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Hector was the best

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    Hector was the best reacted to nottingram in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    Barnsley manager there saying they’ve treated their last couple of games as pre season friendlies
  3. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to deanoakaram4life in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    Define talent! On our day we could beat anyone, but the relentless Tuesday, Sat, papa johns trophy, nature of the league has shafted us. We need legs to complement the quality in the squad! Look at Plymouth and Ipswich, all in theirs 20s with legs! That’s what we need in this league. As you go through the leagues, the intensity decreases. 
  4. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Warren Blufitt in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    Unlucky guys, I genuinely couldn’t see you slipping up but sadly that’s how it goes. Hopefully Posh can do Wednesday now and if we do similar to Barnsley we won’t have to worry about the hoardes of Rams or Owls fans we’d face at Wembley because I don’t think many Wanderers fans can afford two trips to Wembley in one season. For what it’s worth it may not be a hardship for you leaving it another year to get up. You were limited in the players you could sign and late in the season it’s showed but give Warne a chance to build and you’ll certainly be pushing for the automatics next season and with a much stronger situation behind you. We’re also being pretty pragmatic about the play offs and it may also be a year early for us too so we may be challenging again next year also. Not much coming down so if it is Wendies going up it’s all to play for for both of us. Hopefully we’ll make it, on our day we can beat any of the others so we’ll just wait and see. Sorry you missed out this time but best of luck for next year, you’re far too big a club to be kicking round this level. 😉
  5. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Srg in Portsmouth (H) Sat 29th April   
    Thought the first 20 minutes was probably the best we've played this season. We looked like we had a midfield, we were passing comfortably and creating chances. Could have easily been 3 or 4 up and it wouldn't have flattered.
    Then, in a tradition as old as the club itself, we conceded the first time they went forward. Thought their right winger had a field day behind Roberts and pulling Cashin out wide. We struggled to really adapt to that out ball most of the game.
    Still, hard to be overly critical because I think we did deserve to win that game. Think some of the subs worked, some of them didn't and lost some momentum - bound to happen with sheer number of subs these days. Portsmouth time wasting was very small time... taking 3k fans across the country for a game which means literally nothing and then proceed to not play football for a large portion of it. Is it me, or is League One worse for this than the Championship ever was? It's so out of hand. 6 minutes were added but it could've been 16.
    There's some debate going on in here about Warne, his style, his potential signing etc. All of it is completely moot until it happens. He's worked with what he's had, he's shown some ability to change the way we play despite that from game to game, and this squad he's working with is anything but well rounded. He's worked with a majority ageing, and definitely snails-paced team which has struggled to relieve pressure with the complete lack of an outball. Let him do what he needs to do and see where we go, all this thumbing our noses at style of football is silly. Want to be known as a nice footballing team down here? Fine, be Oxford or MK Dons, and look where they are. Let's get out of this pit first.
  6. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to ariotofmyown in Portsmouth (H) Sat 29th April   
    It's the "dark arts" isn't it? No it's not. There is no art to it and it's not particular dark either. Just boring.
    If you are under pressure and/or trying to break up play, lie motionless on the floor holding your head. Every couple of minutes.
    Maybe when it happens, every one of our players could fall to the ground holding their heads. Subs too. Would highlight the point to see everyone lying on the floor at once. Ridicule the player for doing it.
  7. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to cstand in Portsmouth (H) Sat 29th April   
    With Peterborough only drawing today we have played our. 

  8. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to On the Ram Page in Burton Albion (H) Sat 22nd April   
    Unfortunately, they are right, we do have some embarrassing individuals in this website. Burton were generally very dignified in their defeat, played the game fairly and I do not see why anyone should have any issues with a Club that is run very well.
  9. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Jourdan in Burton Albion (H) Sat 22nd April   
    A few weeks ago, you said you’d be amazed if we make the play offs. Now we are in the driving seat with two games to play.
    Perhaps in that case, Warne and the players deserve credit for the turnaround?
    Your default position seems to be we only succeed against weaker opposition, but as we’ve seen in recent weeks, nothing is a given.
    Cambridge and Cheltenham beat Peterborough, Burton beat Barnsley and took points off Bolton, and even today Lincoln beat Wycombe.

