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Everything posted by Mucker1884

  1. TBF, even his team mate (29) was asking WTF, so maybe the pull/tug wasn't so obvious from ground level? All about angles innit. If the ref don't see it... etc...
  2. I might have known! πŸ™„ I should have put "... hinted towards a negative aspect to the result or ridiculously off-topic recliner-related puns like NML playing like a Laz-y-boy, or us needing a cushion before the Carlisle game. Or even how have we got sofa up the table playing this rubbish, or Warne can go swivel, etc!" To be fair, the latter would have been well worth having a catch up on here, and more preferable. Sod it... lets do it anyway! I'll try to think of some! 🀣🍻
  3. Just got back from a very long and emotional day... not bothering to catch up on the finer details on here, but a quick check of the page number alone kind of hinted towards a negative aspect to the result... now confirmed after an equally quick check of the beeb results page. I'm guessing it's been an equally long and emotional evening for you all. Fingers crossed for a positive Saturday to come... we simply need to "Go again". 🐏
  4. My priority today is utterly aimed in Muckerette's direction, as we wave our last goodbyes to her dad this avvy, amidst the gloriously coloured scent of Spring (His favourite season! 😊), but rest assured, given the circumstances, I will have half an eye on matchday proceedings this evening. Safe trip to all, and here's to an absolutely massive 3 points for the Mighty Rams. May the Thunderbird gifs be a-plenty. 🐏
  5. Wait! What? When did this happen? 🀣
  6. We're within touching distance. There is an ever-growing chink of light... May your "spirt" guide us home, Dan. xxx 🐏
  7. Is this Worman fella playing out of merit, or have they just picked him for his name! 😁 It's like having Mick Derby playing for us... or Sammy Sixfinger playing for florist! πŸ€“
  8. Tales of "A cryptic response from Nate" are in themselves, cryptic! πŸ‘€
  9. i was just thinking... what a bloody stupid yellow card. where's the discipline! 🀣
  10. We first spotted one in the window of a Cheddar Gorge souvenir/gift shop, probably very late '80's. They now appear to be exceedingly to come by via the interweb, with countless designs. I'll not post a pic though... I just ain't got the time! πŸ˜‰
  11. Well, it wasn't me who coined the phrase, but if my understanding is correct, it's something like... Hope that helps. πŸ€“
  12. Good God No! I may be a Rams fan, but I ain't no masochist! 🀣 No... just checked the beeb live match page thingy for an update. Brings back memories of teletext. Smashing! 😁
  13. There's only c. 2% of a full house left, so no room for a surge of any kind, however small! A bit of a dribble maybe, before we shake ... the foundations.
  14. What? No Extra Time? Damn it! Grr. Woe is me. etc. Still... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha eh? 😁
  15. Are we talking about "Mel's DCFC" here? Is that still an entity? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ And if so, I assume it has no bearing on anything relating to the current DCFC... Clowes' Derby County (The Rams) Limited was only incorporated in June 22, as we know, and I seem to recall them filing their accounts up to June 23 (Although I've no idea whether they were late or not). #confused 🐏
  16. ... And it looks like it's started raining!
  17. We've tried that. Controlling matches left, right, and centre. To almost robotic proportions. The entertainments business were booking us for upcoming stage show tours, we were that bloody fantastic to watch! Optimism was oozing from every pore. We literally couldn't contain it! ... Then Bobby Z scooped it all up, decanted it into a rinsed out magnum champers bottle, replaced the cork loosely, shook the bottle, then rammed it cork first right up our jacksies! Stuff optimism!
  18. Are we still on chewing gum, or @sage's Uncle Derek's spitting snake?
  19. For those of you who don't get yer arse out of the armchair on matchdays, make sure you stock up on bread and milk... there ain't gonna be any opportunity for sneaking off to the corner shop over the next few weeks! πŸ‘€ #stay comfy #full fan my arse #hey, each to their own... who am i to judge #be more DFS... Sale ends Monday #etc
  20. Wasn't there a re-jigged war song that the family sang along to as well? "Petsnake, it only has one eye" etc...
  21. Curtis' mate... Matt... Only his mum calls him Matthew...
  22. Who has Nelson been overlooked by? Mentioned in virtually every post on here, mainly stated he'd received the voters vote! Certainly not been overlooked by Warne, looking at the appearance stats. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
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