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  1. Haha
    Wsm-ram reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Since we're now just posting any old shyte on this thread, here's a dog under mortar fire chasing an exploding cat

  2. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Sparkle in The Administration Thread   
    So let me get this correct - one club can hold a complete stranglehold on another club if both clubs don’t agree on a solution because the governing body won’t have anything to do with resolving it - ultimate BS don’t you think? - so we can have an obvious claim against QPR under that then !
  3. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Woodypecker in The Administration Thread   
    It might be bloody-minded of me, but if Quantuma have (finally) been allowed to name a PB - after the EFL & Boro blocked it for 2 months, IMHO in a calculated fashion, and caused squad decimation and the prospect of liquidation, I'd be minded to decline the EFL bustards.
    I hope the fan groups demand a prompt approval of the PB. And an apology.
    The EFL fudged and farted their way along the transfer window, on strings manipulated by Gibson, until the damage was done and last-ditch interventions via MPs etc were required.
    Maybe the EFL are now conscious of the attention that will turn upon themselves and they want to 'make friends' with fan groups perceived to be capable of wielding influence over the DCFC fanbase. No anti-EFL petitions, please, look how we solved it for you!
    Parry & Co can burn in hell.
  4. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in The Administration Thread   
    I appreciate Gibson finally admitting that this was always about settling a score with Mel.
    Shame he tried to kill DCFC in the process, and Boro fans are carrying on like we should be worshipping the ground he walks on.
    We now simply know that this was always about two very wealthy man-children risking the future of a football club that is older than both of them combined to settle petty scores.
  5. Cheers
    Wsm-ram reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
  6. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to BriggRam in The Administration Thread   
    I was at the Brum game with the missus and two kids, I work full time nights so midweek games are a no go.....I also live in Brigg, North Lincs, the cost for tickets and travel and everything inbetween is alot, so can't get to as many games as I would like......but my love, passion, and support for this team, I dare anyone to say is not the same as those that can get to games week in week out quite insulting, the support at the Birmingham game was the best I've heard since Brighton in the playoffs (I was a season ticket holder that year and my son who was 5 at the time) from the info I trawl on social media it seems this has continued.....22000 there last night, but what a support and what a noise....all in it together, we fight till the end ???
  7. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to ilkleyram in The Administration Thread   
    @BoroWill- the reason your owner is seen as the villain of the piece is because he is.  Not because of his views of Mel Morris and not because of his previous views and comments of our club's profligate spending - you will find many/most Rams fans (no doubt some late to the party) who agree with him on both counts - but because he is and has been for many months deliberately making it impossible for us to move to new ownership without us slugging him a considerable amount of money (anything between £7m and £45m) for a perceived competitive gain, when even your own fans believe that your failure to gain a play off place that season was largely down to Pulis and a sporting/player/results failure on your part.
    We have been roundly punished by the EFL's processes for our financial splurge; we have spent the vast majority of the last 3/4 seasons under a transfer embargo; we've had 9 players leave this transfer window alone, most against their will; we're down to the bare bones from a squad perspective; we're likely to get relegated despite the fantastic effort that the players are putting in to avoid that happening.  Is not all that and more, punishment enough?
    Yet, for your owner, this is personal.  He doesn't care that the club, our club, is suffering, that good people are out of work, that a fan base is suffering. The proof of that is that he is continuing with a claim that is at its very, very best, purely speculative.  If he relaxed his claim we could, probably, get new owners in place, sort out creditors, be relegated and under EFL control for two more years but at least move on.  He won't let us because he doesn't like Mel Morris and wants to see Mel Morris suffer. And that is it pure and simple, and that is why he is, whatever your protestations to the contrary, the villain of this piece.  It's time for him to show some leadership, move on and concentrate on his own club.
  8. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    As I said yesterday, Boro/Wycombe will almost certainly do and say nothing. That is their strongest weapon, whilst the EFL impotantly wring their hands. 
