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Posts posted by tinman

  1. Whether it’s  9 points or 17 points, the extra 8 is largely irrelevant. It just takes us from a 1% chance of survival to 0%. 

    the only way the admins should/would have agreed to it is if the EFL were pushing to have points knocked off next season as well. They’d have claimed Derby were acting maliciously and so deserve the extra punishment. The admins wouldn’t want to risk that so gave in. 

  2. Looking at the squad, who is a potential to be with us in league one. If we could offer contracts to all those who are out of contract this summer:

    roos - yes

    allsop - yes

    Byrne - maybe.  2 relegations is never a good look for a buying club  

    ebosele - doubtful

    Jagielka - maybe if extended past January  

    Davies - yes

    forsyth - yes

    buchanen - no

    williams - yes

    bird - no

    knight - no

    sibley - maybe

    Shinnie - no

    lawrence - no

    morrison - no

    jozwiak - no

    bielik - maybe due to injuries  

    CKR - no

    Stretton - yes

    Baldock - yes if extended pst january

    hutchinson - yes

    Stearman - yes

    Watson - yes




  3. Loopring is getting a lot of love at the minute. As I don't really 'get' crypto I put a small amount in 2 weeks ago. I've now taken out that initial investment and still 250% up.

    Something to do with a tie in with Gamestop or something? Like I say, don't really get it. It's now into gameshow territory for me, where i could cash out now, or just let it run as I can't lose money but if it bombs then I walk away with nothing! 




  4. 2 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Why? If you want to see change you should be speaking up about it on there where you can make a difference, not moaning about it on here! 

    I have been and get hit with a wall of resistance. Much like those on here. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, angieram said:

    You don't agree with Rt but you're still reading all their stuff? 

    I just feel a bit uncomfortable with that. 

    You will probably know because I do use my real name that I have been quite active on there. 

    It bothers me that it's not possible to see who else is reading that stuff and what purposes they use it for.

    I agree not enough people contribute but I think it's more than the 12 you mentioned.

    As people are constantly told, “join and make a difference from the inside”


     your comment just smacks of the reasons why people are fed up with it. I don’t agree with a lot of how it’s run so I shouldn’t be a member nor contribute?

  6. 1 minute ago, angieram said:

    Are you a member, tinman? Do you contribute to it? 

    I don't know as I presume tinman isn't your real name.

    Yes, did, found it pointless for the many reasons already given on here. 

  7. 2 hours ago, ossieram said:

    How many are active members?

    I posted earlier about John Richardson who joined years ago. He wasn't happy with what the trust and asked for his membership to be cancelled, he was still registered as a member over 12 months later even though he hadn't paid since he originally joined.

    I also see people saying people should join if they are not happy and change things from within.

    Is it possible to change the trusts policies or are they written in stone for all official clubs trust groups?

    Judging by the active members mailing list and the people who co tribute to it, about 12

  8. 1 minute ago, Ramarena said:

    Byrne like the left back has a very tough job on their hands with how we play. 

    Part of a flat back four when defending and pretty much a wing back when we have the ball.

    He makes mistakes but he’s doing a decent job, the mistakes don’t surprise me given the amount of ground he has to cover after busting a gut to get forwards, being ignored l, our moves break down and he has to bust a gut to get back.

    He will always be targeted because of his height, that’s unfortunate but a fact of life.

    The other option is Festy, he’s got bags of potential and deserves game time. But let’s be honest here, Festy will be prone to the same/similar defensive mistakes, possibly more so as he’s young and learning.

    I feel we are lucky, we have a decent experienced RB in Byrne and a youngster with bags of potential.

    Right back is the least of our concerns right now!

    Only one goal could be directly contributed to him being upfield and that was Birminghams second goal.

    and yes I watched every goal we’ve conceded this season last night. 

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