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  1. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Anon in Your visit to the Wham Stadium 15th October 2022   
    I think it's great that you take the time to come and post on forums.
    My question is, you've obviously interacted with a great number of clubs, in your experience which team has the most entitled and irritating fans?
    And my follow up question is what is it about Nottingham that makes Forest fans behave this way?
  2. Like
    Mucker1884 reacted to Foreveram in Ball Retention Team aka Ballboys   
    Adam’s apple?
  3. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Crewton in Warne isn't the Messiah and Stearman is a very Naughty Boy   
    Stop passing out from the back they said, get the ball forward more quickly they said.... ? 
  4. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to Loughborough Ram in Warne isn't the Messiah and Stearman is a very Naughty Boy   
    Can't belive that there is a single questioning voice about Paul Warnes appointment now that he is here. I'm stunned by how impatient football supporters are these days, and I despair where this attitude is driving the game.
    This is clearly intended to be a long term appointment so the suitability of the current playing squad, who are all on short term deals, is largely irrelevant. 
    He has only had 3 games so it's impossible to say whether we are better, worse or pretty much the same but I reckon that trying to draw conclusions, and questioning his suitability based on these conclusions can only have a negative impact.
    Come on, let's be supporters and SUPPORT. Look what we almost achieved last season by blindly supporting our team regardless of results or circumstances.
  5. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to TigerTedd in Ball Retention Team aka Ballboys   
    I gave that a like because I assume your serious. If you were just being sarcastic, then I take my like back. 
  6. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Foreveram in Things that annoy me that should annoy me   
    Took our cat to the vet the other day, I said to the vet can you take a look at our cat, she said certainly is it a Tom, I said no it’s in the basket.
    I’ll get me ? 
  7. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Foreveram in Worst since Atwell   
    The thing I find amusing is when a player scores and he runs off in celebration and one of his teammates jumps on his back and he manages to stay on his feet and not fall to the ground and writhe in agony.
  8. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to Tamworthram in Worst since Atwell   
    All a matter of opinion. I didn't see it clearly in real time (from half way along the East Stand) but have watched it again on replay. I personally can see why the ref gave a red card and, IMO, even with the benefit of VAR I reckon the decision would have stood. I still maintain that if the roles had been reversed most of us would have been furious if a red card hadn't been given.
  9. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Animal is a Ram in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Oh, doner be so bloody negative!  Sheesh!  ?
  10. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from TigerTedd in Worst since Atwell   
    Opposite end for me, so first time I've seen this.
    Looks like a deliberate dig disguised as an innocent ground-slap to me. 
    Akin to stepping between an oppo's legs in the hope you just catch him in the balls, but all cunningly disguised as an attempt to regain balance whilst simultaneously stepping clear of said oppo.
    He knew what he was doing, imo, but didn't get away with it.
    I'm certain we'd be screaming for a red if an oppo player did that to one of ours, and I'll be amazed if anyone on here can convince me otherwise.  Only one person knows the whole truth, of course.
    He's been silly, imo.
  11. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to Tamworthram in James Collins   
    From the Twitter clip earlier on this thread it looks to me like he did make contact but with the inside of his arm and certainly not his fist. Therefore I reckon it must have been photoshopped. 
    I doubt he intended to make contact with the player but in real time, and from where the officials would have been positioned, I can see how it would have looked like violent conduct.
    I agree about the dodgy referee and theatrics from the PV player but reckon the ref got this one right. I think he would have been sent off even if the PV player had just lay there rubbing his head so I don’t think we can blame anyone other than Collins. It was a stupid thing to do and very likely cost us at least a point but he isn’t the first, and won’t be the last, senior player to do something foolish that cost us not only in the game but also for the next three.
  12. Clap
    Mucker1884 reacted to RoyMac5 in James Collins   
    Just stupidity from Collins. Don't think he touched the bloke nor meant to, but with the ref we had?! Not bright.
  13. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Stanleyhouse in Your visit to the Wham Stadium 15th October 2022   
    We recently updated that advert. Much better I think.
  14. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to sage in Your visit to the Wham Stadium 15th October 2022   
    You do realise that if we win, you have to start the next matchday thread
  15. Cheers
    Mucker1884 reacted to PistoldPete in Officially getting old... and...   
    Well I would have to factor in depreciation which I think is the main cost. Cost of two bikes at the top end is more than I paid for my second hand car. And could you really do 10 miles a year like I do with my car?

    How long will these things last? The risk of them being nicked is quite  high I think so if you don't have insurance you would probably need to replace at some stage due to theft. 
  16. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Megastore returns   
    He'd have them for breakfast!  ?
  17. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from walkleyowl in Worst since Atwell   
    Opposite end for me, so first time I've seen this.
