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  1. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Indyram in The Administration Thread   
    This whole mess of a situation which is threatening our Clubs existence could very easily have been remedied a long time ago
    MM has a lot to answer for we know but the EFL is nothing short of shambolic and corrupt
    They could've nipped this in the bud fairly IMO a long time ago by saying that the EFL were dealing with us and have given us -21 points as a deduction and the parasites claims would not be upheld in any shape or form 
    The fact they are asking us to deal with both claims before we can be taken over is both scandalous and would open up a can of worms unless of course leach Gibson and co are planning on changing the rules to suit themselves in time for next season
    Being held to ransom by claims from two other football league members that a court would surely laugh at because is so subjective its unreal and I can't see why other clubs have not come out and supported us
    Whether Parry and co choose to believe it this whole situation comes across as a personal vendetta against us
    We could not claim this if we were getting treated fairly but since the EFL challenged the original amortisation policy that they originally signed off it seems they are hell bent on seeing us go under and can only assume this is GIbson and Wycombe's chairman driving this...we have now lost some players due to this one sided incompetence and If we were to go down could we not claim that losing key players has jeopardized our chances ?
    One thing i know though is this....if we were to be liquidated we will quickly be forgotten so is imperative that we all do our bit or as much as we fans can do whilst we are still alive 
    The response on this forum alone has been brilliant and really lifted me personally so thankyou everyone Derby County Fans are the greatest.....been following us home and away for 41 years and really hope there is some light at the end of this gloomy tunnel 
  2. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Chester40 in The Administration Thread   
    This whole mess of a situation which is threatening our Clubs existence could very easily have been remedied a long time ago
    MM has a lot to answer for we know but the EFL is nothing short of shambolic and corrupt
    They could've nipped this in the bud fairly IMO a long time ago by saying that the EFL were dealing with us and have given us -21 points as a deduction and the parasites claims would not be upheld in any shape or form 
    The fact they are asking us to deal with both claims before we can be taken over is both scandalous and would open up a can of worms unless of course leach Gibson and co are planning on changing the rules to suit themselves in time for next season
    Being held to ransom by claims from two other football league members that a court would surely laugh at because is so subjective its unreal and I can't see why other clubs have not come out and supported us
    Whether Parry and co choose to believe it this whole situation comes across as a personal vendetta against us
    We could not claim this if we were getting treated fairly but since the EFL challenged the original amortisation policy that they originally signed off it seems they are hell bent on seeing us go under and can only assume this is GIbson and Wycombe's chairman driving this...we have now lost some players due to this one sided incompetence and If we were to go down could we not claim that losing key players has jeopardized our chances ?
    One thing i know though is this....if we were to be liquidated we will quickly be forgotten so is imperative that we all do our bit or as much as we fans can do whilst we are still alive 
    The response on this forum alone has been brilliant and really lifted me personally so thankyou everyone Derby County Fans are the greatest.....been following us home and away for 41 years and really hope there is some light at the end of this gloomy tunnel 
  3. Clap
    S8TY reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Isn't the EFL - by not dismissing the Boro and Wycombe bogus/chancer claims - preventing the Administrators performing their legal duty to the creditors by securing new owners for the club, owners that will repay the monies that their legitimate claims entitle them to?
  4. Like
    S8TY reacted to RedSox in Nice one Tom   
    Absolutely no surprise here.    
  5. COYR
    S8TY reacted to I know nuffin in Petition to the Sports Minister   
    What we want is some good legal guy to start a class action against the EFL for the heartbreak and mental stress that they have caused to 30,000 dcfc fans @ say £3000 per person. Just like Middlesbrough just send them the bill and say like Boro it just wants paying no courts involved. Collectively we could all buy the rams with the settlement,!!!
  6. Clap
    S8TY reacted to RoyMac5 in Petition to the Sports Minister   
  7. Haha
    S8TY reacted to PistoldPete in Petition to the Sports Minister   
    I always spell it parasites.
  8. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from kevinhectoring in Wayne Rooney   
    If Everton want Rooney and Wayne really wants the job we have to let him take it …we owe him that for sticking this nightmare out …but….if we got a few million compensation and a deal that Rooney only goes in the summer that is surely acceptable if he really wants the job ….then hopefully keep this group together until end of season and have a real crack at staying up …would leave a massive legacy here and if he pulled it off we should let him go with our blessing and good wishes ??
