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Posts posted by ketteringram

  1. On 31/05/2020 at 09:37, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

    Cheers mate! Was late and clearly brain didn't fathom @Mostyn6 was talking about that and not The Last Dance ? I've actually started watching Sherlock Holmes instead - the one with Benedict Cumberbatch. It's quite good fun!

    Enjoyed Sherlock at the time it was on. The second series was it's best I think. Especially the first one of that series.?

  2. I know it's more about TV shows....but, Watchable Telly..

    Does anyone on here use a recent ish LG TV? 


    Our set,  LG , but is at least 12 years old . With the newer ones, I've read so much about the web OS and the magic remote etc. Some seem to love it, and others say it's rubbish. I realise you get opinions like that about pretty much anything!

    Just wondered if anyone was using it, and their opinion. 

  3. On 25/03/2020 at 16:53, ramsbottom said:

    Finally got round to The Morning Show on App TV, really good show, with some top notch acting.  Jennifer Aniston has never been better.

    After that, The English Game will get a coat of looking at, as well as a couple of episodes of Picard I've got to catch up on, then about 5 episodes of The Mandalorian, and then.......

    Apologies if it's a dumb question. 

    The Mandalorian....do I need to have seen something else before watching this, or can I just dive straight in?

  4. 24 minutes ago, dog said:

    Deadwater Fell.


    watch the first thirty minutes until the teacher's speech to see if it's for you

    Does that mean that by the time I get to the teacher's speech, I'll know whether or not to carry on?

  5. Yesterday, I had an email from EA about a log in to my account from an unknown device. If it wasn't me, should change my password etc. There was no link within the email, so presume it wasn't a scam.

    Thing is, I haven't used it for at least 5 years, and the PS3 I used is buried in a box somewhere in the attic I think. 

    If someone has logged in on that account, surely the payment cards would be out of date now, so they'd be unlikely to be able to buy anything?

    Presume all I can do is ignore the email?

  6. On 17/11/2019 at 19:56, reverendo de duivel said:


    Short at just 4 episodes, well written and well acted, leads you just enough up the garden path before the twists.


    I watched this, one episode per night this week. I thought it was good overall. The first two were very good, the third one confused me, but then again I'm thick, and was probably in the wrong state of mind that night. The Fourth was good, but I didn't like the ending .

  7. 50 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:


    Brian Clough/10.

    Don't like Marvel stuff, and thought Dark Knight was overrated.

    But this... One of the best acting performance in a film I've ever seen.

    As a portayal of a madman it's superb and thought the story was strong enough to hold it's own so as not to become completely self-indulgent on Phoenix's part.

    The use of music and overall score/sound effects were excellent too and really added to the atmosphere.

    Believe the hype.

    Did you find it dark or depressing, and what are your thoughts on the violence?

  8. 17 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

    ********* at the petrol station who park in the space for air, then go inside to presumably get change, then take 5 minutes to put on special gloves to handle the precious dust caps on their shitty 'personalised plate' matte-grey BMW 5 series, then take about 10 minutes to inflate two tyres. Then have to go back inside to get more change as they've messed something up, then a further 2 minutes to do the rest of their pressures. Then leave their shitheap in the same space before buggering off into the co-op.

    A twenty minute ordeal to do something that takes 3 minutes you complete and utter prat.

    Bet he also fills up at service stations and then spends 30 minutes inside getting a Greggs and a Costa without moving off the pumps.


    Also, even though I never use them, I still find this next one annoying!

    People who park half way into the car wash lane, and then go into the shop to get their token or code thingy. There's usually someone just coming out of the shop, with their token, who has parked in the correct spot, and is now unable to use the car wash !

  9. @David a question! When you talk about downing Laxative, I assume you're suppose to drink it? May sound stupid, but when I was supposed to have a similar process done, I was supposed to use laxative or whatever it was, but it was meant to go in from the... Errr... Other end.

    That was supposed to be done at home. I couldn't figure out how I was supposed to do it, whether or not I'd be doing it properly. Also couldn't figure out how I was then meant to leave the house, drive to the hospital, and get to reception, wait in chairs etc etc. 

