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Posts posted by ketteringram

  1. 28 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:


    I haven't seen this, what was the reason given? What do you make of the situation where people have been in mixed queues after arriving from all different destinations?

    I reckon it's a waste of time having a separate queue or terminal for people coming in from amber or red countries.

    Ok. Put them in a separate queue. What happens once they all clear the airport? Heathrow for example. They're all going to mix together on a coach, train, or underground anyway.

  2. 14 hours ago, Pearl Ram said:

    I just want to bin the masks in the workplace. In an eight hour shift I’m wearing one well over seven hours and frankly I’m up to the back teeth with them.

    Got no problem wearing one in a supermarket or any other shop I may venture into I must add.

    Yes. 12 hours for me. Compulsory masks.

    I think the rate for the area where work is, currently stands at 8 per 100,000. So less than one person in 10,000. I'd have to be quite unlucky to meet them at work.

  3. 9 hours ago, Eddie said:

    I started watching The West Wing last week - gave up after two episodes.

    No subtitles.

    I'd already seen this when it was broadcast, and started re watching on All4 during first lockdown. Eventually, the adverts and poor picture quality got to me.

    So I ended up watching on YouTube. It's a paid show, so I had to buy each series for , I think , £18.  

    I have just checked , and there are subtitles on that. I watched a few minutes, and all the dialogue is done, but it doesn't seem to explain other sounds, in the way some shows do.

  4. 6 hours ago, BucksRam said:

    Late to this thread so apologies for no doubt several duplicates but a list of shows I've watched and enjoyed but that also haven't (yet) been cancelled aka Daredevil / Designated Survivor such that you're left hanging:

    Game of Thrones

    The Vikings

    Black Sails



    Line of Duty


    Strike Back

    The Flight Attendant 


    The Tunnel

    The West Wing


    To The Lake

    Fear The Walking Dead

    The Boys

    Jack Ryan

    The Underground Railway

    Love, Death & Robots


    The Last Kingdom

    Black Mirror

    Altered Carbon


    Star Trek Discovery

    Lost in Space

    The Witcher

    Stranger Things

    Umbrella Acadamy

    The Sinner

    The Fall







    From that list, I've only seen line of duty and the West Wing. I'm at work so no time to add all that up, but it must be a huge number of total episodes ?

    west Wing alone is over 150. 

  5. On 19/05/2021 at 14:34, Mostyn6 said:

    Anybody else bothered with Better Than Us on Netflix yet? 

    Dean Saunders/10

    Just finished this tonight. I was struggling with it after about the first 8 or 9 episodes. It came back stronger towards the end though.  That ending. Surely there's more ?

    Thanks for the recommendation ?

  6. 2 hours ago, Anag Ram said:

    I enjoyed it but felt it was never quite the same after Claire Foy and Matt Smith left. 

    Honourable mentions too for Vanessa Kirby and Erin Doherty as early Princess Margaret and Princess Anne. 

    Historically inaccurate but often great entertainment. 

    Agree with this. For me anyway, the first two seasons were by far the best. 

  7. I know I should know this, but it's been a long day, week, life......but back in GSE days , what was the name of the American guy , who used to wear the bright multi coloured jackets? I seem to remember he got ill. He spent a good few minutes chatting to me once at half time , over the advertising boards during an evening game . Nice fella. 

  8. 18 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    Has Mare of Easttown come up yet?

    Apart from the sucky play on words title and a bit of a slow start, it's absolutely brilliant 3 episodes in.

    Kate Winslet is utterly outstanding in a Charlie George kind of way.

    For those of you who like trivia, check out the stuff on IMDb about her when filming this.

    Something I never knew was that most actors taking on a tricky dialect prefer not to break their accent during breaks whereas she didn't care a jot.

    Seems like a lovely person too.


    Is this on Netflix, prime, or somewhere else?

  9. On 30/04/2021 at 19:36, Mostyn6 said:

    Not seen this mentioned before, I’m nearing the end already and it’s been a brilliantly captivating watch which I highly recommend. Ignore the blurb and just watch an episode. You’ll all thank me. 

    Well, I'll thank you anyway. 

    Would never have found this without your recommendation. Three episodes in so far and I think it's brilliant. ?

  10. 2 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

    So many people told me about the ending and I was soooo disappointed when It happened.

    I even wondered if it was going to happen after or during the credits as has been done  with films like Blair Witch.

    I went to see Phantom of the Opera when Michael Crawford was in it and my sister had told me about this amazing part that would have me gasping in awe near the beginning it was so incredible.

    At the interval I was thinking she must have meant it was near the end.

    And at the end I presumed she thought I'd said I was going to see the latest Bond film.

    But no, apparently her and half of London were staggered by a ducking chandelier falling to the floor.

    Shame it didn't fall on Lloyd Webber's head when has was writing it.

    Homeland did dip and get better, but it also contained a scene that had me crying with laughter when it wasn't meant to be.

    It was (I think) the very last scene of one later season when Kerry got released by the baddies and came rushing over the bridge toward Saul looking like a witch on acid and went straight past him not recognising him.


    You're an even tougher crowd than me ?

  11. 1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

    Absolutely not, I’d rather have none of it the testing or the social distancing bs. Just thought the 1st option was the better of the two. Anyway come June 21st hopefully it all become distant memory and we’d not have to have any regulations and life will revert to normal again, there seems no reason it won’t. 

    A couple of weeks ago , I was quite optimistic (unusual for me) about the next few weeks and months. The vaccine roll out. Cases falling. So called lockdown easing etc. Plus the more Normal looking forward to spring and summer anyway.

    No I'm not. I think cases will increase. They already are around where I live. Vaccine issues with production , distribution etc. I can only see all those dates of easing restrictions, getting pushed further back . In some cases, much further back.

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