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Carl Sagan

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Posts posted by Carl Sagan

  1. Not liked our subs - a very defensive mindset, inviting pressure which we're so often not good at resisting. That said, we scored just after Elder came on. Probably just as well we did or it would have been the Alamo for the last 25 minutes. Can we hold out? So close now you can almost touch it.

  2. 16 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    I shouldn’t have to do that to avoid seeing four tweet notifications in the space of nine minutes from the same bloke. Particularly when it’s clear that said bloke cares about how many people see his tweets.

    I did actually find this funny. I presume you don't pay for Twitter, so you want a free service? Apologies if wrong. And then you openly admit can't even be bothered to configure it yourself to match your interests, so you expect Twitter to go out of its way to better work out what you might want to see, and deliver that to you in a way you prefer - all free of charge. And, at the same time, aren't you starting your own business or businesses, where you're probably hoping to have paying customers whose money will help keep you going and deliver them a better service? Some would call that cognitive dissonance.

    Twitter is a personal broadcasting service - most everyone cares how many people see their tweets. Though I remember when Jack Dorsey was running it, he said the most interesting person who was tweeting was Elon Musk. There are worse people's tweets to look at than those of the person most involved with building a better future for Humanity. It's good that without extra guidance from you as to what you'd prefer to see, this is what the algorithm sends you.

  3. 22 hours ago, maxjam said:

    Just watched some videos of the launch, incredible stuff - never gets old.  

    IIRC the Starship weighed approx 5000 tons, is 40 stories tall and the biggest thing ever launched into space.  Every success is another step on the path to the Moon/Mars and beyond 


    That video is great and then, bizarrely, ruined at the end by adding Sea Dragon - a 1960s concept vehicle that only exists in videogames. Why? Why would they do that? Meanwhile, look at how far Starship has come in such a short time:


  4. I just looked at the Bolton forum and in their Derby match thread "worthy4England" had posted an interesting analysis of last year's run-in. Basically, with 8 games to go last season, the teams that got over the line really picked up the pace and averaged 2.5ppg from hereon. Of last year's top 6, only Barnsley didn't average >2ppg for the final 8. The last line is interesting that more than one defeat from hereon is likely fatal. Last year it was a sprint to the line. I don't see why it would be different this time around.


    I think there's some interest in looking at how many points the last 6 accumulated in the final 8 games, last season.

    Plymouth on 80 after 38 = 21
    Sheff on 79 after 38 = 17
    Ipswich on 78 after 38 = 20
    Barnsley on 75 after 38 = 11
    Bolton on 74 after 38 = 17
    Peterborough on 63 after 38 = 17

    Plymouth are on the same tally as the team who won it last season
    P2 is 4 points lower
    P3 is 4 points lower
    P4 is 1-4 points lower (depending on game in hand)
    P5 is 3 points lower
    P6 is 2 points lower

    It suggest that whilst the teams below Plymouth might be a bit adrift, we still might have to accumulate 17-21 points out of 24. There's not a lot of perms that do this (possible I've missed a couple).

    17 = 5W, 2D, 1L
    18 = 5W, 3D or 6W, 2L
    19 = 6W, 1D, 1L
    20 = 6W, 2D
    21 = 7W, 1L
    22 = 7W, 1D
    23 = Not possible
    24 = 8W

    There probably aren't too many losses left in the games with a route to automatics. 1 would be bad, 2 might be fatal.

  5. 9 hours ago, David said:

    Genuine question, will Elon be going up to Mars on the first flight himself?

    He's always said no, for the same reasons why he hasn't gone into space at all yet. We're at such a critical juncture in Human history that if something happened to him, it would still set us back decades (or potentially forever). For the same reason, SpaceX is privately owned to prevent shareholders taking control and deflecting the company from its mission of colonizing Mars.

    Eventually, he wants to go to live on Mars.

