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  1. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Zag zig in Biggest disappointment   
    Your dad built you a bedroom wall?  What a guy!  
  2. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Steve Gibson "Sporting Integrity"   
    Live from Gibsons office

  3. Haha
  4. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Rammy03 in Steve Gibson "Sporting Integrity"   
    7th again ?
  5. Sad
    Mucker1884 reacted to Mihangel in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Didn't see any....
  6. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Jimbo Ram in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Idea seems to have gone a bit hat….………………I mean flat ???
  7. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to angieram in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    There were three in West Stand Upper (us) three directly below us in W Lower, a few directly opposite us in East Stand.
  8. Sad
    Mucker1884 reacted to SaffyRam in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    I think we saw 2 other sombreros all afternoon ?
  9. Sad
    Mucker1884 reacted to Boycie in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Never saw any in the east stand massive.
  10. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Anag Ram in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Anyone else feeling very much in the minority?
  11. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Miggins in Matchday Thread v Cardiff (Home) Sat 7th May 12:30...   
    On paper, this is a nothing game, at the end of a less-than-nothing season.
    Why then, am I mega excited about the game ahead?  I really shouldn't be!
    Why then, am I actually nervous, as if the outcome of the game matters at all.  It really doesn't!
    Why does this feel like a massive game.  It really isn't!
    Why do I still feel like this after 47 years in the job?
    Why do I not grow up, and start acting like an adult.
    Derby bloody County, eh?  ?
  12. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ramslad1992 in Matchday Thread v Cardiff (Home) Sat 7th May 12:30...   
    Most people will be logging on to see the team news in a minute.
  13. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Indy in The Administration Thread   
    I'm tempted to say I wouldn't bother, if we had to ground share.  Particularly at somewhere like Stoke, Leicester, Coventry etc.
    At a push, I'd accept Burton or Chesterfield, with the latter being my preference due to the obvious County links.
    At a bigger push, I'd probably traipse to Notts County, if I had to!
    Truth is, faced with such a reality, could I actually turn my back on them?  I'm not sure I'm strong enough to do that!
    I guess we just have to wait and see.  
  14. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Matchday Thread v Cardiff (Home) Sat 7th May 12:30...   
    On paper, this is a nothing game, at the end of a less-than-nothing season.
    Why then, am I mega excited about the game ahead?  I really shouldn't be!
    Why then, am I actually nervous, as if the outcome of the game matters at all.  It really doesn't!
    Why does this feel like a massive game.  It really isn't!
    Why do I still feel like this after 47 years in the job?
    Why do I not grow up, and start acting like an adult.
    Derby bloody County, eh?  ?
  15. COYR
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from OohMartWright in Matchday Thread v Cardiff (Home) Sat 7th May 12:30...   
    On paper, this is a nothing game, at the end of a less-than-nothing season.
    Why then, am I mega excited about the game ahead?  I really shouldn't be!
    Why then, am I actually nervous, as if the outcome of the game matters at all.  It really doesn't!
    Why does this feel like a massive game.  It really isn't!
    Why do I still feel like this after 47 years in the job?
    Why do I not grow up, and start acting like an adult.
    Derby bloody County, eh?  ?
  16. COYR
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Matchday Thread v Cardiff (Home) Sat 7th May 12:30...   
    That's right... 12:30 Kick Off.
    Having started my matchday thread career with a 1-0 defeat in the reverse of this fixture a couple of months ago, it'll be great to end the season with a two game winning streak, so do me proud, you big beautiful Rams, as you did so majestically at Blackpool! ?
    Big day all round, for this one...
    A not-so-fond-farewell to the Championship... close on 30k in the stadium... Quite possibly jumping around, despite going down... and sombreros galore, as we rightfully pay homage to the Div. 1 Champions of 1971/72... now 5 decades on, but never to be forgotten.  
    Those particular heroes will of course be parading on the pitch, and we owe it to them, and the club, to arrive extra early.  This is not a time for apathy.  These Guys ARE Derby County History!  Let's be there for them, as they were for us!
    Make it loud.  Make it proud.  Make it memorable... and then repeat for our present day heroes.  Two celebrations in one?  What a club! ?
