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Posts posted by ketteringram

  1. 5 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    I've had it a while but it was one of those impulse £10 or so Amazon purchases. Definitely not a birthday present.

    I've replaced the batteries a couple of times since I've had it, so that may have been on my birthday. But.....I almost never work on my birthday and my clock has always lived on my desk, having been delivered to me at work, so this would be very unlikely.

    Oh well. Just a thought that maybe it was re setting itself to the date it started working.

    That's it then. It's definitely someone trying to communicate with you !

  2. 6 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    I've got to drive to Birmingham NEC tomorrow and Thursday for an exhibition (160 mile round trip). I'll be fine for tomorrow but will need some fuel before Thursday, so I'm hoping some degree of sanity has resumed by Wednesday night.

    Apparently motoway services are OK, so I should be able to get some, even if it will cost me a kidney at their prices!

    For me it's the media and the public that share the blame. Those sodding "Breaking news" banners and clickbait headlines. No excuse for the selfish bar stewards who have been filling up their cars when they wouldn't normally have done so.

    Re the motorway services part.

    I drove from Somerset to Kettering on Sunday. I pass 7 services on the M5, M42, and M6.  Bear in mind their petrol stations are usually quiet due to the silly prices. Two of them had no fuel. Two of them only had diesel. There were also signs on the M6 warning that Watford gap on the M1 had no fuel. 

  3. 41 minutes ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

    I’m sorry but this type of comment always rankles with me.

    It’s based on the assumption that a) every footballer is super rich and b) that they have similar or comparable outgoings as you or I….

    Based on the UK average the average wage is £30,000 (nett £1850 a month). The average mortgage repayment is £750 a month. Meaning the average persons mortgage is approx 40% of his wage….

    What have you done with the extra money you’ve been paid since the start of your working life? Pay rises, bonuses etc?

    I assume like me you didn’t manage to save much of it and made a choice to enjoy lifestyle improvements….new clothes, a nicer car, a bigger house, weddings, start a family? So it’s fair to say most ‘cut their cloth’ accordingly? 

    That leaves a footballer earning £10,000 a week with a mortgage of somewhere between £15-£20,000 a month……

    Oh I forgot…..you and I will have most likely taken out their mortgage in our mid twenties and expected to pay it off sometime between 50 and 60 ready for a nice retirement, maybe over a period of 25 years? That gives your average footballer a 10 year window of earning opportunity before he’s cast adrift at 34/35 and someone makes a decision to retire him!!! I don’t know the math involved in that but assuming the repayments on a mortgage of that size paid over 10 years is considerably more than when paid over 25 years?

    In short, not many footballers are paying off a mortgage of £750 a month whilst driving a 5 year old VW Passat. Their outgoings will be very much in line with their earnings and their retirement age!

    Im not saying there should be an outpouring of sympathy compared with staff that will inevitably lose their jobs but let’s be realistic at least.

    I understand your point, but I seriously doubt there's a Derby player with a £20,000 per month mortgage.

  4. 31 minutes ago, dabber said:

    Cloud cuckoo land I know, but If Ryan Reynolds could get involved at Wrexham then surely Niall Horan, Jack O'Connell (Hollywood connections) et al could get involved at Derby?

    What am I missing? We had a rich owner. He lost a lot of money. If he carries on, he loses more , every single week.

    Why would the new rich people want anything to do with that?

  5. 11 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Right, does anyone who knows about these sorts of things have any idea when the administrators list of assets and creditors might become public? Because that's probably going to be the first time since Morris bought the club that we have any actual clarity on how the club stands.

    Given there 10 business days from notice of intent to the process starting and then 28 days for a supporters trust that's 6 weeks of uncertainty.

    Sorry, I've no idea, but do they even have to make it public?

  6. 9 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    It will be interesting to see what the future holds for Rooney, but I genuinely wish him nothing but the best. He's stood up to the challenge well and has been a true leader for this club in the darkest days in its history. 

    I can't imagine that he lasts the week, as soon as administrators come in then he's got no chance of sticking around. Unless he works for free. I hope that he gets another job somewhere soon and hopefully makes a real go of it. 

    Can the administration crew sack him? Not sure they can afford that.

  7. Just now, G STAR RAM said:

    Can I see your evidence that we were behind on HMRC payments before Covid?

    The EFL could have always paid the £8.3m direct to HMRC but I am guessing that would hace been way too difficult for them to work out for themselves.

    If you read what I say, you will see that I say the buck stops with MM and he should do the honorable thing and clear all debts acrrued during his tenure, not quite sure how that makes me brainwashed?

    I'm glad that you agree that calling someone a ........... lover makes them look silly ?

    It isn't the EFL's job to pay debts the club have run up.

  8. 37 minutes ago, Bladderwrack said:

    Administration can be a new beginning, there are examples of clubs that have been through it and fully recovered. What Administration is not though is a golden ticket, it is the start of what can be very dark days at a club. What is more essential than anything is that at the end of it the club is owned by someone or some consortium that has the interest of the club at heart and have the intelligence and capability to formulate a realistic plan for the climb back.

    As has been mentioned all football related debts have to be paid first, failure to do this will result in the EFL removing the golden share, without that you cannot compete in any of is competitions.

    The next problem is the HMRC, they are below football debts in priority and they hate it. They will issue winding up orders and they do this frequently in pursuit of the money they are owed. Normally clubs come to an arrangement but that arrangement does not include any reduction of the debt. They have to be paid and paid in full and they are relentless. Then come everyone else, all the small businesses and contractors and ancillary staff and they get screwed, they get the small crumbs that are left.

    At other clubs there have been examples of players and managers tearing up their contracts to help the club, not many do that but it has happened. Wayne Rooney maybe someone who could leave the club in a good light by doing this.

    Administration is the first step into a dark period, with it come massive restrictions on what you can spend and that applies for a period after you have come out of it. Administration may be the first step into darkness but good management thereafter can find the light again.




    When you're talking about debts being paid, and in what order, I presume this is after the club has been sold?

  9. 23 minutes ago, Duracell said:

    I was mentally preparing for this moment. Saw it coming from when after fact we had to sell the ground for tens of millions to break even for one season, covid hit on top.

    It turns out I hadn’t prepared me at all. It’s still hit me like a bus. I feel worse than last night.

    Pretty sure though, that there are still people who think it was a clever move to do that.

  10. 1 minute ago, hintonsboots said:

    We want to no if the punishment fits the crime, but as has been said before, if there is a textbook, quantifiable breach of the rules, why have negotiations over a penalty, which should be fixed and in relation to that breach of the rules, be necessary??

    If it allows a takeover and a stellar window in January, we may have to accept it.

    Are you confident that a takeover , even if it could happen in time, would lead to a "stellar window"?

  11. 3 hours ago, ramsbottom said:

    Mate at work went to a west end show the other week, was told to bring proof of a jab with him, but it was never checked. Hardly anybody gives a toss about the whole thing now…

    I flew from Stansted last week. You're supposed to get your proof of jab thing checked at departure gate. They scanned the boarding pass as normal, then asked if I had the proof of vaccination. I said yes, and before I could swipe from the boarding pass image, to the proof one, I was waved on through.

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