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Ewe Ram

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  1. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Ellafella in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    Hear! Hear! @Ewe Ram If sombody is good enough that’s what counts, regardless of their gender/sex.  
  2. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from 48 hours in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    I’m female and I’ve got a sense of humour about these things. We’re not allowed to have a bit of banter? 
    I’m personally not a fan of shoe horning women into roles just because it’s expected not to discriminate. But she did well and deserved to be there. Can’t say the same for one or two linos I’ve seen, but I’ll leave that. 
    I’m really not keen on women commentators either, or interviewers. The good ones are very few and too many aren’t there on merit. (I get that this is subjective and just my opinion). 
    Don’t give anyone a job just to tick boxes, and I’m sticking to that. 
  3. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from i-Ram in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    I’m female and I’ve got a sense of humour about these things. We’re not allowed to have a bit of banter? 
    I’m personally not a fan of shoe horning women into roles just because it’s expected not to discriminate. But she did well and deserved to be there. Can’t say the same for one or two linos I’ve seen, but I’ll leave that. 
    I’m really not keen on women commentators either, or interviewers. The good ones are very few and too many aren’t there on merit. (I get that this is subjective and just my opinion). 
    Don’t give anyone a job just to tick boxes, and I’m sticking to that. 
  4. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to IronRam 140.6 in Fit refs, we always get fit refs.....   
    Lady refs are the way forward. So much toxicity with men. Not once have they acted like idiots this evening, ganging up or haranguing the official.  I approve.  Amazingly.  Groundbreaking stuff.  
  5. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to PistoldPete in Shamima Begum bid to regain UK citizenship rejected   
    She can’t be tried and jailed in this country as she was colluding with terrorists in Syria..which makes investigating her crimes rather tricky. If she is a threat, and a Judge has decided she is then she should not be allowed back in the Uk. 
  6. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Magicman in Shamima Begum bid to regain UK citizenship rejected   
    She stole her older sisters passport, she travelled to a known ISIS cult engaged in war upon the non muslims. She knew what she was doing and has no regrets other than she was caught. Keep her in Syria let them try her in their courts. Make any uK citizen joining such groups accountable for treason by banned them from returning to the UK . She is an evil  brainwashed terrorist who chose that life .... end of.
  7. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Day in Shamima Begum bid to regain UK citizenship rejected   
    I have very little sympathy for her and any other terrorist or former terrorists regardless of age, race, religion, nationality that find themselves unable to re enter this country if it’s allowed in the legal framework.
    If that means some of you want to throw me into some extreme right wing category with Donald Trump, Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson, so be it, I’m more than comfortable in my own mind to know I’m nowhere near those.
    I’m not sure how anyone can be confident that she or any other member of ISIS/terrorist organisation has or can be deradicalized, would anyone be confident enough to let her share the roof above your heads?
    Much is being made of her age, being a child, she was 6 months away from turning 16, at which point she would be considered old enough to have sex and start having children of her own, potentially “grooming” them into ISIS.
    Reading this topic, it feels like we are not only responsible for her, but all asylum seekers and this country should be a free for all, any opposition to this is deemed racist.
    If you look at the very definition of what asylum is:
    Protection or safety, especially that given by a government to people who have been forced to leave their own countries for their safety or because of war
    Whilst these people do have my sympathy, those that are genuinely looking for safety, would a homeless person in this country be so picky when being offered a house to come off the streets? Sorry, I don’t want your 1 bedroom flat in Chaddesden, I want a 3 bedroom semi in Quarndon. 
    I get the argument that they may have family over here or English being their second language makes it easier, where possible we must help those, we just have to have some control of our borders regardless of preferred destinations.
    Again, we’re talking about people looking for safety and there are many countries that can offer safety from war than the UK, countries which asylum seekers pass to arrive in this country given our geographical location. 
    Let me be clear, I’m not against this country taking in asylum seekers, offering safety, houses, benefits to enable them to rebuild their lives. I am against a complete free for all in which we are seeing thousands each month turn up on our shores off boats they have paid thousands for risking their lives even more.
    We are a relatively small island compared to many European countries, there needs to be a better system in place where Asylum seekers are processed fairly and for lack of a better word, distributed fairly given the size of the country.
    We’re already struggling for tomatoes to wipe our backsides with the current population. (I had to get tomatoes in there somehow) 
    Back to Shamima, what next for her if we continue to deny her entry? This might sound heartless, but I simply don’t care.
    Again, you can be white, black, green, red, yellow, Christian, Muslim or into Scientology, if you join an organisation which is bringing terror on innocent lives, even if it’s simply stitching the suicide belts, I have absolutely no sympathy for Shamima, Gary, Barry, Sally or whoever. 
    What I would say finally is, we must be consistent with this and we should absolutely not make this a one off or for burka wearers only. 
  8. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from SKRam in I am feeling fed up   
    It comes and goes around @B4ev6is
    I’ll bet the Charlton fans felt just the same leaving our place last week. They were terrible. Another high will be along soon 
  9. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Wolfie in Shamima Begum bid to regain UK citizenship rejected   
    I don't think it is. it's more the principle that to get to the channel, they've gone through any number of safe countries where they could and should have applied for asylum. By not doing this, then they become economic migrants (legal or otherwise) and should be treated as such.
  10. Like
    Ewe Ram reacted to Leeds Ram in Shamima Begum bid to regain UK citizenship rejected   
