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Posts posted by ketteringram

  1. 9 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

    I'm most of the way through the 2nd season of The West Wing and here are my observations that nobody is bothered about:

    1. The scriptwriting is super tight apart from point #5

    2. The choreography (for want of a better word) and the use of steady cams is incredible. I bet at least 9 members of the crew broke legs and another 2 or 3 shattered a pelvis trying to film it.

    3. The acting (other than point #5) is outstanding, especially John Spencer who played Leo (I couldn't believe he was only 52 when it started, he looked more like 65 - very sad to see he's since shuffled off this mortal coil) and the dude whose name I'm too lazy to look up and too old to remember, who played Toby and of course, Martin Sheen.

    4. It really sucks watching something so good on a OLED 4k tv in  low-def other than point #5 who I wish had been in no-def.

    5. Rob Lowe is the worst actor in it by some margin (he's utterly horrible and in it on name recognition alone). His lines often seem glb and his timing even glibber.

    In short, a Craig Short out of ten when Craigy was firing on all cylinders just before we sold him. 

    Maybe even better tbh.

    We're at the end of 3rd season. I agree about Rob Lowe, but for me anyway, that doesn't knock it down much. The rest of the cast are so good. Agree about the definition too. Are you watching it on All4? I should probably have bought it on disc, and a device that would play the discs! Last couple of episodes in series two, are perfect.

  2. 1 hour ago, Turk Thrust said:

    Oh I do and lots of mates who are around my age (74).  When I was first taken by dad to see Stanley Mathews at the BBG it was called soccer as much as it was called football and lots of magazines had Soccer in the title. (Soccer World, Soccer Review, Soccer Star etc) It’s not an American thing, it comes from Association football (hence soccer) to distinguish it from Rugby football (rugger). But I suppose it’s use now is just us old gits and Americans (who first adopted the word when it was still called soccer here and to distinguish it from American football)

    Always used to watch Star Soccer on Sunday afternoon, with Hugh Johns on the commentary. 

  3. 23 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Try This is Us on Amazon. Very few people I know have seen it, but it highly addictive drama about a family.

    Thanks for reminding me about this. It was recommended to me a couple of months ago, maybe even on here, maybe even by you!

    But I forgot about it. It's now on the list ?

  4. 26 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Me too. Lost me straight away but a good few seem to rate it so will probably give it a fair chance at some point.

    The Expanse? I got a bit further! I watched the first four episodes of the first series, then gave up. The Mrs gave up half way through the third episode.

    I might try again at some point !

  5. On 15/01/2021 at 20:05, Leicester Ram said:

    Only just got round to watching The Queen's Gambit last week. Was absolutely brilliant, ended up binging it.

    Was looking for something to fill the hole once I finished it and took a chance on another Netflix limited series called Godless starring our boy Jack O'Connell. Was completely unaware it was made by the same bloke who made Queen's Gambit, it is equally brilliant and a well made Western. Thoroughly recommend both, even though many have probably seen them.

    Also just started watching the West Wing following the events in Capitol last week. Not sure what made me watch it but I do think it's excellent. Seems laughably optimistic and naive following the past 5 years though.

    We're currently re watching The West Wing. Last weekend we got to the end of the second series. 

    Personally I think that the final two episodes in series two , must be some of the finest TV ever made. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Gore?? Which of these are you referring to?



    Hand of God

    Those three rate moderate for violence and gore on IMDb.

    Hap and Leonard

    Hell on wheels

    Ripper Street

    The Boys



    Mr Robot

    Those 7 rate Severe , that's as high as it gets, for violence and gore on IMDb.

    It's not a criticism. Just definitely not my taste . It's not a case of not being able to cope with it. My first job meant I've no issue with watching it. But I've never figured out how that sort of stuff is meant to be entertainment.

    And I realise given how popular a lot of stuff is, that I'm very much in the minority?

  7. 16 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Hap and Leonard

    Sneaky Pete


    Mr Robot

    Hand of God

    Man in the High Castle

    Hell on Wheels

    Ripper Street


    The Boys




    those should entertain you. Then the best.....


    Wow. You certainly like your violence and gore.?

    No amount of money could make me watch most of those.

    Bosch is ok though.

  8. 19 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Yes. About a year ago. Found it oddly captivating as someone who is not really a fan of sci-fi. 

    Thanks. Started it last night. Looks promising. Surprised it's not been mentioned on here as there seems to be some sci fi fans, and it rates highly on IMDb etc. 

    I really struggle to find anything to watch on Netflix or prime. 

  9. 40 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

    How many Mandalorians series 2 have been shown so far and how many more to go ?

    The plan is to join Disney+ for a month binge watch the lot and then cancel. I guess this is possible right ?


    One more left in the current series. Next Friday, I think . 

  10. 1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

    In some ways I wish they'd done the additional trilogies as serialised TV shows - if only to stop the SW purists constantly comparing the films. Mandalorian shows us now that it would have worked a treat as enjoyable entertainment

    My lad was traumatised last night as he lost the baby and the ship!