  9. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Wayne Rooney   
    If Everton want Rooney and Wayne really wants the job we have to let him take it …we owe him that for sticking this nightmare out …but….if we got a few million compensation and a deal that Rooney only goes in the summer that is surely acceptable if he really wants the job ….then hopefully keep this group together until end of season and have a real crack at staying up …would leave a massive legacy here and if he pulled it off we should let him go with our blessing and good wishes ??
  10. Angry
    S8TY reacted to kevinhectoring in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
  11. Like
    S8TY reacted to angieram in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I don't really believe they do want change. They have been warned to improve their practice after every administration but they just continue to duck things up.
    That's because it's a club of members protecting members' interests without any independent arbitration. 
    They can bang on about processes and LAPS as much as they want but at the end of the day these are appointed by them and if they don't like the results they just plough on until they find a panel that agrees with them. 
    It's all corrupt and needs calling out as such.
  12. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Mihangel in Petition to the Sports Minister   
    Ok will do that ??
  13. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Yani P in Petition to the Sports Minister   
    Yes good idea as unfortunately this current petition is pretty fruitless by all accounts 
    the government one carries more clout and when it’s up and running I’m going to get my Millwall West Ham Chelsea Tottenham and Arsenal mates to put it on there forums as they all ( my mates ) think it’s scandalous how we’re being treated 
  14. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Been a lo
    Been a long time since Mel has done the right thing…don’t hold your breath 
  15. Angry
    S8TY reacted to kevinhectoring in Sheffield United (H) Matchday Thread Saturday 15th January 3pm   
    He’s so irritating. On average we get a worldie from him every 400 minutes and today’s second was a complete waste 
  16. Like
    S8TY reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    That was a captain’s performance yesterday. Incredible. Finally after 5 years fans chanting his name. If that is his last game then what a way to go out. He’s been excellent this season and in the second half of his Derby career (last season was heavily interrupted by injury).
    Hope he stays a bit longer and we can see more of that.
  17. Like
    S8TY reacted to Hanny in The Administration Thread   
    Heavy sigh. Has this account been compromised? It seems to currently only comment with half-truths pretending to be 100%true. 
    I don’t want to get into a pissing match. But, mate, everyone of your statements are made with some level of knowing, yet it’s using incorrect information. The biggest grievance I have with your comments: 
    You keep stating the EFL are simply asking for the claims to be paid in full. Well, they can’t demand that. Boro are NOT creditor’s, and therefore do not fall under that statute I’ve seen you post. 
    Furthermore, it is outside of the EFLs purview to appoint creditors without legal cause. This point is crucial, as Boro and wycombe have zero legal cause to claim monies from Derby.
    It’s as if you were sat at the closing table ready to sign for the new keys to your house, and some bloke comes in the room and says, wait, you owe me 100 thousand pounds. The room all ask the guy if he has any proof…he says well no, but give me the money. That interaction  is exactly what Boro are doing here. And that type of interaction is not going to stop you from closing on your house. 
    Therefore, EFL are outside of their remit. Which is what the Administrators pointed out in their last statement. 
    I really hope you are just performing some expert level trolling here. But please dial it back a bit for the mental health of some of our supporters here:) 
  18. Like
    S8TY reacted to TuffLuff in The Administration Thread   
    Are you Rick Parry?
    Sorry mate, you ain’t getting a rise out of me. Been down this path with people claiming to be ‘experts’ before! I’ll stick to my opinion it was a bit of a silly unnecessary comment from the EFL chairman in response to a fan of a club. 
  19. Angry
    S8TY reacted to kevinhectoring in The Administration Thread   
    I am sure the internal opinion at the EFl is that these claims will not succeed, that they are malicious and that it is damaging for clubs to carry on like this. I’d guess some of that has been communicated to Gibson. And possibly there will eventually be a rule change. But there is nothing that the EFL can or should do about the claims, except to be clear as to what the effect of the claims is under the EFl rules.
    The conduct of the administration itself has nothing to do with the EFl - it is a court process run by the admins. Albeit that the admins need to look carefully to the EFl rules in making decisions eg about securing funding and ensuring football creditors are paid in full 
  20. Like
    S8TY reacted to Hanny in The Administration Thread   
    Yes! Let’s indeed enjoy this victory! And hopefully more to come!
