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Posts posted by ketteringram

  1. 27 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

    I'm getting bored of Apple styling though. I don't dispute the tech side, it's all works well enough for what I want.. However, from the outside, nothing really changes.. Is it time for a major revamp on the looks side? 

    I have an apple phone and a couple of tablets, everything is the bleedin same and I am bored.

    Not sure it matters any more. These companies spend millions developing stuff that looks brilliant, and is really nice to handle. Then the first thing most people do, is shove beautiful device into a gash looking piece of plastic and rubber. I've never done that. I use them the way they come out of the box. Slippery as hell these days, but I've never dropped one yet. 


    That's done it now :)

  2. 7 hours ago, David said:

    Nope, didn’t actually let me on till 20 minutes after pre orders started so 2-3 weeks was given.

    Not that fussed, reviews so far seem to be all positive which will be bad news for Google and their screen issues with the Pixel

    Have you ever seen anyone using a Google Pixel? 

  3. 1 hour ago, David said:

    I see Google have removed the headphone jack from the new Pixel 2 phone after laughing at Apple when they did it....?

    There's another phone I've never seen outside of a shop. 

    What's the thinking behind removing the headphone jack? Is it just to do with water proofing? 

  4. 1 hour ago, Moist One said:

    Now is the time of year my mood traditionally drops to a mild misery. Leaving the house when it’s dark and leaving work in the dark, combined with the thoughts of another lonely Christmas trying to avoid being a burden on people but wanting interaction with them all adds up for a lengthy spell of a face like a slapped arse. 

    Won't help with the Christmas issue, but have you tried using one of those daylight lamps? 

  5. 41 minutes ago, BathRam72 said:

    Hmm while I do agree with the camera being very good. I swapped from an Iphone to a HTC. Loved the HTC it was superb. But last year I decided to try Samsung. What a disaster. It has been back for repairs more times than I care to think about. Eventually it was beyond repair so got a new one. This one is playing up as well. Still have a year on my contract. 

    Can't justify the outrageous prices to keep up with the Iphone revolution. So I will be looking for some thing else and hoping for the best.

    Have you looked at the Huawei p10? 

    I haven't, other than reading reviews! But it does seem to rate quite highly. Although it does have some less keen reviews too! 

    I'm still 'browsing' . Always been Android, but who knows, maybe I'll jump ship and move to the dark side. I'm allergic to any device made by Samsung. So with that out of the equation, what is in direct competition with the iPhone 8?

  6. Interesting to see that one plus five on the list. I've read plenty of reviews, but never actually seen one, or heard of anybody using it. 

    I'll be needing to change soon. Still very undecided on what to get. 

  7. 28 minutes ago, David said:

    Samsung makes parts for iPhones yeah, couldn't tell you which, Apple also have patents which they licence to Samsung. All one happy family.

    Is there any particular reason why you went for the 8 rather than the plus? 

  8. Errm, I could have told you it wasn't an iPhone before you ordered it. You've clearly too much time on your hands :). 

    Re that comma thing..... It's Many years since I used it, but don't you just swipe up and to the left on the full stop? 

  9. 32 minutes ago, David said:

    It's changed a fair bit, I tried the edge and was impossible to use as the palm rejection was terrible, no such issues this year.

    Software is slightly improved but I would need to jump on my Mac to write it all as typing on this keyboard is not an enjoyable experience and there lies the problem.

    Have you tried using SwiftKey? It's one of those things that improves the more you use it, but it's way better than the stock keyboard. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, David said:

    So you're saying Samsung are not improving their phones?

    I don't know. I wouldn't have one for free. But if you seriously thought the s7 was rubbish, how much would the s8 have to have improved by, for you to think it was OK? Nothing is going to improve that much :). 


  11. 10 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I love Inception, one of my favourite movies.

    Has anyone seen the Barry Seal movie with Tom Cruise? From the trailers it looks very much in the mould of The Wolf of Wallstreet, re-telling the story but in a comedy way. It looks really promising.

    I watched the Big Sick last night. It has a 98% rating, and was dubbed one of the funniest movies of the year.

    However, I just didn't really enjoy it. Very meh. The main actor wrote it and played himself based on a previous phase of his own life (meeting his wife, and her becoming ill). 


    I'm sure there are loads of films which I didn't manage to get to the end of over the years. Mainly because they were just poor films on TV. 

    But there are three well known, and well liked ones. 

    Inception, The Departed, and Walk the Line. 

    One day, I might try again. 

  12. 1 hour ago, David said:

    Apple have said with there’s you can grow a beard, shave, stick glasses on, hat and it will still work day and night

    If it works like that, it's impressive. 

  13. Do you think this face recognition stuff, not just on iPhone x, but in general, actually works on the face as a whole, or just the eye? 

    I don't think I change much, apart from ageing! But I work with a couple of guys in particular, who are always changing. They seem to grow a beard for a few months, then get rid of it, and stay clean shaven for a while. 

    What about glasses, contacts, etc. or temporary injuries? There must be loads of you on here wearing make up too! 

    Guess the software will improve massively over the next couple of years. 

  14. 18 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

    Me for one.  Currently have a 6s, and due for an upgrade in Jan.  I can't justify a few hundred upfront and a - what's likely to be - £70 a month contract, on a phone I have to shove in front of my face each time I want to use it.  I can see FaceID getting superseded once they figure out how to embed the finger print scanner under the screen...

    Surely the face id thing isn't compulsory is it? 

  15. 40 minutes ago, David said:

    New Apple Watch has cellular, works without your phone in range as it has a SIM card inside, uses your usual number.

    Watch OS impressive, now alerts you if you have a irregular heart beat whilst tracking your resting/recovering heart rate.


    But what about the new phones?? 

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