  6. Here's a video capture of the moment of stage separation from space. For efficiency SpaceX has moved to "hot staging" meaning they light the engines on the Starship upper stage, while still attached to the booster, which caused problems previously but worked flawlessly this time. It's great to see the giant booster in the background - today it just went back to the Gulf of Mexico, but in future it will be caught by the launch tower! 

    Then, when the screen splits in half, the left-hand side is that booster heading for home, while the right-hand side is the Starship itself, heading on into space. The graphics bottom right and bottom left, show you which engines are lit at any one time.

    Edit: And, even as I typed this post, I get an alert on my phone that it's less than an hour until a SpaceX Falcon 9 is launching another batch of Starlink satellites. The Falcon 9's 25th mission of 2024. SpaceX is making the impossible look routine.

  7. The most amazing watch. Frequently I found myself applauding. As it happens, SpaceX is 22 years old today, and they have created such wonders. The Mars colonization programme is partly going to have to be funded by Starlink (genius business idea), which for the first time in history enabled us to get these views during reentry, when there'd normally be a comms blackout. Huge, huge congratulations to all involved.

    This third flight test has pushed things much further along, using the cargo bay doors and moving fuel around the vehicle while in orbit. I would expect the fourth test (within the next 2 months) to carry and deploy payload into orbit (of more Starlink satellites)!

  8. Must not lose. Possibly the only remaining game where that's the case, as Portsmouth look too far ahead. 

    Probably unchanged. Bradley was ill before and after the last game, and at fault for the goal we conceded. If there is a change, then Fozzy can come in for him, and is the better player, but as he's still coming back I think it will be as you were.

    If we win it's a giant stride towards the autos, but defeat makes Bolton favourites - while we remain favourites with a draw. 


    Nelson     Bradley     Cashin

    Ward          Adams          Hourihane          Sibley

    Mendez-Laing       Gayle       Barkhuizen

    Subs: Loach  Wilson  Forsyth  Thompson  Smith  Blacktt-Taylor  Waghorn  

  9. There's a young lad scoring for fun in the National League who we should try to snap up. Only 18 years old, and six goals in the last four games - they're calling him "the Beast". I haven't delved into the stats (but others can: https://www.soccerbase.com/players/player.sd?player_id=174067) but since he went there, I think he's scoring a goal every 45 minutes or maybe even better.

    The lad's name is Brown, Dajaune Brown. Could do a job for us next season I'm sure.


  10. 17 hours ago, roboto said:

    Great positional sense again for his goal!


    "You've heard of the Bear [the nickname for one of Gateshead's forwards], we've also got the Beast".

    Dajaune "the Beast" Brown!!!!!

  11. Oh so important to have won again. Surprised people are talking so much about the decisions. They all seem justifiable. 

    But the point there is that in what looks like a vital early season game vs Bolton, this same ref was so appalling that Derby released the Assessor's report. Which showed the ref effectively gave a 4 goal swing against us in favour of Bolton. That's extraordinary and it meant the same ref couldn't go against us tonight or serious questions would have been asked about him. 

    I certainly don't want this ref every week, but maybe he's got it out of his system? Regardless, it sounds a well-deserved win. 

    For context with the goal conceded, in the post-match Warne said Bradley had felt ill before the game and was sick afterwards. Our game management does seem a weakness in terms of seeing games out. Hopefully we can improve that quickly. 

  12. Thursday or Friday for flight 3, depending on the formal licence approval from the FAA and then the weather.

    Despite this being much the world's biggest rocket, SpaceX has upgraded what is called the "tank farm" meaning they can fuel the vehicles incredibly quickly. Also, there's a new flightpath which will be shorter. It gives them a longer launch window and means the launch will be in daylight and the descent will be at night, which makes it easier to track the Starship in infrared. For the first time, there is a planned deorbit engine burn, and the hope is the vessel will come down in the ocean west and maybe north of Australia.

    The booster will attempt a "soft landing" in the ocean in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Elon has said they're hoping for at least six test flights this year. I'm surprised it's not more, but maybe he's being cautious for once. Already the next Starship (Ship 29) has been on the launchpad doing pre-flight tests.

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