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Posts posted by HuddersRam

  1. 13 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

    My copy is “in da house” as I’m lead to believe the young would say, came today...but has been put away with the other Christmas stuff. 

    Seeing someone describe it as “unputdownable” didn’t make me feel much better. ☹️

    If Lockdown2 does strike, I think it's understandable to bring Christmas forward a couple of months ?‍♂️

  2. 32 minutes ago, NC--RAM said:

    No i'm not clough jr.Not one favourite chapter, although every one brings back memories and some potential nightmares remembering those long forgotten bloody awful signings.Again brilliant work Ryan, getting the players to spill the nitty gritty on managers, coaches and everything that came with it.Que christmas book club meltdown.

    Great to hear mate, glad you enjoyed. Never thought I'd manage to squeeze the name Ruben Zadkovich in there but that in itself is going on the CV.

  3. As part of Pride, I took up around six hours of Craig Bryson's time, splitting interviews over three different days. It would be little surprise if he had blocked my number by now. But like pretty much everyone else who contributed to the book, he's been really on board and even gave a little emoji yesterday. I now realise I probably should have got former players and managers to do all my marketing, but we live and learn.


  4. 59 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Ordered mine now.

    One thing, when I went onto dcfc megastore, I couldn't initially find the book as it doesn't seem to show up in any of the other categories. I almost gave up, then typed 'Pride' in search bar and it came up.

    I might have been stupid but wasn't easy to find. This was after following the link on the homepage too.

    Thanks for the heads up on this, I'll pass it on to the comms team at the club and see if they can get this looked into at all. I think it's hidden away in the souvenirs category, but I'll see what they can do.

    Enjoy the book! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts

  5. 4 hours ago, hintonsboots said:

    Good work Ryan, I’ll get it on my Christmas list. Did you interview B Diddy ? Any inside information on his post play off final strop ?

    The attempt to interview Billy is an entire book in itself. Two and a half years of trying and failing, a few bizarre messages. Still, everyone has a Billy story ?

  6. 19 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    @HuddersRam just seen on Amazon, Kindle version released on Oct 19 at a reduced price. Hope the reduction doesn't impact your royalties.

    Apologies, if so, just that it's easier for me to read ebooks - so convenient for me to read when I spend so much time taxiing - and waiting for - the family ?

    Don't worry about royalties at all haha, I would do the exact same in your situation! Yeah it's been a little bit of a complicated one in terms of release date as the club have got the exclusive access, but 19th should be the day you can get stuck in.

    @NC--RAM - That is quick work! There's plenty more in the second half. Although, spoiler alert, the fortunes of the club don't get much better.

  7. 13 hours ago, ViewsFromTheMiddle said:

    Will it be sold at Blackwells by any chance? Asking for a friend who has a voucher to use there. 

    If not, I'm sure my friend will buy it elsewhere.

    Not that I know of mate. I think some retailers are just waiting on the marketing front, but I'll have a check with the publishers and let you know ?

  8. 16 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    @HuddersRam Congratulations on completing the book, very well done.

    Amazon are the evil empire. Nevertheless, I do like eBooks and Kindle, in particular. Do you have plans to introduce a copy using that medium?

    They're not great, are they? I believe a Kindle version should be available. Let me check in with the publishers and I'll message back in here with hopefully the right answer

  9. 7 minutes ago, Ramslad1992 said:

    100% buying this for my dad for Christmas... then I get to read it afterwards! ? our of curiosity @HuddersRamis there a place to buy where you get a better cut or is it all the same? I’d rather buy from somewhere where you get a better deal. 

    Not that I'm aware of mate. I'd probably push people towards either the club directly or Waterstones/Smith's when it's out there in a few weeks. Jeff Bezos and Amazon are doing okay for themselves already! But to be frank, I absolutely didn't do any of this for money or anything. It's basically just a little project I picked up outside of work hours that escalated further than I ever expected ?

  10. Thanks for the kind words all! @Pearl Ram - what an error! Still, always nice to have an excuse to get away from the family on Christmas Day for a few minutes...

    I know I already said this, but the club have been fantastic throughout the process. From my view, I never anticipated the club would even be able to stock it because of some of the content in there, but they've been fantastic. And I saw that the book is now in the club shop too, which is a little surreal! Living the dream next to Rooney and Niall from One Direction.


  11. 24 minutes ago, Steve Buckley’s Dog said:

    Good luck - really enjoyed what I have read so far.
    Did you ask Warren Barton why he didn’t bother chasing after that Grimsby player - John Oster?- in a 2-0 home defeat on Boxing Day, maybe. It is my overriding Memory of him - utter pap. Your classic last pay day kind of tenure. I didn’t rate him! 
    Anyway, will look out for the book. Wish you all the best with it! 

