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Gritstone Ram

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Posts posted by Gritstone Ram

  1. 8 minutes ago, Norman said:

    We all need self-awareness lessons. This thread is great at that. 

    We've got cancel culture being slammed from both sides when it suits, people defending tax evasion when it suits, people defending slightly offensive language being changed In books, then defending the opposite in Tweets when it suits. 

    The hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness from most people, including myself, is astounding. And we all say it with such conviction whilst being dicks to each other. 

    Ah well.

    You wouldn’t think we all have one thing in common.

  2. 8 minutes ago, David said:

    Lineker isn't employed directly either, he's a freelance contractor.

    Would imagine there is still a difference though as Alan Sugar will have sold the show to the BBC. 

    I thought he was that’s why he’s down as their biggest earner.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I made the point earlier, there is no difference in UK employment law in saying a comment in work time or outside of work if in either circumstances it contravenes the employers values or standards, or could be seen to compromise the integrity of the employer if it is easily linked back to them. 

    Yes I know a lad who I work with put a photo on twitter showing a beach he was on while on holiday somewhere tropical. Someone commented that the company we worked for (naming it) must be paying him some good wages. He replied ‘I wish’, and our social media team picked it up informed our manager and he duly got a bollocking on his return. Over sensitive I thought.

  4. He wasn’t taking the moral high ground when he was shagging around behind his wife’s back. Also it is easy for him to say such things because on his £1m’s wages he probably doesn’t have to sit in A&E for 12 hours or apply for benefits to help put food on the table. The average working man will see these boats coming over and wonder is that what my taxes is going on. 
    How many of these are genuine? If they are why aren’t they using the proper channels? What wrong with the 3 or 4 countries they have come through that are most likely in the “EU” if it’s so great.



  5. 1 hour ago, David said:

    Without turning this into another left v right borefest, Gary Lineker is stepping back from his presenting duties on MOTD following the Nazi tweet.

    I'm not entirely sure why there is so much controversy, comes down to this for me, if it's within his contract to abide by impartiality rules and refrain from taking sides on politic issues, that is a breach of contract, sack him.

    If there is nothing in the contract preventing him, let the bloke crack on.

    Many people face certain rules when it comes to social media, I know of two women that work within child services for North East Lincolnshire Council, they are not allowed to have profiles with their full names so have opted for first and middle names only. It's in the employment terms they agreed to.


    I agree the other thing is if he had said it while presenting for the BBC that would be wrong but I’m sure he can say what he wants in his own time.

  6. 8 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    Watched the game two hours behind, and have just read through the thread. My thoughts for anyone that cares.

    We played really well first half. Deserved to go in one up.

    There manager changed it up, twice, early in the second half, and the momentum swing was noticeable in terms of attacking intent. Warne did nothing, when a couple of substitutions would of clearly helped. We were 1 nil up and just about holding on and he was warming up Dobbin for a like for like swap! We needed more in midfield. Thompson or Springett should have come on for one of our forward players. Or he could have moved Smith into midfield and asked NML or Knight to play RB. As good as NML was first half he might as well not been on the pitch second half.

    White is getting pelters, which he doesn’t really deserve. He played ok. He’s a young lad learning his trade not bloody Pirlo. He was unlucky how the ball ran for him on the first goal, and it is difficult to blame him for the penalty, although on balance I can see why it was given. As much as virtually everyone is having a go at the ref, he had a split second to decide, and for what worth I think there was some contact. We would have been screaming for a penalty in the exact same circumstances I am sure. The TV EXPERTS were broadly of the view that contact was made, and I doubt VAR would have overturned it.

    The side were poor second half, compounded by baffling substitutions by Warne which didn’t ever look like improving the situation. I fully accept though he is hindered by not having any great forward replacement options - hence when we were one up he should have been shoring the midfield up to help our defence.

    Some saying Matete was a horrible player. Perhaps, but we could have done with a Matete in this match.

    Overall, they did deserve to win on balance. Not disappointed as I expected to lose tonight. Hopefully the Wendies and Plymouth go up as we wouldn’t want to play either in the playoffs.

    We should still get into the playoffs, especially with Bird back and hopefully a fit Chester too.

    We can beat any of the other 3 teams in the top 6 in the playoffs. Time though for Warne to start showing he is the League 1 Guardiola, and to start making quicker and more effective and INFLUENTIAL substitution decisions during tight, important matches.

    I agree I doubt VAR would have overturned the penalty because now for some reason if someone touches a player in the box and the player goes down it is decided there was contact and a penalty. Surely in  football there is contact it needs to be decided if a foul was committed and this is the sad state that now contact is a foul unless you rugby tackle someone from a corner then it’s play on if it’s the defender but free kick if it’s the forward. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    Still don’t think Warne has worked out what his best team is, what each players best position is, or what formation to play.  Our recent form is troubling, and the Manager is not convincing me he can walk his talk.

    May be or did he have one eye on Tuesday night and changed things with that in mind. Also we have Bird out which has upset the balance and I don’t think he’s worked out how to fill the gap.

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