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Posts posted by 1of4

  1. 23 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

    Anyone wearing gloves whilst driving - 6 months

    Anyone wearing a mask whilst driving alone - Life

    Anyone driving in the middle lane - 10 years

    Half n half scarves over 10 years old- Castration

    Too harsh?


    Life for the driver wearing a mask is a bit harsh, especially as the people who did the bank robbery will only get 10 years reduced to 5 with good behaviour.

  2. Always enjoyed playing fantasy football. Never joined the dcfcfans forum league but competed in various leagues against family and friends. 

    Part way through last season found it was becoming more of a chore than a pleasurable pastime. Don't know if this was due to becoming a little disillusioned with the actual game while being unable to attend live games. So giving the fantasy league a miss this year.

    Hopefully getting back to watching games at Pride Park, be they good or bad performances, gives me back that buzz and helps regain my total love of all things football.

  3. Rooney is either delusional or plain pigheaded in believing that he can successfully manage the team while the club are in this dire predicament. That or he's simply hanging on for his pay off after being sacked.

    Which ever it is, we're ducked. We either slowly slide towards inevitable relegation or face extra financial problems and relegation after a possible points deduction.

    If he has any empathy for the club and more importantly the fans, he needs to walk away now. So the club can hopefully appoint a manager with more experience. That may be able to get the team to perform at anywhere near the level required of a championship side.

  4. We threw away a lead with some chaotic defending, this as rightly got many fans apoplectic with rage, myself included, and blaming various players for the manner of our defeat. If we had hung on for the win fans would have be rooster-a-hoop. But win or lose, the feeling from the result  and the subsequent reactions of the fans, would have masked the fact we were poor for most of the match. This is against a team similar to Huddersfield, teams who along with ourselves will be battling to avoid relegation.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    When I was a kid, I utterly adored steak and kidney pudding, but I always viewed it as a two-edged sword - a wonderful treat and, equally, a harbinger of doom. My dad used to make them very rarely - usually to cheer me up or to use as a distraction when there was bad news. I recall that when my mum was seriously ill in hospital in Kluang, Malaya with typhoid and she wasn't expected to pull through, the pud made an appearance. Similarly, when my grandad died, that was the dinner. The ultimate 'giving comfort' food, as far as I was concerned.

    Now, as an old man, I still love them, and a trip to Blackpool is not complete without pudding and chips with gravy - especially Hollands.

    Today, for the first time ever, I made my own, and I was pretty pleased* with the result.



    *Actually, I was delighted.






    Nice. Add a serving of green cabbage and I'd be in heaven.

    What was your choice of beer to wash it down with?

  6. 18 minutes ago, David said:

    When you watch a film, see an actor or actress that you struggle to look beyond a character they have played in another film and kinda ruins the film you’re watching…

    Daniel Craig - James Bond

    Bruce Willis - John McClane

    Arnold Schwarzenegger - Terminator


    11 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Don’t agree with top 2. I think of Layer Cake for Craig and Pulp Fiction/12 Monkeys for Willis

    Scharzenegger - Twins, Kindergarten Cop and Jingle all the way.

    Don't think any of these three can be classed as being typecast.

  7. Today's performance from both sides is what you expect to see from a bottom half team. Which for us is probably better than many fans expected.

    Our defence as like last season, still looks like conceding a goal every time a ball is played into the box from corners and free kicks. I can't decide if this is because our defensive players are not able to mark the attacking players correctly or they are trying to defend zonally and doing it badly. This problem won't improve, even with the introduction of two good centre-backs, until our coaching staff get our defenders better organised in how to defend free-kicks.

    We still look toothless in attack, again not sure if this is down to  the available players or poor coaching and tactics

    But overall with no major influx of new players, a point from our first game is more than I was expecting

  8. 6 hours ago, Archied said:

    Yes I’m certain they will , we accepted and made a decision recently that we are going to have to change our lives ( forced ) for the worse, we will not go anywhere that forces masks , vaccine passports, track and trace details and all the other guff that goes with this ,sad state of affairs at our stage of life having worked our backsides off for years ,,,,, BUT we have children and hopefully will have grandchildren and will stand up for them to have freedoms and a life WORTH living ,, after all the generation before me did that for us at far far greater cost ??‍♂️

    While I don't like that some portion of the population are refusing to get vaccinated, I accept that they have a right to do so. But don't equate these anti-vaccers with previous generations who gave their lives to preserve the nations freedom.