    He had to rush off for ESPN so I only had 25 minutes or so to quiz him. Maybe that's a question for the follow up!

  12. Happy Friday one and all!

    I should probably apologise in advance as I feel a little bit spammy, but I'm pretty excited to say that Pride (or Pride: The Inside Story of Derby County in the 21st Century to give it the full, far too long name) will be available from the club shop and online from this weekend!

    Link - https://www.dcfcmegastore.co.uk/item/2865/Books/Pride-Na.html

    For those who don't know, Pride is a project I've been working on for around three years in total, and it's seen me work with just over 60 former players, managers, chairmen, coaches and #ITK fans to tell the tale of the club from the moment we moved into Pride Park until the beginning of this year. It's not really a game by game account, it's more of a focus on each season, the on-field and off-field dramas (even the crash), all told by those who lived it from the inside. So to put the 60 people into context, it varies from the likes of Stefano Eranio, Steve McClaren and Warren Barton through to Gary Rowett, Harry Wilson, Giles Barnes, Inigo Idiakez and Jake Buxton.

    The club have been extremely supportive and it's been a huge surprise to have them come on board, considering the content paints a factual tale, but they've been a huge help and it's fantastic to have them on board.

    For anyone who has pre-ordered already - and a massive thank you for your interest in what began as just a daft little project to pass the time - what I'm going to recommend to people is that they cancel their pre-orders with Amazon and the likes, because hopefully money won't have been taken. Then the book will be available for around a week or two at the club and the megastore, before hitting the wider world. Unfortunately this one was out of my hands so I'm expecting a few pelters ?

    I'll try not to spam too much but if anyone has any questions or comments on the book, what it's about or why certain people didn't make the cut, just reply or drop me a message. And most of all, for anyone who is keen and interested in understanding almost every major development and in-story of the club over 20+ years, I really hope you enjoy it. I'm on Twitter at @PrideDCFC where I'll be rambling to myself and sharing a few articles I've done over the past few months.

    You might see/hear me a bit over the media over the next few weeks, so I'm always here to throw abuse at! I had a chat with the @Steve Bloomer's Washing team as well for their latest episode: https://soundcloud.com/user-147200653/sbw-94-Derby-county-2000-2020





  13. On 6/30/2017 at 21:12, coneheadjohn said:

    Is everyone doing ok?



    Everyone else?

    Apologies for the late reply. 

    Not really improved I'm afraid. I've been doing a few different things and am currently on no medication, I just don't have a clue what's wrong with me. I was diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety back a couple of months ago but having looked online, I'm pretty certain I have OCD too - a nice little collection of issues!

    Have gone from the intrusive thoughts about no end of things - relationship mainly - with a load of anxiety, to not feeling that anxiety anymore. I know they're not true but having battled it for two months, things are pretty dark at the minute. I'm finding myself get more and more irritated by everyone around me, including my girlfriend unfortunately. I've done a great job at isolating myself from all friendships and keeping myself firmly to myself. 

    Still seeing a counsellor once a week but don't feel that delving back into my childhood is solving anything whatsoever. Trying to get anything done through the NHS is proving difficult and I'm just finding myself in a never ending rut of waking up feeling ok, then quickly going further downhill throughout the rest of the day. Constantly find myself living in my own brain, worrying about things, convincing myself I'm living a lie in the relationship. I've come across a form of OCD that targets this particularly and recognise I've probably suffered from general OCD for years without thinking much of it. 

    Hope everyone else is doing ok. 

  14. Thanks for the messages all. I've got an appointment tomorrow AM with my doctor which will hopefully add a bit of clarity to things. I knew I was coming down with depression in around December time but left it until April to get the diagnosis. The sadness I could deal with but the intrusive thoughts and doubts about my relationship are something different altogether. I've felt absolutely empty all day today and just don't know how to get better.

    I've got people around me to speak to and am seeing a counsellor but as of yet, nothing's really changed. I don't really know what depression feels like exactly but I think there might be a few more issues than just that unfortunately. I've got a girlfriend I love to bits who loves me and will be there for me, I just pray I don't end up forcing her away and ruining everything.

  15. Been a while since I contributed to this thread and things have changed just a tiny bit since I did back in January.

    Diagnosed with depression by the doctor back at the start of April and put on Fluoxetine. I've been going through counselling talking therapy sessions as well, stupidly thinking things would turn around quickly.

    Unsurprisingly they're not and since starting medication, I've felt even worse. I've had horrible feelings of guilt which have been racking my brain and body on a daily basis. Countless times a day I'll break down in tears no matter where I am, just struggling to comprehend the mess I've got myself into. Broke my own record today with seven separate trips to the bathroom stalls.