    Bit of a spoiler there ?

  11. 44 minutes ago, Srg said:

    If the final series is as good as the other three it will probably slot into my top 3 shows of all time. 

    You clearly like your adult content?.

    One of the few shows that gets a full house of reds.



  12. 22 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    We're currently wading through Bordertown, a Finnish crime drama, on Netflix.

    One of the best series we've watched for some time. We're in good company - apparently Stephen King loves it.

    Is it graphic? 

  13. 2 hours ago, Alpha said:

    Oh man, Stranger Things is great. I've watched about 20 episodes in 3 days. 

    I half arsed saw the first season but wasn't into it but now I get the hype. 

    Simple, nostalgic, electronic music, neon lights, 80's movie cliché, great characters and great acting. Millie Bobby Brown is fascinating in every scene. 

    Just about to start season 3. Breaking Bad levels of enjoyment for me. All this time ignoring the hype! ?

    I haven't watched any of it, but my daughter suggested I should watch it. She loved it, but even though she loved it, she advised me to only watch the first two.

    Let me know what you think after you've seen all 3?

  14. On 25/08/2020 at 19:27, reverendo de duivel said:

    It's half an hour of mindfulness, as they call it nowadays. 

    Nothing really happens, it's rarely laugh out loud funny, there's no narrative as such, they rarely achieve the objective, yet it's utterly beguiling.

    It should be on prescription to those under the weather, it's perfect for a duvet day.

    Thank you so much . Based on the above post I've watched all of them over the past week. You've probably saved my sanity for a while longer. ?

  15. 2 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Went to TENET last night as a lover of Nolan's Inception, Interstellar, Memento and The Prestige.

    I didn't know what the film was going to be about, but it turned out to link to areas of my scientific expertise on which Nolan decided to build the plot. I found it so disappointing. It might be that on the third or fourth watch it falls into place, but a film has got to give you a decent payoff on first viewing.

    I'll give it 3/10 for some pretty scenes and the mention in the script of Richard Feynman.

    Did you have any issues with the sound? I've read loads of comments about it being too loud, and the dialogue bring hard to hear properly. 

    It's putting me off going to see it.

  16. 5 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Finished "The Americans". I really enjoyed the final series.

    Now watching "Better call Saul" - very good start.

    I've carried on with that now, after bailing out half way through the fifth series. Mainly due to being unable to find anything else watchable on either Netflix or Prime! And no, I haven't watched probably 90% of stuff discussed in this thread.

  17. On 05/07/2020 at 18:33, Eddie said:

    3 series of "The Americans" now done and dusted on Prime, 3 series to go.

    Some episodes are lame, but some are really superb. Overall, pretty good - thanks, @Mostyn6

    Someone , on here I think, recommended that to me, and said something like, if you can get through the first couple of series, it's well worth sticking with. 

    I found the opposite. Really enjoyed the first 3, then thought it went downhill a bit in the 4th. 

    Gave up completely about half way through the 5th series. 

  18. 7 hours ago, Van Wolfie said:

    Started watching "Little fires everywhere" on Prime last night.

    Potential to be very good. 7.7 on imdb says I should stick with this.

    I might try that.

    Struggling to find anything on either Netflix or prime that's good quality, and DOESN'T contain excessive violence and gore etc .

  19. 1 hour ago, Eddie said:

    Well, that's Breaking Bad done and dusted. Absolutely superb and the person who said "It gets better and better" - you are so right.

    So, what to watch next? I think the missus is keen on stuff like Spooks and anything John Le Carre inspired, so it might be The Americans for the next mega-binge watch. Any other suggestions? We have both Prime and Netflix.

    Somebody recommended The Americans to me ages ago. Can't remember if it was someone on here or not. Anyway, what they said was something like........it's really worth watching, and gets better, if you can get through the first couple of series.

    So, anyway, we watched it, and found the opposite to be true. Really enjoyed it for the first three series. I think we are halfway through season 4 (out of 5). We haven't watched it now for months. I don't think we will go back to finish it off. Just got so bored with it, which is a shame, as like I said, it was really good.

  20. On 30/05/2020 at 20:59, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

    So I've just watched The Last Dance. I know we don't all like the same things but for my part no other sports documentary / film / whatever comes even remotely close. It's a stunning piece of documentary making and while the first couple of episodes were great, the balance was so riveting that I ended up watching the last 7 back to back, with only food and comfort breaks, both being very brief. Folk can disagree all they like, but for me, it's absolutely monumental.

    Big issue now is how to follow that up, so I'm going to watch The Vietnam War which is apparently superb. We'll see...

    Based on that, and a good few other reviews, I have just finished The Last Dance.

    As someone with zero interest in basketball, I have to say it's pretty much perfect. I've not seen a better documentary. I think having no narration is brilliant. I need to get Scottie Pippens voice on my Satnav.

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