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Posts posted by tinman

  1. 5 minutes ago, cosmic said:

    Yeah I think you're right. That seems like she's saying it's because he's black that this bloke's heritage was even mentioned, which is supporting the argument Michelle Gayle is saying. Wasn't necessary to answer the rhetorical question, but my word she's naive to have worded it like that, as it's very easy to read it a different way.

    Is this the general state of RamsTrust board members? Is this the best we can do?

    There was absolutely no sense of introspection on the discussion yesterday. No sign of admitting that it was a clumsy tweet at best. Just went on about accusing the people who called her up on it a bunch of sad men who hate ramstrust.

  2. 37 minutes ago, TheSlate said:

    100% this. What BAWT is doing is great alongside Punjabi Rams. Rams Trust have always been a bunch of solipsistic, self-serving clowns and likely always will be. The vice chair clearly isn't racist, as she spends half her time ReTweeting Sadiq Khan. It was a stupid Tweet on her behalf. But stupid is as stupid does. Nobody has ever been able to tell me where all those £2 memberships go....

    I was told something yesterday that sums them up.

    There's a google group set up for members to discuss things. Fair enough. it's a bit clunky though and hard to keep track. So a channel was set up on Discord. It's an app/website that is a bit like a message board crossed with Whatsapp. I've never used it because I've not needed to. From what I'm told it would be ideal for that kind of thing. 

    However one of the comments against using it was " I'm not using it as I don't like the name". 

  3. 43 minutes ago, angieram said:

    There has already been a face to face meeting between EFL and Rams Trust, where other questions were fielded and answered (not necessarily in a good way!) The report of that is on the Rams Trust website and links were posted on this thread if you want to read it. The EFL insisted on approving and editing the report of that meeting. 

    They then gave Rams Trust an opportunity to ask follow up questions and these are those. 

    I don't think we necessarily think we will get straight answers to these questions either, but it is important to continue the dialogue and probe for chinks in their armour.

    The questions are varied because they reflect the range of views of Rams Trust members, who were asked to contribute. I wouldn't have asked some of them myself, but the ones I wanted to ask were included so I am happy with the process. 

    I am finding it better to do something than to sit by moaning about it all. Not a criticism of anyone who doesn't believe in that route, but we need a really active - and wide reaching - Supporters Trust in future. 

    The EFL need to know fans' views, aside from the singing their praise at matches, this is one way of doing it! 

    Need a modern, forward thinking Supporters Trust, not the navel-gazing, curmudgeonly, old fashioned one we have got now. Yet it's impossible to change from the inside because the control the board have from the Chair, Vice-Chair downwards is too strong. It really is a closed group.

  4. On 11/10/2021 at 20:24, Reggie Greenwood said:

    On the Estonia  Management bench tonight for Estonia v Wales and his son Markus is playing in midfield .

    And his other son sang the National anthem

  5. 2 hours ago, Coconut's Beard said:


    Not sure any that makes it sound like he's got the financial clout by himself to run the club, but seems to have had an interesting life, some decent business acumen (rather than just striking lucky), no major controversies and morally on the right side of things.

    I'm sure we'd break him!

    I’m always wary when groups involved in real estate start looking to buy football clubs. 

  6. 12 hours ago, VulcanRam said:

    Objectivity is key when it comes to quality journalism so I'd argue that no connection is better than being a supporter. On the flipside, a journalist with a connection with the club is likely to have a much better contacts book - George Caulkin, Amy Lawrence spring to mind - so can produce better exclusive content. So I guess both have pros and cons.


    On the flip side you have Phil “Leeds is the best team the world ever” Hay who couldn’t be objective if his life depended on it. 

  7. 2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I imagine it's no different to someone subscribing to The Athletic and then copy and pasting their articles on here for all to read for free? Pay your £2 and get them direct. #COYR

    Normally I would agree, but this is slightly more important and bigger than a general article about football. 
    Ramstrust say they want to represent the fan base but they won’t communicate with them all. 
    it says a lot that Punjabi Rams (another membership driven organisation) are much more visible and better at communicating with the fan base than RT are. 

  8. On 29/08/2021 at 10:43, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Been a lurker on this thread for a little while but have been a little reticent to post. Here's the story...

    A couple of years back, a fellow director and good friend at one of the firms I'm involved in began nagging me to get some money into Cardano. I had decent dividend due from the firm so eventually I sat down with him and got him to explain why he was so adamant that it would make a good investment. Put simply, his reasoning was: the pedigree of the brains trust behind Cardano, their core business strategy / mission statement and critically, their use of proof of stake protocols versus proof of work. Proof-of-stake blockchains are way more energy efficient than proof-of-work chains and this is absolutely key.

    Long story short, I invested £20k at Christmas 2019, which was my entire dividend payment. My pal was in at the off and as of yesterday, his investment is worth in excess of $2,000,000. He has just made another significant investment in one other cryptocurrency which he plans to top up end of year. More on that in due course...

    Anyway, the reason I mention this is not to gloat over how lucky I've been, but rather to pass on what I think is a solid tip. Cardano is nowhere near it's peak and remains highly investable, so if you have any money in the likes of Bitcoin or Ethereum (or down the back of the sofa), you could do a lot worse than moving a few grand, if not everything, into Cardano. There's no reason for anyone to take my word for it, I grant you, but at very least, but I'd urge you to do a little research for yourselves before dismissing the notion. 

    Cardano is down 30% since that post!

  9. 10 hours ago, angieram said:

    I have recently joined the Rams Trust. They are telling their members loads.

    You can join for £2.

    If you don't want to do that, I will see if we can share stuff we get sent out from them.


    If you’re banned from talking about it with other fans then that’s as deplorable as the supporters meeting that can’t be spoken about. 

  10. 48 minutes ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    It is using passive drugs dogs who can screen people going into stadiums.

    Sadly Derby wouldnt want to probably either use it or pay for it but it's a massive deterrent.

    They have them at the away end

  11. 6 minutes ago, lrm14 said:

    Yeah pretty common. I know quite a few people, not just Derby fans, who treat it as part of the matchday experience now.

    I don't think you can stop it without being extremely invasive.

    There are sniffer dogs at PPS around the away fans section presumably to catch people with it still on them rather than those who have already taken it

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