    I've got a girlfriend who I love to bits and she knows everything I'm going through and is being incredibly supportive. But over the last few days, I've noticed that I don't really feel anything when it comes to love or passion. I've read about the side effects of Anti-depressants and how they can take away emotions and feelings and I'm terrified they're going to ruin the best thing I have ever had with her - all because I'm not thinking properly.

    My mind is constantly telling me I'm a bad person and regularly makes things up to further put the point across. These I could just about deal with, but it's as if it's trying to now turn me against the person I love the most. I've vowed to come off the medication because they've made me feel worse than I ever imagined I could - suicidal thoughts and feelings of worthlessness. I've been on them for six weeks and can't face them for a day more before I do or say something stupid. For me personally, I'd rather take the feelings I had before than have my own mind lie to me and feel nothing.

    It's a really strange situation to be in is depression. I always thought it was something that was easily treatable - "oh it's only the mind, it's easy to control" sort of thing. I now realise mental illnesses are the most horrendous things you can get. Has anybody else had these sort of side effects from the pills?

  16. 19 hours ago, dcfcfan1 said:


    At least you have a girlfriend, your the same age as me and Ive never had a bloody date!

    Seriously though, I cant relate at all, but as a trainee pharmacist I see a lot of people with issues of that sort. It is better for you to hit the nail early on, start talking (dont listen to your ego), and get it of your chest. Dont sit and wait and lie to yourself, saying "oh its only temporary , it isnt a big issue, I need to man up ect ect".

    Well done.

    A persons ego can hold you back from being honest to yourself and seeking help at times

    I would say though I would not start Anti depressants soon or whatever medication the doctors want to give you. I think talking, being pro-active, finding activities which gives your life meaning and something to LOOK FORWARD TO (Biggest KILLER OF FEELING LOW) is key. I as a future pharmacist (only my opinion) think depression is being tackled wrongly and incorectly by our health care proffesionals- too much drugs and too little talking.


    Best of luck mate

    Thanks for that buddy and sorry to hear about your lady luck! Really interesting what you mentioned about the anti-depressants as well. I was speaking to a friend last night who was on them for a year and a bit but just took himself off them and has barely felt a difference. I imagine they're probably what I might be offered but think I'd rather try the whole talking it out thing to begin with, seens as not talking is probably partly the reason I'm seeing the doc in the first place!

  17. I've been through no end of forums dedicated to mental health and the likes but nothing comes close to this, it really sets this forum apart from any other I know. So therefore, having read everyone else's stories over the last few months and after finally acknowledging I have an issue, I will now pour everything out.

    I've known for years that something has been wrong with me, but the last few days have just certified it. I'm 22, recently graduated and have now moved back home as I have a graduate job close to my family home. The issue with this is I'm not exactly mad about the job, the people are not the most welcoming and all of my previous school friends and the likes now live away. I go to work and I go home, that is as exciting as it gets. 

    Last year saw a range of little blips come up which I didn't think affected me too much, with my uncle's dementia and constant hospital stays probably the most notable. What's really done it for me though is the relationship with my girlfriend, who is still at university. I've been with her for three years and it's been great (she's even seen Derby play twice the lucky thing) but a mixture of the distance and the loneliness has changed things to the point where she's told me that she's not sure if we're still working like we did. I've found myself becoming needy, completely ignoring the fact that she's got her own life with new friends and a part-time job. We planned to build a life together after uni and I'm hoping that can still be done because even though we're only young, it's been an incredible time that I don't think needs to be given up. I'm trying to tell myself that it's the fact we've gone from living together to living 80 miles apart, with only a few months until we can go back to how we were. Unfortunately, my head doesn't really want to listen to what I say for too long. 

    I don't know if depression or anxiety or just general loneliness is my problem, but I do know that I'm not meant to be feeling like this, especially at such a young age. I've got a doctors appointment booked for next week which I'm strangely looking forward to, purely to try and change things around. I know in comparison to others my problems might be nothing and I apologise if I seem dramatic or anything but it just seems after months and months of trying to contain everything, it's all just come to a head now. I've been able to speak to my parents and girlfriend over the last few days which has at least helped. This has been a very soppy post and as such I apologise to anyone who has managed to read it all the way through! 


  18. Straight Outta Compton:  8.5/10

    One of the best new films I've seen in the last couple of years. Didn't go into it with a great knowledge of NWA but didn't need one. Tells the whole story from start to finish and is incredibly powerful.

    The Gift: 7/10

    Surprisingly good thriller, makes you think.

    Southpaw 7/10

    Aside from what is a pretty dreadful first 20 minutes, very solid

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