    Boro/Wycombe will only move if offered money. If offered money it legitimises their claim and we will forever be labelled cheats. If offered money then real creditors will be disadvantaged and in any case it would probably expose the Admins to legal action against them. This is why Boro/Wyc will simply sit there and do nothing because unless the EFL change position, the impasse remains.
  9. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Jimbo Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I must admit I find it kind of reassuring that he is still interested, anyone else feel that way ?
  10. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to ollycutts1982 in The Administration Thread   
    I have said it before and will continue to do so. The EFL have Peter Ridsdale on their board. The same Peter Ridsdale who was banned from being a director of any company from 2012-2020 for siphoning £350k into his personal bank account not a business account. 
    The EFL ladies and gentlemen, rotten to the core. 
  11. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Dimmu in The Administration Thread   
    Just to add a bit... How come EFL support Boro's claims when they have not seen them?
  12. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Stive Pesley in The Administration Thread   
    That's an interesting sidestep from Parry
    The EFL's cop-out has always been that they have to represent ALL member clubs and cannot be seen to be favouring one over the other
    So here, he is basically saying - "if MFC and WWFC agree to it, then we have no reason to disagree - none of it is our fault"
    Which in turn means that MFC and WWFC either agree to it, or they are explicitly admitting that they DO want to extort an "out of court" settlement from DCFC the club - because they've been given an opportunity to take it up with MM directly, and have it dealt with properly in a court of law - outside of our administration/insolvency process.
    If they believe they have a case - they should be confident enough to take that opportunity
    If they don't take it - it's because they know they have no case, but instead know that they can extort money from the club who are on the brink of liquidation
  13. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Addingham Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I'm really struggling to get my head around this as well.
    Mel's statement suggests that with regards to breaches of the P&S regulations, there is an EFL rule that states "only The League can bring any action against a member club", thereby prohibiting member clubs taking action against each other.
    Have I understood this right, because if this rule is as Mel states, then how are the EFL allowing Boro and Wycombe to claim against us as they have already taken action against us?
    Could this be one of the reasons why Rick Parry is going away to consider his response to Mel's statement?
  14. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to BriggRam in The Administration Thread   
    I don't think it's coincidence that Mel has now spoken the day after the EFL released a statement and in it admit to "supporting" Boro's claim
  15. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    The reason he has done it this way is to make it clear that the only way for there to be a fair hearing is through the high court.
    If he just agrees to indemnify the claim, the EFL and Middlesbrough will continue to push for closed shop arbitration rather than a court decision, where they can select their counsel to get the result they want. Their track record of impartiality when it comes to Derby County is pretty damning.
    Mel Morris doesn't trust the EFL to play fair. I don't trust the EFL to play fair either.
  16. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Norman in The Administration Thread   
    So, the earliest Boro wanted an arbitration meeting, despite being confident they were owed vast sums of money, was late May 2022. 
    Why do you think that was? 
    Because MM was trying to sell us and they knew nobody serious would with that hanging over proceedings.
    Boro, in my opinion, have been wanting us completely ruined from the start. 
    Gibson is a Bamford. 
  17. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    If true, would suggest major collusion between Boro and the EFL, in bringing DCFC to its knees and ensuring relegation.
    The EFL need bringing down urgently.
  18. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to WestKentRam in The Administration Thread   
    I still think the EFL are digging themselves into a deeper and deeper hole here, using a spade that Boro have forced them to use while they oversee the EFL shovelling away.
    In the League Arbitration Panel's ruling of 22nd October 2020, it is stated that:
    On 6 September 2019 MFC commenced arbitration proceedings against EFL contending that EFL had failed to take timely disciplinary action against DCFC. On 29 November 2019 MFC and EFL agreed that this arbitration would be stayed and EFL would commence disciplinary proceedings against DCFC.
    The key word here for me is 'stayed'. I did discuss this with a lawyer friend today and it does have the meaning that it implies of paused rather than stopped or terminated.
    Surely if Boro initially wanted to commence proceedings directly against the EFL for not taking action against Derby, and the EFL only managed to convince Boro not to do so by saying they would commence disciplinary proceedings against Derby themselves, then the action by Boro against the EFL would not be stayed but stopped. It implies that Boro will hold the threat over the EFL that they will restart action against them if the EFL doesn't pursue Derby to their liking.
