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  1. Haha
    S8TY got a reaction from Mick Brolly in Wayne Rooney   
    I bet you’d be a ball at parties !!
  2. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from BathRam72 in Mel Morris fan club   
    Shake his hand? wow...lol....he has taken us into administration and owes the HMRC a few bob lets say....total and utter incompetence....give him some slack??? he was supposed to look after our club we thought we were in safe hands ....couldn't have made a worse job of running our club if he tried.....or perhaps you can think of something else which is worse that he could've done ....I can't
  3. Like
    S8TY reacted to oldtimeram in Mel Morris fan club   
    He gets no sympathy from me.  He is a disgrace
  4. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Gritstone Tup in Mel Morris fan club   
    Shake his hand? wow...lol....he has taken us into administration and owes the HMRC a few bob lets say....total and utter incompetence....give him some slack??? he was supposed to look after our club we thought we were in safe hands ....couldn't have made a worse job of running our club if he tried.....or perhaps you can think of something else which is worse that he could've done ....I can't
  5. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Finch in Mel Morris fan club   
    Shake his hand? wow...lol....he has taken us into administration and owes the HMRC a few bob lets say....total and utter incompetence....give him some slack??? he was supposed to look after our club we thought we were in safe hands ....couldn't have made a worse job of running our club if he tried.....or perhaps you can think of something else which is worse that he could've done ....I can't
  6. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Jimbo Ram in Mel Morris fan club   
    Shake his hand? wow...lol....he has taken us into administration and owes the HMRC a few bob lets say....total and utter incompetence....give him some slack??? he was supposed to look after our club we thought we were in safe hands ....couldn't have made a worse job of running our club if he tried.....or perhaps you can think of something else which is worse that he could've done ....I can't
  7. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Adslegend in Mel Morris fan club   
    Shake his hand? wow...lol....he has taken us into administration and owes the HMRC a few bob lets say....total and utter incompetence....give him some slack??? he was supposed to look after our club we thought we were in safe hands ....couldn't have made a worse job of running our club if he tried.....or perhaps you can think of something else which is worse that he could've done ....I can't
  8. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Mel Morris fan club   
    Shake his hand? wow...lol....he has taken us into administration and owes the HMRC a few bob lets say....total and utter incompetence....give him some slack??? he was supposed to look after our club we thought we were in safe hands ....couldn't have made a worse job of running our club if he tried.....or perhaps you can think of something else which is worse that he could've done ....I can't
  9. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from RAM1966 in Mel Morris fan club   
    Shake his hand? wow...lol....he has taken us into administration and owes the HMRC a few bob lets say....total and utter incompetence....give him some slack??? he was supposed to look after our club we thought we were in safe hands ....couldn't have made a worse job of running our club if he tried.....or perhaps you can think of something else which is worse that he could've done ....I can't
  10. Like
    S8TY reacted to RAM1966 in Mel Morris fan club   
    What he did was beyond reckless, we will hopefully be lucky and someone might just buy an insolvent business...............  No slack from me, he gambled and gambled with everything he could, breaking FFP & running so much debt up its unreal.  I may review this if he leaves the club in the same state he bought it in!!!!
    What true fan sods off with the prized assets after running up a shed load of debt?
  11. Haha
    S8TY reacted to Ramfan1958 in Mel Morris fan club   
    Give Mel some slack he did what he thought was best for the RAMS yes it hasn't worked out  but its easy to be wise after the event.
    Everyone makes mistakes in buisness but he made his with the club he supports at heart , if he hadn't been a RAM perhaps his judgement would have been far better.
    I'll shake his hand the next time I see him.
  12. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Bris Vegas in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    Sam Rush + players under the wasserman umbrella... No thanks.
    Mel Morris was reckless for splashing the cash like a kid in a candy store. But it was Sam Rush alongside our dire recruitment team who actually signed the dross.
    If Morris had splashed the cash with a system like Brentford's in place we'd be an established top 10 PL club now.
    But instead we got Wasserman dross.
    And the contracts were ridiculous. It's well documented how Darren Bent triggered a year extension in his own contract without Morris even knowing about it. Incompetence all round.
  13. Haha
    S8TY got a reaction from Dean (hick) Saunders in Jozwiak   
    Thats the Spirit !!! 
  14. Haha
    S8TY got a reaction from GboroRam in Jozwiak   
    Thats the Spirit !!! 
