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Posts posted by ketteringram

  1. I think the general public might be more behind the mask policy, if it made more sense. 

    Either make masks mandatory, or don't. 

    I have no issues using them, BUT....

    I'm usually doing shopping in a supermarket, before 7 in the morning. Sometimes before 6. The place is the size of a cathedral, and there's hardly anyone around. As I said, I've no problem doing that with a mask on, but it does seem unnecessary. I could have been in a pub or club the previous night, and that doesn't need a mask?!?

  2. I'm not sure this isolate thing will work well when coming into the country. Simple example of , lets say Stansted. There's a hell of a lot of people arriving there each day, that go straight down to the train station, and head down to London, then various tube or other stations. Plus a lot of coach traffic from the airport. You'd have possibly infected a lot of people even before you got home to isolate.

  3. 26 minutes ago, sage said:

    Yes, there is no straightforward answer. I think he deserves a chance with a level playing field but i am sure there are better managers out there. It may depend on who is available at the time. I wouldn't sack him then start looking. It may sound harsh but i would be scouting for possible alternatives and may launch a 'pre emptive strike' if someone outstanding came up.    

    I'm not sure when we are ever going to be in a level playing field situation. 

  4. 2 hours ago, angieram said:

    Some have chosen not to do covid  boosters. Our local GP practice is one.

    Instead they have opened up reception and you can go and book appointments for medical matters with an actual person.

    Quite nice, really. It might catch on! 

    Ours isn't doing covid boosters either. They were doing flu jabs. Messaged us both to make appointments, which we did. Got the confirmation of the appointments. Then 48 hours later they cancelled, saying they didn't have any vaccine. ?

  5. Dune.

    Went in knowing absolutely nothing about it. Came out pretty much the same , but somehow enjoyed it. 

    First thing I've ever seen on an IMAX screen. Not really impressed. This film, like tons of other stuff , is way too dark half the time. When this comes out on streaming or disc, it'll be a waste of time for anyone who doesn't have a high end TV. 

    Was also way too loud. I don't mind loud normally, but it was over the top. Maybe lack of people to absorb the sound didn't help. 8 people in there and capacity must be getting on for 300. 

    I'll probably go and see part two if I live long enough. I'll take ear plugs. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    I was in a pub a couple of years ago and this covers band announced they were going to do a couple of older ones, then did Wonderwall preceded by the proclamation' this one's for the dads'.  

    I know what you mean, but they had a point. Wonderwall is  about 26 years ago? So when that came out, it would be like the covers band doing a couple of songs from 1969. ?

  7. 2 hours ago, Keepyuppy said:

    Board membership is most definitely the ‘Golden Fleece’ - but that’s when the real ‘Game of Thrones’ would start In those dark smokey corridors of inner sanctum, where they’d be sliding down those corridors with their backs firmly attached to the wall, fearful of who would inflict the swift bladed strike in pursuit of that ‘Golden Fleece’  -  that’s almost poetic ?

    Get Netflix involved.?

  8. 2 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Has anybody bothered taking up my recommendation and watching Better Than Us on Netflix.

    I still think about it all the time, absolutely brilliant Russian series.

    I did, (but you already know that). I've watched it all again since too ?

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