  9. 1 hour ago, Indy said:

    Born in Somerset, then lived in Calcutta and Doncaster before settling in Derby. Was a casual rams fan through the eighties. Went to Sheffield Uni and started seeing a girl who was a full on DCFC fan. We got season tickets under Jim Smith. Still got the season ticket now! (And still in Sheffield.).  

    I take it you've still no longer got the girl.

  10. 19 hours ago, Rev said:

    Gutless government. 

    If you want everyone to be vaccinated, and to carry proof of that on their person, crack on and bring a bill saying so before parliament, where it can be debated and feedback from the electorate taken into account, before a binding vote takes place.

    Don't try and bring about the same result by the backdoor, by isolating individual bits of the economy and making it impossible for them to operate without such measures, while denying parliament a vote.


    Fully agree if there's a requirement to have a vaccination passport it should apply to the entire population. Will this government put a bill before Parliament to make it a law to carry a vaccine passport. Of course they won't, this is a government that's lead by a buffoon and they don't want to antagonize their voters.

  11. 1 hour ago, maxjam said:

    In a way, yes it can - the number of fact checking sites that are needed to verify the validity of statements is testament to this.

    How many millions of people believed that Trump said to drink bleach for example?  Even Joe Biden said that Donald Trump said  “maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay.”  Although to be fair, he'll say pretty much anything his handlers tell him to these days assuming he can remember it long enough to regurgitate it ? 

    And the reputable source for this 'fact' is?

  12. 1 hour ago, maxjam said:

    Reporters actually doing research?  You're off your trolley ?

    The really sad thing is a lot or of people take what 'reputable sources' say as fact.  When the daily covid infection numbers were trending earlier numerous people were replying with comments such as 'but the Govt are under reporting blah, blah, blah'.  What is the famous quote?  'A lie can travel around the world and back again while the truth is lacing up its boots'.

    At best the story he told was a massive inflation of the facts and at worst a deliberate distortion of the data to sell bad news.  I'm sick of it.  

    Does the statement that a lot of people take what 'reputable sources' say as fact, come from a reputable source and can it be taken as a fact?

  13. Never. I've always looked older than I am, even as a teenager. 

    At the tender age of sixteen I was stood at the bar of The Spotted Horse in Derby having just ordered a pint of Double Diamond when two young lads walked in. The barmaid immediately turned to them and told them to get out. As she handed me my pint, she said " how annoying it was when kids tried to drink while underage". All I could do was nod in agreement and sip my pint while keeping a straight face.

  14. Saw nothing positive in this game, that gives me much hope for the coming season.

    A lot of the failings we had last season are still evident today.

    Our present attacking options are more limited than last season. 

    We desperately need a dominant centre-back, Wisdom is not and never will be a centre-back. Offering him a new contract is just another example of how poor this team is. As will offering contracts to the other CBs we have training with us, will any of them be are capable of completing a full season.

    Our youngsters are not showing the full potential that many fans were hoping for, this is either due to being badly managed or they are not as good as we thought.

    Personally I think some of the problems we have now, are due to the present inexperienced management. I'm not laying all the blame at Ronney's feet. The problems he inherited and now faces began as far back as Clement or even Mac 1 and have been compounded upon by every manager since.

  15. 20 minutes ago, Andrew3000 said:

    The relevance is that I am disputing the current status of the BBC as an impartial source. I am not qualified to dispute the figures in that article, but any person that might be is unlikely to get a platform.

    Is it just the BBC's reporting of the covid epidemic that you consider bias or is it all of their news and current affairs programmes?

  16. 4 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Apart from when they start going down of course. 

    Then we revert to other things like predictions by Neil Ferguson, total number of deaths or percentage of adults not vaccinated.

    Some suggestions for what they could add to the coronavirus dashboard:-

    Taxpayers money spent on the furlough scheme

    The number of people that have lost their jobs

    The number of businesses that have closed down

    The number of children who have been unable to have an induction day at their new schools 

    The number of students who have been unable to physically attend university 



    4 hours ago, Archied said:

    The amount of taxpayers money spent on fear campaign 

    the number of people who have tested positive for covid and survived just fine

    the last one there will never be on a dashboard as it gives the real picture and changes the perception of the virus , it’s threat to us and the manipulation of it??‍♂️

    Lets not stop the list there

    The scandalous amount of taxpayers money wasted on a test and trace system that has been a total disaster.

    The taxpayers money that was given to friends and relatives of government ministers for goods and services, that were either totally inadequate or never turned up.

    The amount of times there's been an announcement by Johnson at a Downing Street briefing, only for him to change his mind the next day.

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