    This point is also made by Mel Morris' letter today in which he says 'The root of this is that they are also under attack from Boro who basically said you pursue Derby at all costs, or we will continue with our action to pursue the EFL.'
    This isn't just MM ranting or paranoia of the EFL's stance against Derby, it is spelled out in this ruling on the EFL website.
    How possibly can Derby expect a fair hearing in any of the matters since the start of all this with the EFL actions clearly being influenced by the threat of a claim against them if things don't go Boro's way?
  19. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
  20. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to chipperram in The Administration Thread   
    Well, here is my take on this MM open letter. I believe he was waiting for the transfer deadline to finish to see if MFC/WW would acquiesce and drop the claims (only one at the moment, MFC). However, as we know they didn’t and it ramped up a little with the EFL, MFC and WW starting to feel the pressure to make statements against a tide of increasing questioning from various quarters, MPs, Parliament etc. These statements show they are all a little rattled, errors have crept in, inaccuracies, lies and partial information, information to maintain the ignorance of their supporters. This is what the main DCFC camp had been waiting for. MM has now been able to answer their errors in the public domain, as that is where they now are.
    As much as we wanted the administrators to keep us up to date, we also needed them to keep quiet so as not to compromise themselves in the same way the 3 stooges have done in the last 3-4 days. Unfortunately they do need to keep the club going and sadly players sales are needed, this will give time for the club to now start working with the Bidders as they will shortly know Gibsons and the EFL’s true intentions. If they stick together it is a vendetta against the club, with no sound foundations, if they go to court it will cost them a fortune. 
    In either event, if MFC lose I think we have a great chance of counter claiming for unnecessary litigation, wasting time, deliberately further harming the reputation of Derby and trying to reduce our ability to perform on the pitch. Perhaps we should call them the cheats as they have used an unfair advantage against us.
    End of transmission. 
  21. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Indy in The Administration Thread   
    It doesn’t matter, does it? If Mel takes them in in court and loses, the compensation due is payable by him - nothing to do with our administrators and percentage payouts. He is, by definition, offering to pay 100% of the moneys due. He’s clearly figuring that the amount due is precisely £0. 
  22. Haha
    Wsm-ram reacted to Tamworthram in The Administration Thread   
    Of course the final paragraph should really say: “The league will not be commenting any further on this specific matter until we have spoken to Gibson to see if there is a way we can help Middlesbrough reject the offer whilst at the same time covering our own backs”
  23. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Elwood P Dowd in The Administration Thread   
    Gibson says all he is interested in is the money from the compensation, Derby have no money. Mel has money, and its same case against Mel as it would be against Derby. If Gibson is confident of his case and all he wants is the compensation then the High Court route looks ideal for him.
    However,  if Gibson isn’t confident of his case it could prove very expensive for him.
    it’s a “put up or shut up” moment for Gibson
  24. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to LeedsCityRam in The Administration Thread   
    An honourable gesture from Mel. And despite my fury about the state he's left the club in, he's gone up in my estimations.
    My hunch is that the parasites will not take him up on his offer & instead lobby their EFL puppet to set up the kangaroo court they so desperately crave. Gibson might put ego first & see Mel at the High Court but the other one certainly not. Irrespective of their position & in light of his statement, I fully expect Mel to sue the EFL & I wish him the best of luck dragging this repulsive organisation through the proper legal channels.
    The only concern I have is with HMRC. If they see that the previous owner is willing to open himself up to personal liability, they may ask why would they settle for 25p in the pound rather than playing hardball for a much larger sum. After all a deal is never agreed with HMRC until the CVA is finalised.
    This offer from Mel demands a formal response from the EFL puppets this weekend & then for Quantuma to show some urgency and name their preferred bidder in the next 7 days. We deserve prompt clarity & then closure of this mess.
  25. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    This is ducking outrageous. I hope this has sealed the EFL's death warrant!
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