    So in the end, I did none of it. I didn't just not show up, I did cancel the appointment. 

  10. @David hope you get some respite and something resolved very soon. Gone on for far too long. 

    Anxiety, I sadly know too much about. The doctors, and hospital stuff I've been lucky to have little to do with myself so far. But over the past few months, I've spent a lot of time at the hospital, with an elderly relative. Several admissions. Many hours, days in AE and then EDU waiting for a bed etc etc. Can't really leave him there as he can't communicate at all, and can hardly see or hear (he's had several strokes).  The A and E in particular is chaotic to say the least. It's an awful place for a confused old fella to be. 

  11. Threads called watchable telly. Play off final. Probably watched from behind the sofa. 

    Have a question. Now TV. Don't have a smart TV. I guess I could buy the stick or the box, but it will literally only get used for one game. 

    Can I buy a one day sports pass, using the app on my phone?? 

    I have the app, but it stupidly will not let me set up an account, until I buy some package. One of the packages is a one day sports pass. Do I have to wait until less than 24 hours before kick off before I open the account?? 

  12. 2 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

    I know I'm like a Keogh lover on this one in that I think I am the only one who sees it. Anyway, in addition to my previous rants and aware that there is something a bit wrong with getting so obsessed on this I just wanted to highlight just how poor Line of Duty writing is this season.

    - So you are a senior policeman, living in a shoddy hotel. Someone gives you £50k in cash in a brown envelope marked 'Personal' (in itself - more corny than a tin of corned beef). What would you do with that money? Well, if you are the senior policeman apparently you just leave it out on your bedside table for days and hope that the minimum wage maid doesn't take a peek. Really?

    - You are a senior policeman investigating an undercover criminal gang who have killed at least two police officers. You know that there is a senior corrupt police official working with them but you have no clue how. Without any knowledge at all what do you do? Turn up at their hideout and pretend to be that officer. Really?

    - You are a crack surveillance unit monitoring a criminal gang in their hideout, one that can set up in the office opposite at the drop of a hat. Just recently you let your prime suspect escape in a car park because you didn't know there was an additional exit. What do you do? Well, without spoiling it too much, the bad guys escaped via the back door. Really?

    - You are looking for a suspect in an assault of the wife of a police officer, the officer is from Northern Ireland with history in policing there. She says the accoster had a strong Northern Irish accent. So you pin all your hopes on the fact that someone lived in Belfast till they were ten and make him your only suspect based on that. Really?

    As Jimmy Cricket would have said (also in an Irish accent that would have made him AC-12s prime suspect), there's more, but let's leave it at that.

    In general, so poor....

    Will you watch the final one next weekend? 

  13. 2 hours ago, David said:

    Found a t shirt purchase, not a donation, should have the database backup shortly to check though. We don’t take donations, but thanks anyway, it’s the thought the counts ? 

    August 2014, not directly through PayPal though. Card payment with a PayPal reference and a mention of Dave! If it wasn't you....... then it must have been someone else. ?Unless that was the tee shirt ?

  14. 4 hours ago, BurtonRam7 said:

    Never start watching something that isn’t the first episode.

    Well it was the first episode of the new series I think ?

    I've not checked to see how many series I've missed. It wasn't the fact that I didn't understand what was going on, it was just the same old formula. 

    To be fair, I didn't give it a proper go, switching off after 20 or so minutes, but I'm pretty certain it's not something I'd enjoy watching. 

  15. 1 hour ago, TigerTedd said:

    I’ve never seen Luther but have heard it’s good. Now a new series has started I’ve just downloaded all the old series to catch up. Seems like it would be an easy one to catch up on as there’s no more than 6 in a series, and one series only has 2 episodes (Idris is a busy boy these days). 

    Can anyone tell me if it is as good as I’ve heard?

    Sorry, not going to be much help, but..... 

    I'd never seen it either, but had heard it mentioned a lot, and heard that it was good. So last night, I think it was the first of a new series, and I watched it. 

    Well, I lasted about 20 minutes I think, and then gave up. Not for me. 

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