    May The Championship weep in our absence!  
    Oh yeah... something, something football too... something team selection, something tic-tacs, something, something whatever, etc, etc.
  17. Sad
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    I'm tempted to say I wouldn't bother, if we had to ground share.  Particularly at somewhere like Stoke, Leicester, Coventry etc.
    At a push, I'd accept Burton or Chesterfield, with the latter being my preference due to the obvious County links.
    At a bigger push, I'd probably traipse to Notts County, if I had to!
    Truth is, faced with such a reality, could I actually turn my back on them?  I'm not sure I'm strong enough to do that!
    I guess we just have to wait and see.  
  18. COYR
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    I am bumping this thread for two reasons...
    1/  Because it's my thread.
    2/  Because I can!
    I shall be arriving on my bike, at the racks in front of the club shop, c. 11:30*
    There will be 3 very sophisticated black sombreros on the back**... I shall only need one for myself, so I'll be looking to pass two on to passers-by, or leaving them for someone to help themselves, so come and grab one if you so desire.
    *I'm used to arriving 10mins to kick off, and taking my seat as the ref blows to start, so arriving so early seems weird, but of course, the occasion and the pre-start appearance of real, true-life living legends dictates an early arrival is the order of the day. 
    **There are no chin straps, so wearing it on my bike... at the excessive speeds that I travel at (usually about 6mph!  ?) ... would just be silly, dangerous, and quite possibly embarrassing!  ?
  19. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from SaffyRam in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    I did consider the same... but lacked the vim to bother!  ?
  20. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Nishfan in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    I am bumping this thread for two reasons...
    1/  Because it's my thread.
    2/  Because I can!
    I shall be arriving on my bike, at the racks in front of the club shop, c. 11:30*
    There will be 3 very sophisticated black sombreros on the back**... I shall only need one for myself, so I'll be looking to pass two on to passers-by, or leaving them for someone to help themselves, so come and grab one if you so desire.
    *I'm used to arriving 10mins to kick off, and taking my seat as the ref blows to start, so arriving so early seems weird, but of course, the occasion and the pre-start appearance of real, true-life living legends dictates an early arrival is the order of the day. 
    **There are no chin straps, so wearing it on my bike... at the excessive speeds that I travel at (usually about 6mph!  ?) ... would just be silly, dangerous, and quite possibly embarrassing!  ?
  21. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to SaffyRam in Sombrero Day - v Cardiff at Home - 7th May   
    Ours are also the black ones with no chin straps. But I have made chin straps using shoe laces ?
  22. COYR
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Matchday Thread v Cardiff (Home) Sat 7th May 12:30...   
    On paper, this is a nothing game, at the end of a less-than-nothing season.
    Why then, am I mega excited about the game ahead?  I really shouldn't be!
    Why then, am I actually nervous, as if the outcome of the game matters at all.  It really doesn't!
    Why does this feel like a massive game.  It really isn't!
    Why do I still feel like this after 47 years in the job?
    Why do I not grow up, and start acting like an adult.
    Derby bloody County, eh?  ?
  23. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to Ellafella in 71-72 Standing ovation tomorrow   
  24. Cheers
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Dinnitdough in Matchday Thread v Cardiff (Home) Sat 7th May 12:30...   
    On paper, this is a nothing game, at the end of a less-than-nothing season.
    Why then, am I mega excited about the game ahead?  I really shouldn't be!
    Why then, am I actually nervous, as if the outcome of the game matters at all.  It really doesn't!
    Why does this feel like a massive game.  It really isn't!
    Why do I still feel like this after 47 years in the job?
    Why do I not grow up, and start acting like an adult.
    Derby bloody County, eh?  ?
  25. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Matchday Thread v Cardiff (Home) Sat 7th May 12:30...   
    Disagree. I think it’s because of everything that’s happened this season. Pride, with a tinge of sadness because realistically this is the last time we’ll see a lot of these players wear the shirt.
    Oh, and excitement about paying tribute to the biggest legends in the club’s history (Clough, Taylor and Mackay aside).
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