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Posts posted by Boycie

  1. 2 minutes ago, angieram said:

    To be fair, we were only told that this is what the Club were planning for, but that it had got to be approved by the EFL.

    Obviously for Radio Derby to announce it, things must have moved on from then. 

    Be careful admitting you know secrets from the charter meetings on here Angie, it causes stress for some. 😂

  2. 1 hour ago, Rev said:

    I'd think you'd be surprised how much revenue it generates. 

    Last season, the way money was distributed changed to allow the clubs to keep more of the money they bought in via streaming, in Leagues One and Two at least.

    Bolton were top of the pile, bringing in close to 900k from streaming rights.

    In the article I read, the authors predicted that Derby would surpass £1m from streaming alone this season, after they'd given the opponents their due share. 

    If I can find the article, I'll post a link.

    As an example, I'm a ST holder, and do the odd away game, yet I've spent £260 on streaming since the first pre season at Bradford this season alone.

    Another £100 for the VPN as well, we should start selling them too!

    Don’t get me wrong, I truly hope they take £1million from it.  The content deserves it, I used to look forward to the U21 games on a Monday night when we had a good team pre Administration. This Sky ruling regards not showing reserve games when a Premier League game is showing didn’t seem to effect it back then?

  3. 3 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    Well I am just giving my personal opapion like others have but even when first came out I was not a fan of it. Maybe for some it is a life line and yes I know mel started it because was not a fan tv money otherwise he would left it alone. 

    I dont like sky as next person constant moving games around but maybe they will leave some kick off times alone maybe that's why clubs agreed the new deal.

    But do you know if Rama tv makes  more money than sky does.

    So, you never watched it prior to covid, then when you had to watch it because of covid you “weren’t a fan of it” well why did you watch it?

    Mel didn’t start the iFollow streaming service, but what he did do is invest lots of money into it for extra cameras, built a studio and recruited people like Owen Bradley and host of other ex players to be pundits.

    Have you ever watched another teams iFollow service? Of course not, you’re a super fan home and awayer aren’t you?  Some clubs have one camera and no commentary.

    As for Ramstv making more money than sky? Ramstv probably doesn’t even make a profit, but it’s done for the benefit of the large home and overseas fan base.

    I’ll join David and save my energy. Hope you enjoy Sheffield mate.

  4. 57 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    I will not and shall not forgive them but for rams tv with out it people will have to come to games rather stay at home.

    Very selfish attitude. If it wasn’t for your Dad you wouldn’t even be going to the matches. How dare you have a go at people who can’t get to games for whatever reason?

    You’ll be one of them one day maybe?

    Think before you post, you’re no better supporter if you go home and away. Everyone wishes the team to do well, some are just lucky enough to go and see them play.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Yes but when the proposition is basically:

    We've got some eggs. All we could get is eggs, we weren't able to get anything other than eggs and won't be able to get anything else for months, and even then it might just be more eggs, and they might be rotten eggs...  Do you want eggs for breakfast?

    And the options are:

    A. Yes please I'll have some eggs.

    B. No thanks,  I'll starve to death while you take another few months trying to get something else.


    ...well you're not likely to pick B are you? It's a sham of a vote.

    Cracking analogy.

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