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Posts posted by Sweetness34

  1. 11 hours ago, Dambuster said:


    The Kit Eranio is wearing had white socks. Obviously they were wearing black socks when that particular photo was taken (probably to avoid a clash).

    I quite like us in black socks, but I voted white because that's what we've worn for the vast majority of the past 50 years (follow the link @IslandExile posted below to see how few black sock kits we've actually had)

  2. 4 hours ago, Seaside Ram said:

    Absolutely NO WAY !

    DCFC = White, Black and Black socks always !!!!! 

    You'll be wanting all white next 😡

    We’ve barely had black socks since the late 60s.

    My guess is 3 or 4 kits in the past 50 years have had black socks. I’d bet my house it’s no more than 5

  3. 23 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Not being able to spend much is an improvement on not being able to spend anything in my view. 
    How we spend the budget we’ve got is key, if the revised plan allows us to spend some on fees as well as wages then things have improved.
    Last season allegedly we had a weekly wage cap of £12k, so we could sign someone on a free whose yearly salary would be £624k, but we weren’t allowed to sign a promising younger player for £300k and pay them £6k a week, same budgetary outlay but the restrictions dictated how we spent it, we in theory have more flexibility now. 

    £5,552 cheaper even! 

  4. 54 minutes ago, Srg said:

    The only solution in my mind would be to go down an appeal route - just like cricket, tennis, NFL and others. You get 1 a half, captain/manager can use it, get it wrong and you lose it.

    In the NFL, all scoring plays are reviewed by default. The challenge flag that coaches use is outside of that.

    If we adopted the same system, we'd end up where everything stays pretty much as it is today (offsides being checked, build up play, etc) but managers being able to challenge things like "you've given them a throwin but it should be ours".

    Can't compare football to Cricket, NFL, tennis because those games all have actual stopages between plays. Football doesn't really, unless you want 30 second play clocks introduced everytime the ball goes out of play.

  5. You could argue there's more important things than literally everything apart from the most important thing in the world.

    Therefore, should we only talk about the single most important thing? and if so what is it?

    Or, here's a crazy idea, perhaps we could have different pages for different topics and if you aren't interested in any given topic, just don't comment.

    I'm with @SparxTheRam !

    Talking about something as trivial as what our kit might look like is a nice little escape from the endless torment that the takeover has been for what seems like forever


  6. I genuinely believed that the majority of football fans were loyal to one club since childhood.

    There were a couple lads I went to school with who were massive Man U fans but now in their 30s I see them at Derby games and vocal on Facebook and probably on here - I always thought they were the minority. 

    I've been naive my whole life!

  7. 11 hours ago, WestStandStartTheBounce said:

    My first post ever but desperate times lead to desperate measures ?.

    Sunday 30th January Derby County Football club could be playing the last game of football they will ever play, 138 years of history.

    Let us make this a game something no one forgets. 

    We're live on Sky and have national attention. Let's sell out pride park and make it the best atmosphere since Brighton in the playoffs. Everyone bring banners, flags, inflatable items (of all shapes and sizes?) etc. Lets not stop singing before, during and at the end of the match.

    If it will be our last game lets go out with a bang and something that will be remembered, in front of the Sky cameras. 

    Everyone who went to Wembley, every fan who can only get along to a few games make this a game you can't miss. The reality is you may never be able to see Derby County again.



    It’s my birthday. I’m gonna pretend the party is for me

  8. On 03/10/2021 at 08:34, loweman2 said:

    He’s one of our own ! Young Jack O’Connell paid us a visit yesterday, he was sat just in front of me and was with his mum, he was loving the atmosphere from the South Stand and it was great to see him, I had a chat with him and asked if he had a spare £60 million. Good to see him maintaining his roots ! Top lad !


    for the Stoke Game he sat a couple seats from me (second half only). Wasn't up in the fancy seats though ?

  9. 11 minutes ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

    Appalling enough thinking of Derby City...It should always be Derby county. AFC Derby County etc. No idea how I would feel about a phoenix club. Might back it, might just lose interest in football for a while. But yeh, groundshare with Mickleover? Nah. Awful

    A phoenix club in the same colours same badge and retain our honours I'd be fine with. I wouldn't even see it as a new club. Just the same one

    Much like AFC Wimbledon

  10. I have friends who were suspicious of Mel whilst I was supporting him. They would argue their point and I'd dismiss it. I thought we had a local multimillionaire who was making the EFL look stupid ?

    I started to turn slightly when Rooney signed... not because of Rooney (I was delighted) but the fact that Mel was in the photos. How many other owners are we familiar with their appearance? All the ones I can think of are Ashley, Abramovic and Delia Smith! I wouldn't even recognise the bloke at Man City and haven't got a clue what the Glaziers look like. 

    That is when I began to be open to this being a vanity project. Since then it's gone from bad to worse as we all know and I'm now embarrassed to have ever considered him "one of our own".

    I'm too young to remember Maxwell given I was born whilst we were in the third division but of all the owners that have come and gone since, Mel is by far the worst and I can not wait for him to be gone.

  11. 8 minutes ago, angieram said:

    I bet there's some tasty seats up for sale amongst those.

    Now is definitely the time to be purchasing a new season ticket.

    Harder if you want to relocate as it doesn't sound like they have the staff to cope with that at the moment.

    I managed to relocate eventually.... I think they were sick of me asking and all of a sudden I think there's been a change of policy.

    Will cost a few quid to your phone bill but it is possible.

  12. 1 hour ago, David said:

    This is from the Supporters Liaison officer on relocations. Again, probably not what you want to hear, but saves you a call.


    Thanks David, that is actually helpful and will indeed save me a call.

    Those tweets were from August 20th and I've spoken to the ticket office in the past week so no idea why the people in the ticket office didn't know that.

    You would think the people who work for the ticket office would know at least the basic information

  13. 2 minutes ago, 24Charlie said:

    I thought the idea of an international was to not disadvantage teams who have international players.

    Jamaica are away to Costa Rica at 2am Thursday morning.

    So with Jozwiak unlikely to feature and Ravel Morrison even less likely to be available then I believe we are being severely compromised by this Friday night kick off.

    Morrison won’t be involved in Jamaica’s away games due to covid travel restrictions in those countries.

    I suspect he’ll come home after today’s home game.

    your point is still valid though, a Friday night game is ridiculous 

  14. I think the whole thing is ridiculous. 

    my personal experience is that my season ticket auto renewed, but I want to relocate. The reason I want to move seats is I’d like to purchase two additional season tickets for my wife and daughter and have all 3 of us sit together.

    I’ve emailed and emailed with no luck.

    I was on hold the day the ticket office lines opened for 3 hours to be told I’d have a call back when the manager is in.

    I never got that call back and have rang in several times and each time was told I’ll have a call back when the manager is in.

    I don’t think it’s harsh to say this is pathetic at all. I’m wanting to spend an additional £700 which would pay one salary for 2 or 3 weeks. Multiply little old me struggling to give the club money by however many other people are in the same boat and they must be losing a fortune. An additional handful of staff would not cost as much as the lost revenue, surely?

    in fact, a damn option to move my seat online wouldn’t require any new staff

    Pandemic or not, it’s disgusting and like an idiot, I’ll probably spend another tenner on hold tomorrow & get nowhere.

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