    Look at Sheffield Wednesday’s recent run that took them from comfortably top to lagging behind in third - a run of 1 win in 8 with dropped points away v Forest Green, Oxford and Cheltenham, the kind of games we have been ridiculed for winning.
    Is it really as easy as you make out?
    We’ve won back to back games, we’ve gone five unbeaten, our fate is in our own hands - why not enjoy it?
  10. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Sparkle in Burton Albion (H) Sat 22nd April   
    Needed 3 points we got 3 points 
    I thought Sibley had a good game along with quite a few others - Burton didn’t come to play any kind of football that I like to watch but it is what it is 
    Best moment of the game was Captain Davies yelling at Roberts to take the ball of Cashin who was about to take a throw in next to the Burton corner flag in the 85th minute - 1-0 in front needing the win and one of the centre half’s is lining up to take a throw in 🙄 well done Davies !
  11. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to MaltRam in Burton Albion (H) Sat 22nd April   
    Their lad scores instead of hitting the woodwork 10 minutes in and we've got an uphill struggle. That seemed to spark us though and no idea how we only got 1 goal today. Should have had 4, minimum. I feel like we could give someone a spanking if the stars align.
    Bring on Pompey.
  12. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to angieram in Burton Albion (H) Sat 22nd April   
    It's a very different "three at the back", though, isn't it? One that allows us to get our best footballing players further forward together in positions they enjoy.
    Hourihane, Bird, Sibley, McGoldrick and Mendez-Laing all look comfortable in this formation. 
    And Roberts and Knight in those wide positions are much more suited to their defensive/offensive roles than Mendez-Laing and Barkhuizen were. 
    I was quite impressed at Exeter and thought we'd score more at home today. I think only a combination of PP nervousness and good goalkeeping prevented that.
    I'd have liked us to be just a bit more positive with our substitutions, though, as it made for a nervous last ten minutes. 
    But overall, I'm liking it! 👍 
  13. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Ellafella in Burton Albion (H) Sat 22nd April   
    RAF Spitfire pilots used to have a pint of Burton Ale prior to going into battle during the Battle of Britain. The phrase came to refer to a pilot who didn’t return from battle.
    ”What about Archie?”
    ”Gone for a Burton”. 
  14. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Mikeyboy1963 in Burton Albion (H) Sat 22nd April   
    Over the years I have seen some shocking stuff written on here. Conceited, condescending, biased, self deluding claptrap. But never, ever anything quite as bad as this thread - get a grip on yourselves. You are playing in a local derby (yes it is one) against a tiny team 12.7 miles down the road, who over the last 2 decades have massively punched ahead of their weight. Please try to find some humility and modesty as human beings. 
  15. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to VulcanRam in Burton Albion (H) Sat 22nd April   
    I like Burton. They're a well run club that has done extremely well in recent times to get into and stay at a high league level relative to their history. Plenty there we could learn about sustainability and sensible business growth.
    No delusions of grandeur or entitlement among their fans (unlike us), as a club you could argue they are punching above their weight (unlike us) and on the pitch they always give us a good game. They're a small, but decent club. Oh, and while we're at it if you're going to slag off Burton have you been into the s'hole that is Derby recently? And that's from someone who lives in Derby.
    Given our recent record against them and their respective performances against top 6 sides recently, we'd do well to win this one. 
  16. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to MaltRam in Burton Albion (H) Sat 22nd April   
    It's a 50:50 game. They battered us for long spell at their place, and they've got motivation without pressure.
    It'd be very Derby to lose this one. I'll be watching through my fingers.
  17. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Tamworthram in Burton Albion (H) Sat 22nd April   
    I do wish we’d all stop this belittling of Burton (well, until after the match anyway😀). Feels like we’re tempting fate and “little old Albion” will frustrate us and grab a draw. I think they’ve proved recently that, whilst they may be one of the minnows in the league, they are capable of springing a surprise or two.
  18. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Tamworthram in Burton Albion (H) Sat 22nd April   
    Well that’s cursed us now. 😀
  19. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Brammie Steve in Exeter City (A) Tues 18th April   
    Wildsmith’s first half save reminded me of Banksy’s vs Pële in Mexico ‘70 except for two things:- 
    Gordon saved at the right upright and
    He had to clear the whole width of the goalmouth to make the save!
    Both saved a certain goal though!
  20. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to jrh2254 in Exeter City (A) Tues 18th April   
    Great 😊 win and great support. COYR we can still get in the playoffs !
    Picture of us on the train to the match yesterday !

  21. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to TINMANTED in Exeter City (A) Tues 18th April   
    7,ban towels from the side of the pitch,if a player needs a towel to take a throw in,sow it on his shirt so he has to carry it around 
  22. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Curtains in Exeter City (A) Tues 18th April   
    Warne has shown he’s very adaptable which is a good thing. .
    Sibley has energy and Bird is just getting back to full fitness.
    Always liked the the Irish lads .
    What a difference a day makes .
    Didzy is something else. 

  23. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to MaltRam in Exeter City (A) Tues 18th April   
    Dragged ourselves over the line, but I'm afraid we aren't convincing me yet. Hopeful rather than optimistic of getting 6th.
  24. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Ramarena in Bristol Rovers (A) Sat 15th April   
    After mulling it over, it’s hard to argue with those that say this was a very poor performance. 
    We can look at the peno decision all we want, but I struggle to say we even deserved a point on that performance.
    Players looked absolutely done, NML stood and watched an attack that developed about 10-15 foot from him and couldn’t be bothered to get involved, when he could easily have moved across and tried to intercept.
    The signs out there are not looking good. Only McG and Hourihane seem to be keeping their heads whilst the rest are losing them.
    Not sure what the idea is behind having White (who’s not our player) ahead of Sibley or even the on loan Thompson? Sibley completely out of position at LB earlier in the season was less of a liability, yet Sibley seems completely out of favour.
    Thats just one example and the inexplicable decisions are mounting up, it’s not doing the manager any favours.
  25. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to RoyMac5 in Bristol Rovers (A) Sat 15th April   
    I don't know what his obsession with 3 at the back is when none of our squad can play it well. We have plenty of options to play a decent back four with Rooney and Roberts also reasonable fullbacks.
    Then we could see Barks and NML up front causing the chaos we have previously seen them do. 
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