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Posts posted by ketteringram

  1. 1 hour ago, Anag Ram said:

    Loved Bloodline. Ben Mendelsohn is great.

    Didn’t think I’d like series two but did. Found concentration wavering in series three.

    I haven't watched Bloodline, but looking at reviews, it's amazing how many shows are really loved by people for two seasons, and then season 3 is rubbish.

    And it never seems to be , not quite as good as the first two, but often, absolute garbage , wish they hadn't bothered.

  2. 1 hour ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Not a factor I'd really considered before. Will still gently take the piss out of the West Stand but it's good to be reminded that not everyone is comfortable packed in with a load of sweaty blokes.

    Makes me wonder why I'm so comfortable with that actually!

    When I'm in the west stand, feel free to pop round and gently take the piss out of me. Show me how much better you are ?

  3. 26 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Is this a deliberate stalling tactic by the club in the hope that the longer this goes on the more disinterested people will become?

    Or are they biding their time for some castostropic piece of news to drop so they can conceal the release in the shadow of that?

    Why would they want people to become even more disinterested though?

  4. 1 hour ago, Normanton Lad said:

    This site says “the flames were so intense they could be seen from a hundred miles away”. How do they know this? Many of the things we are told are probably exaggerations or lies so I don’t like accepting claims without some sort of proof.


    If you like some sort of proof about things that happened in the past, do you believe anything?

  5. 1 hour ago, Normanton Lad said:

    I don't know if that is funny or not. I don't find much funny nowadays, but your post has reminded me of something I was told years ago. I used to work with a guy in the early 1970s who said that during the war he could see Coventry burning from Derby. He wasn't the type to make things up but I found that hard to believe.  I wonder if someone a bit smarter than me can say if that was possible.

    Maybe? They did drop 30,000 incendiary bombs , plus 500 tons of high explosives , using over 500 bombers over about 11 hours.


  6. I think we could have WR in charge for the whole of the season, and lose every single game four nil. Home or away, every game a four nil defeat, and there would still be people saying he needs more time, it's the EFL's fault, yeah but covid blah blah blah.

    At the same time, if we were to win every single game four nil, there's still going to be people who wouldn't want him anywhere near the club , in any role.

  7. 1 hour ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

    So either or, that seems sensible to me. A middle ground surely most would be happy with?

    If you're double jabbed , you're double jabbed. If you're showing proof of a negative test, do you have to take a test before every game?

  8. On 23/07/2021 at 19:07, Eddie said:

    If Tesco Ashby is the barometer of public opinion, people think the pandemic is over.

    We dropped in to do a mini-shop on our way back from holiday a couple of hours ago, and counted 20 or so adults not wearing facemasks, and none of the three people entering the store in front of us took advantage of the sanitising station.

    I was in my local large Tesco yesterday morning. Fairly busy, but well stocked. Very few people without masks. It looked like 90% were still using them. The lady on the till was not wearing one though. 

  9. 32 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    I suggested a while ago that people might delete the T&T app. Hey presto, no contact tracing, hey presto no new cases. Deleting the app in itself is not a huge problem (it was reported that some firms insist upon that) if the same people are regularly self-testing and taking the appropriate action. 

    Yes, I can see that, and how it leads to lower figures. I don't understand how at the same time, cases per 100,000 seem to be climbing fast. 

    Area that borders where I work is now at close to 1,000. It was 800 last week, and less than 600 the week before.

    Where I live is 486, and it was about 250 ten days ago.

  10. 30 minutes ago, David said:

    Download the NHS app on your phone, not the Covid app, just the NHS.

    Once logged in, it’s there on the Home Screen, get your Covid pass.

    Inside you will have travel or domestic use, select domestic use and you will have a barcode. 

    You can just show the barcode or print it off, but each barcode only lasts 30 days and will refresh 

    I didn't know about the 30 days thing. Do I have to refresh it, or does it do it itself? 

    Not sure the point of that. I thought it just proved I was double jabbed. If I'm that now, it's hard not to be that in 31 days time .

  11. It's only recently started to dawn on me, how amazing it is about the Charlton brothers. Now that's odd , because I was six at the time, so I've obviously known about them pretty much all my life.

    But imagine being Mr and Mrs Charlton. You have a son, who is so good at football, he ends up playing in the top division. That's amazing in itself. Then he goes on to play for his country. Then actually plays in a world cup final, and win it! 

    Then as if that's not amazing enough, your other son does the same thing at the same time!

  12. Do many of you on here , have that app? We've never installed it. I asked a few people at work if they had it, and didn't find anyone whose ever installed it. 

    Anyway, as for freedom day. No change in anything as far as I can see personally. Sounds like I'll still be shopping with a mask on, and unofficially so far, been told that masks will remain at work (manufacturing)

  13. 17 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    After ditching the 2nd season of The Unforgotten two episodes in because it contained some of the most ludicrous plot flaws since Your Honor we started watching Bosch.

    Largely because of the reviews on here tbh.

    I can't make my mind up 5 or 6 episodes in.

    I really like the character and I think Titus Welliver is a really charismatic actor who owns the screen, but it almost seems like they have two scriptwriters.

    I know something like that will have multiple scriptwriters, but I mean that they're working in different rooms and not allowed to see what the other is writing.

    There's some great writing and random realistic stuff included and then they'll throw in something so cliched that it drives me nuts, or there will be a silly plot flaw that could easily have been rectified.

    Anyway, I shall stick with it and try and be 95 or 96% less judgmental because the good bits are good.

    Bosch is one of the few police detective type  things I've kept on with until the end. Actually it's probably the only one. Season one, for me , is definitely the weakest one .

    It's not the greatest series ever made, but I think overall it's very good.

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