    The idea that she didn't know what she was doing is a bit ridiculous once you take one look at the evidence. She volunteered, was, according to eyewitnesses, an active member in the organisation (joined the hisbah i.e., the morality police of IS and helped stitch suicide belts into fighters' clothes) and, when interviewed, remained a believer in the organisation. This was not a young girl 'trapped' in an evil organisation, but rather, she was an active and willing participant. Even in subsequent interviews, she was an apologist for them and some journalists who have interviewed her have expressed their concern over her willingness to both obfuscate her true role as well as remaining apparently sympathetic to IS ideology.
    The precedent many often give is that of young Nazis; we didn't prosecute anyone under the age of 18 at Nuremberg or other criminal trials. They also, if my memory serves me well, did not have to go through the process of de-Nazification, given they were a minor. However, those children existed in a totalitarian society, not a free and open democratic society, therefore, making it completely different. Given the increasing calls to lower the vote to 16, are we really saying someone at 16 is mature enough to vote, yet someone at 15 is liable to be 'groomed' into believing IS was 'paradise on earth'? For me, it's hard to say at 15 that she wasn't cognisant of what she was doing, and the 'human trafficking' charge would only relate to the Turkish and Syrian border, which she needed help crossing. She made her own way to Turkey after all. 
    So, I don't have any sympathy for her or 'what she's been through'. She was an active and willing member of a genocidal organisation that practised public crucifixion, slavery, beheadings, and was too extreme even for Al-Qaeda, an organisation which, even after its almost total collapse, she kept apologising for. The question of whether she should be let back into the country is tough. We are in all but name, making her stateless as Bangladesh won't take her. It's also generally a bad idea to take away people's citizenship, and there is a strong case that she should face at least numerous anti-terror charges and possibly even a treason charge (I'm a political theorist, not a lawyer, though, so may be wrong).
    However, people pretending she doesn't remain a threat are naive in the extreme. She could not be trusted with her liberty for years, if ever, precisely because of the lone wolf threat that terrorist organisations pose. The same is true of all IS members who have been allowed back into the country for that matter. It's a horrible mess and one the government can't extricate itself from easily. But, whilst Begum is on the Times front cover, begging to be let back in, I cannot sympathise with her. My sympathies lie with those who were butchered, enslaved, and raped by this organisation. 
  11. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Ellafella in Football White Paper   
    The Premier League is the child of Thatcherism applied to football and no amount of White Paper will be sufficient to wipe away the schyte that pours forth. Football sold its soul to the devil and there ain’t no deliverance from that. 
  12. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Alty_Ram in For the love of god STOP   
    Need to work on that Fozzy song. He's definitely earned it by now !
  13. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to IlsonDerby in For the love of god STOP   
    Singing about players’ nobs. 
    It isn’t funny, it’s so so weird and I’m pretty sure the players don’t find it amusing either. 
  14. Clap
    Ewe Ram reacted to Boycie in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Can I put cyclists and road ridden horses on the list?
  15. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    The point of the family area is that you respect the families who sit there, in my opinion. The one at fault is the person shouting and should not be surprised to be asked to calm the language down. 
    In the stadium as a whole, I explained to my kids when they were little about the places and people who do not want to hear it, as you just know they use that language with their mates. 
  16. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    The point of the family area is that you respect the families who sit there, in my opinion. The one at fault is the person shouting and should not be surprised to be asked to calm the language down. 
    In the stadium as a whole, I explained to my kids when they were little about the places and people who do not want to hear it, as you just know they use that language with their mates. 
  17. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Ram a lamb a ding dong in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    The point of the family area is that you respect the families who sit there, in my opinion. The one at fault is the person shouting and should not be surprised to be asked to calm the language down. 
    In the stadium as a whole, I explained to my kids when they were little about the places and people who do not want to hear it, as you just know they use that language with their mates. 
  18. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Carl Sagan in The view from your seat.   
    I posted a photo then realised I moved for that one friendly, to the other side of the isle. Then I couldn’t delete the post. 
    humble apologies! 
    this is my view 

  19. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from angieram in The view from your seat.   
    My husband took that photo, and Craig has a copy of it. 
    If only we’d known, eh? 
  20. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Magicman in The view from your seat.   
    I posted a photo then realised I moved for that one friendly, to the other side of the isle. Then I couldn’t delete the post. 
    humble apologies! 
    this is my view 

  21. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Rev in The view from your seat.   
    My husband took that photo, and Craig has a copy of it. 
    If only we’d known, eh? 
  22. Like
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Rev in The view from your seat.   
    I posted a photo then realised I moved for that one friendly, to the other side of the isle. Then I couldn’t delete the post. 
    humble apologies! 
    this is my view 

  23. Sad
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Unsung NHS Heroes (potentially polical depending on how you read it)   
    I know. Yet we have colleagues abused, threatened and treated like dirt. The entitlement of people astounds me 
  24. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Tamworthram in Unsung NHS Heroes (potentially polical depending on how you read it)   
    I know. Yet we have colleagues abused, threatened and treated like dirt. The entitlement of people astounds me 
  25. Clap
    Ewe Ram got a reaction from Norman in Unsung NHS Heroes (potentially polical depending on how you read it)   
    I know. Yet we have colleagues abused, threatened and treated like dirt. The entitlement of people astounds me 
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