    I’d  like to be clear. I am not pissed off in any way. I legit assumed you were expert level trolling. You seem to be claiming knowledge of restructuring contracts or legal documents. I can’t dispute you have that knowledge. 
    I just struggle with your approach to leave out important details when making your claims (from a position of knowledge). Which is a pretty big deal. Maybe it’s just this medium (can’t be too detailed in a forum response).
    I have experience in negotiating corporate software contracts. But have never once sat at a football club table in a deal. So, my comments are to be taken with a grain of salt..which I feel I’ve conveyed..and you haven’t. 

    Hope you have a grand evening. 
  21. Like
    S8TY reacted to G STAR RAM in The Administration Thread   
    Is this the governing body that in the last 2 years that has:-
    (a) tried to overrule one of the worlds biggest commercial property valuers over their INDEPENDENT valuation of our stadium?
    (b) tried to overrule a firm of INDEPENDENT auditors over their application of accounting/auditing standards when auditing our accounts?
    (c) overruled an INDEPENDENT disciplinary commission who has ruled on our case?
    (d) trying to override the advice of the insolvency practitioners handling our administration?
    Lets be clear here, the EFL are not the reason why we ended up where we are, that falls at the feet of MM and SP.
    However, do any of the above give you the impression that they are acting in the interests of us as one of their members?
    Had they taken any note of a, b or c above, so just one out of 3 independent professionals we would most likely not be where we are now.
    Even if they chose to ignore all 3 they could have quite easily hit us with a punishment of some sort and moved on.
    But now it is blatantly obvious that they want more. Relegation or liquidation, I'm not sure which they crave and all because our once owner had the audacity to highlight what a poor job they are doing for their members.
    Their current actions are literally putting the existence of our club in jeopardy and somehow you still seem to want to absolve them of any blame, its utterly bizarre.
  22. Like
    S8TY reacted to Sparkle in The Administration Thread   
    I just want to recap this morning where we are based on what has been happening 
    The Administrators have 3 viable offers to buy the club and repay real creditors some money owed, it is believed that Ashley made the biggest bid.
    The administrators went to the EFL to announce the preferred bidder who was placing a non refundable deposit which pays the bills for the rest of the season 
    The EFL have said what about Middlesbrough and Wycombe requests for their suggested potential claims which the administrators said there is no legal claim from them which the EFL knows and the EFL indicates they are football creditors for a claim of no legal standing.
    The PB obviously isn’t going to stump up money for any claim that isn’t legal for whatever reason and neither are the administrators allowed to.
    The EFL have said show us your money to the end of the season
    The Administrators have said that obviously can’t happen because we are in administration 
    The manager rightly wanted to extend a few contacts as we only have 8 players/ youngsters under contract past the end of the season and bring in some no fee loans or free transfers within the parameters of what we were allowed to do especially after letting two players leave which is now three players.
    The EFL have said you have no money to finish the season so you are now under a complete transfer embargo.
    The administrators inform the staff of the EFL stance and ask if any players who want to leave to speak to the them - Jagielka leaves a few days early and joins Stoke whilst we have very few others who can raise any substantial money and nowhere near enough to complete the season. All the players have had ample opportunity to be talking to other clubs about free summer moves anyway since January 1st as only 8 are under contract longer than that. So sales won’t see us through until the end of the season and then the PB won’t pay as much because they are only buying the club badge and no assets.
    The administrators make a badly worded statement in my opinion that states that the EFL are acting in an illegal way and against their own rules by not sorting out any inter club dispute and request an urgent review of their standpoint.
    The administrators said we have money to the end of January to pay the Bills so we have one game left at home today and one game away at notts forest. Following that we may well be liquidated and those creditors will get nothing.
    All that is how it sits as of this morning and I have personal views but I have tried not to include those! 
  23. Like
    S8TY reacted to Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    Absolutely 100% spot on. They are NOT creditors. No contract no invoice no debt just a made up figure put in an email to the Club and copied to the EFL. What if their claim was 500m? Still just made up. 
  24. Like
    S8TY reacted to Carl Sagan in Petition to the Sports Minister   
    Someone called Adam Boddington (very possibly on here) has created a petition asking for the Sports Minister to look at the situation between Derby, Middlesbrough and Wycombe. The EFL is mentioned in the petition title:
    Well done Adam for starting something off.
  25. Haha
    S8TY reacted to Mr. P in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    With your foot!
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