit.  Couldn't find that song, but while searching found this lovely number instead.

    And not least, this, a wonderful cover of The Beatles song Long Long Long, performed by Stanley and Astrid Samuelsen

    Summer is coming.  Lets enjoy it, even if only from the garden

    Bubbi Morthens


  10. i enjoy watching music reaction videos, but this fella is the only one i have subscribed to.  He has done a ton of videos lately and i love every single one of them, such a natural music loving guy.  Here he is getting blown away by Edgar Winter Band's Frankenstein live.


  11. Our son's 16th birthday is coming up and we got him what he has been bugging us about for some time, a violin.  A bit late to start learning now, but i was so delighted that he finally shows some interest in music that i went searching locally for the best affordable violin.  A violinist in the symphony orchestra helped us out by trying out the 3 violins i had found at a music store.  For his taste, he chose the one our son and Mrs. ramit and i had found most beautiful, a 16 year old no previous owner Il Maestro hand made violin.

    ramit junior is now practicing non stop on the thing, the screeching is music to my ears and i am already dreaming of him becoming the next Maxim Vengerov.


  12. 6 minutes ago, Cisse said:

    I recommend 1919 Angostura Rum for you if you are not familiar with it yet. A great taste and the aroma is from heaven.

    Will try that one, thanks.  Have a very old small bottle of Angostura aromatic bitters saved for a worthy occasion

  13. Getting promised over a month ago in writing by a travel company (Heimsferðir) we booked tickets to Spain with, that we would be repaid the ticket price and to please show patience and understanding, only to find that they have now changed their minds and are waiting for the government initiative to force us to take credit instead, not based on ticket for ticket, mind you, but for much higher future air prices.

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