    Looks like a deliberate dig disguised as an innocent ground-slap to me. 
    Akin to stepping between an oppo's legs in the hope you just catch him in the balls, but all cunningly disguised as an attempt to regain balance whilst simultaneously stepping clear of said oppo.
    He knew what he was doing, imo, but didn't get away with it.
    I'm certain we'd be screaming for a red if an oppo player did that to one of ours, and I'll be amazed if anyone on here can convince me otherwise.  Only one person knows the whole truth, of course.
    He's been silly, imo.
  18. Cheers
    Mucker1884 reacted to PistoldPete in Officially getting old... and...   
    In the Finance Thread we looked at the cost of running a car. Not sure what an ebike costs to run.. main cost I guess is the outlay, especially if you are getting one for both of you. How much do they cost if you don't mind me asking?  
  19. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from sage in Officially getting old... and...   
    Have turned gender neutral, too!  ?
    Just confirmed an order for a couple of these... 

    Yeah... Yeah... I know!
    But who needs a crossbar in this day and age!  The days of getting my leg over are soon to become a distant memory!  
    Hired something similar for a couple of days when in France last month, as Muckerette had a bit of jip with her back, but didn't want to miss out on the cycling (the main point of the holiday) and I have to say, we were both immediately and exceedingly impressed at just how good these fancy battery bikes are. 
    It also made a nice change to not be constantly overtaken by 70 year olds! ?
    Still need to pedal, otherwise the motor don't help at all, so it's not a complete cop-out, fitness-wise.
    Decided to go full-on continental, and follow the lead of our highly regarded Dutch neighbours, so opted for the Mary Poppins stylee!  After all, one man's "Ladies Bicycle" is another man's "modern unisex bike"!
    Well, that's my defence, so laugh all you like... but I'll be laughing longest!  ?
  20. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from uttoxram75 in Worst since Atwell   
    OK.  It's just a phrase.
    Swing an arm, or an elbow when jumping for the ball in tandem?  Kick out at a player?  All without actually making contact?
    We all know it invites a (Cheating/exaggerated) reaction from the oppo and/or invites potential punishment from the ref... often a wrongful decision by the ref, if rules are to be followed correctly... but those wrongs rarely seem to get righted. 
    Maybe, having now seen replays, the ref also knows he made a wrong decision.  Again, it's too late now!  He'll have to lay awake at night, but that won't bring our CF back for the next 3 games.  It's DCFC that will suffer the consequences.
    It's wrong... but it happens... time and time again.  Wrongly or wrongly(!) it's part of today's game.  The players know that.  The fans know that.
    I'm not even suggested he made a silly (conscious) decision, as it was likely "Just a natural reaction, due to frustration", but it backfired.  He'll have regrets.  His actions will cost the team.
    Again... He was silly.
    For the record, I've been known to be silly.  Just stating my opinion, not claiming to be whiter than white.  ?
  21. Cheers
    Mucker1884 reacted to Rambam in Worst since Atwell   
    An inch from his head? His arm was nowhere near his head. The defender got him sent off. Plus the useless ref of course. 
  22. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Worst since Atwell   
    I agree with your first comment.  He was indeed clearly frustrated. 
    Slapping the ground an inch from the oppo's face (even without making contact with said face) is just inviting trouble... potential feigning from said oppo.  Potential retribution from oppo's teammate(s)... potential (wrong) assumptions by an unsighted ref/lino.
    I'm sure you don't need me to remind you of that age-long adage about frustration getting the better of someone.  This is one such perfect example.
    I'm not saying the ref was right to show the red card, but it was always gonna be the most likely outcome.  Any freeze frame would almost certainly see any bookies not taking any bets on a red!
    Like I say... He was silly.
  23. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to Day in Best way to get a taxi from London Stansted to Ipswich   
    You’re right, maybe a double decker instead, more room for baggage
  24. Cheers
    Mucker1884 reacted to PistoldPete in Worst since Atwell   
    I could understand Collins slapping the ground in frustration, as he had just been blocked by the defender, first with his arm and then with his body ,followed by a wrestling match which ended with Collins on the ground. To cap it all he is then pushed back to the ground by another Vale player. And the only action the ref takes is to send Collins off? 
  25. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Worst since Atwell   
    Opposite end for me, so first time I've seen this.
    Looks like a deliberate dig disguised as an innocent ground-slap to me. 
    Akin to stepping between an oppo's legs in the hope you just catch him in the balls, but all cunningly disguised as an attempt to regain balance whilst simultaneously stepping clear of said oppo.
    He knew what he was doing, imo, but didn't get away with it.
    I'm certain we'd be screaming for a red if an oppo player did that to one of ours, and I'll be amazed if anyone on here can convince me otherwise.  Only one person knows the whole truth, of course.
    He's been silly, imo.
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