  15. Clap
    S8TY reacted to hintonsboots in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    The first thing I would do is to tackle player recruitment.
  16. Like
    S8TY reacted to cannable in Krystian Bielik   
    It’s the influence their reintroduction can have on everybody else though. 
    With Bielik back you can tweak the midfield and let him do all of Shinnie’s job and some of Bird’s (cropping people and progressing the ball). 
    You can push whichever of the latter pair you decide to play ten/twenty yards further up the pitch and also have Ravel stay further up the pitch rather than dropping deep. 
    Then with everybody further up the pitch you’d also have them playing off Kazim. 
    You’d probably have to keep a full-back back though, I suppose, or even with Bielik sitting you’re gonna have the back two exposed.
  17. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Adslegend in Krystian Bielik   
  18. Like
    S8TY reacted to Crewton in Krystian Bielik   
    Yeah, they also have an extremely negative view of everything connected with club. 
    Anyone who saw Bielik play last season and still thinks we overpaid for him is having a laugh.
    Whether we should have spent that kind of money is a different issue.
  19. Like
    S8TY reacted to StantonRam in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    I think some people missed my deliberate and capitalised use of the words LEAST WORST.
    In theory MM was the dream owner - deep pockets, local, lifelong fan, in other words maybe too driven by emotion when making business decisions, with the results we now see.  Mike Ashley on the other hand comes across as a rude, uncultured slob who just happens to have a head for business.
    Say what you like about Ashley, and many people have, but Newcastle are not in Administration, we are. So at this point in time, maybe the question to ask is this.  Which person on that list of 5 at the top of this thread has owned an English PL club for 14 years, overseen 2 promotions to the PL, and forked out to employ one of Europe's top managers?  Only one.
  20. Like
    S8TY reacted to StantonRam in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    Ashley now at 50% on here.
    I think I know why.
    He has other local investments a.k.a. the Sports Direct sweatshop.
    He is English.
    He withstood fan criticism for a long time, kept Newcastle solvent, and didn't bail out until new ownership was secured.
    He kept within FFP rules and never had to go into Administration.
    In other words, he is the devil we know, which for many people is better than the devil you don't.
    From his point of view, a Championship club will tie up fewer of his resources than a PL one, and we represent a safe home for his dosh due to the loyal fanbase.
    We are desperate TBH and we won't have a pop at him too much if he does the deal, not for a while anyway.
    Our model of investing in local & Academy talent is similar to Newcastle's already.
    From his point of view, it will make a change to be actually welcome somewhere rather than being the subject of constant abuse from the ungrateful hordes LOL.
    The main issue that always crops up at Newcastle, namely "we have 50,000 fans, why aren't we top of the PL and winning stuff?" etc, won't be a problem here for some time to come, thus he obtains a breathing space from all the flak.
    In conclusion, we don't have to like the person taking over, or approve of his business methods, but he has done nothing illegal (as far as I know), he isn't just a front for a deeply oppressive dictatorial regime in a foreign country, and he isn't an American with no real knowledge of how English football works.  He is the devil we know and he has money.  We could do far worse.
    IMO Ashley, right here right now, is the LEAST WORST option of those available, and that's why I voted for him on here.
  21. Like
    S8TY reacted to samwcave in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    Relegation twice in a 14 year reign of which the rest were in the prem? 12 years of the 14 spent in the premier league…. Not established whatsoever! 
    and I’m fairly certain that you’d much prefer that to the state we’re in now. 
    by the way, I’m not saying he is my ideal, however we would be very comfortable under Ashley, and that is a fact. 
  22. Like
    S8TY reacted to i-Ram in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    Really not sure why all the Mike Ashley hate. Seems to me that he has his head screwed on, and knows how to operate sustainable businesses. Not going to get much better I would suggest unless there is some US Franchise Billionaire who wants to put their toe into the waters of the English lower divisions.
  23. Like
    S8TY reacted to Gaspode in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    Actually there’s one thing that the majority who have voted for Ashley want and that’s a future for Derby County- all the other things you mention are ‘nice to haves’ for a club in a far better position than we find ourselves…..
  24. Like
    S8TY reacted to Crewton in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    He's the only one apart from Marcus Evans who might actually use his own money to fund the purchase. The others seem likely to use a levered buy-out model, which I'm not a fan of at all, particularly for a club like ours without the international profile to expand income massively.
  25. Like
    S8TY reacted to 1967RAMS in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    Yes. Try Mel Morris ffs
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